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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. I for one don’t mind what version of what war BFC will try to simulate in their next release. I will buy it. Why? Team Battlefront.com has a well established record that they will only tackle those conflicts that they have an intimate knowledge of. Whether they want to revisit part/whole of WWII or not with their new game engine, all I ask for is as follows, all of equal importance: </font> not to cater for exclusively top-end hardware systems with the latest whizbang technology,</font>to gradually up the ante with graphic visuals as hardware allows; never at expense of gameplay,</font>simplicity in the design of their gameplay,</font>gameplay believable enough to keep the serious grognards happy,</font>simplicity/elegance in selection/execution of play orders,</font>realistic - not necessarily brilliant - AI behaviour,</font>future releases should represent conflicts in “combined arms,”</font>a more comprehensive artillery model,</font>keeping future releases tactical in nature, not strategic,</font>keeping the action to squad-size slices up to a max. battalion-size,</font>keeping their hybrid turn-based/RTS element,</font>to keep the current play formats - if adding anything, not at the expense of a current format,</font>future releases are free of major sofware bugs (CM has still to crash my ageing Win98 OS!),</font>to keep their current after-sales service on the forum wrt patches, feed-back comment etc.,</font>written manuals to accompany game CD’s with all future releases.</font>always to under promise and over deliver.</font>The above is Battlefront.com. Shine bright me MagLite. Sincerely, Charl Theron Stellenbosch, South Africa ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for contributions to Combat Mission: </font>Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler: His entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte: PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla: CM Scheduling and Scoring program</font>Manx: He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”</font>Boots & Tracks: RoW tournament scenarios</font>Andrew Fox: Uniform Modslut supremo</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek: CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  2. South Africa just received the priviledge to host the biggest sporting event in the world, the FIFA 2010 World Cup! For those that want to stay then in South Africa for the event, you know where to find me for accomodation. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for contributions to Combat Mission: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler: His entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte: PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla: CM Scheduling and Scoring program</font>Manx: He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”</font>Boots & Tracks: RoW tournament scenarios</font>Andrew Fox: Uniform Modslut supremo</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek: CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  3. Dear board members + current/future RoW participants, To recap, some background, as mentioned previously on the BFC forum: The USA Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act 2002 became effective on 12 Dec. 2003, administered online by the USA FDA. Consequently, shippers of food/consumables must notify the FDA online about intended USA consignments. To cut a long story very short, all future/current RoW wine prizes will be air couriered off to the winners. No more waiting 3 months to get booty. In fact, 3 days from pick-up (in Cape Town) to delivery in Chicago for Rune’s wine is still the record! Given that postage was the preferred cheaper method, I have now no choice to go with the more expensive airfreight, as the FDA has clamped down on wine send via postage. 12b couriered to the USA cost me roughly in freight $360.00 per box. Why am I mentioning this, apart that this dude doesn’t know what to do with his money? For the following reasons: </font> When taking part in RoW tourneys, please finish your games as courtesy to the scenario designers/tournament director and this sponsor!</font>If real life intrudes, be so kind to inform your opponents/Kingfish the state of affairs;</font>If you are from the following states, please do not expect any wine prizes coming your way, even if you win the tourney. These states still treat their senior residents as minors: FLORIDA, GEORGIA, KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, TENNESSEE, INDIANA, NORTH CAROLINA. I can only send wines to a possible winner of these states if they own an import liquor license, or know someone that has one </font> I thank those existing/past RoW participants that finished their games in/on time. Hope you all are enjoying/still enjoying Rumblings of War. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>------------------------------------------- "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
  4. Dear board members + current/future RoW participants, To recap, some background, as mentioned previously on the BFC forum: The USA Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act 2002 became effective on 12 Dec. 2003, administered online by the USA FDA. Consequently, shippers of food/consumables must notify the FDA online about intended USA consignments. To cut a long story very short, all future/current RoW wine prizes will be air couriered off to the winners. No more waiting 3 months to get booty. In fact, 3 days from pick-up (in Cape Town) to delivery in Chicago for Rune’s wine is still the record! Given that postage was the preferred cheaper method, I have now no choice to go with the more expensive airfreight, as the FDA has clamped down on wine send via postage. 12b couriered to the USA cost me roughly in freight $360.00 per box. Why am I mentioning this, apart that this dude doesn’t know what to do with his money? For the following reasons: </font> When taking part in RoW tourneys, please finish your games as courtesy to the scenario designers/tournament director and this sponsor!</font>If real life intrudes, be so kind to inform your opponents/Kingfish the state of affairs;</font>If you are from the following states, please do not expect any wine prizes coming your way, even if you win the tourney. These states still treat their senior residents as minors: FLORIDA, GEORGIA, KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, TENNESSEE, INDIANA, NORTH CAROLINA. I can only send wines to a possible winner of these states if they own an import liquor license, or know someone that has one </font> I thank those existing/past RoW participants that finished their games in/on time. Hope you all are enjoying/still enjoying Rumblings of War. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>------------------------------------------- "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
  5. Dear board members + current/future RoW participants, To recap, some background, as mentioned previously on the BFC forum: The USA Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act 2002 became effective on 12 Dec. 2003, administered online by the USA FDA. Consequently, shippers of food/consumables must notify the FDA online about intended USA consignments. To cut a long story very short, all future/current RoW wine prizes will be air couriered off to the winners. No more waiting 3 months to get booty. In fact, 3 days from pick-up (in Cape Town) to delivery in Chicago for Rune’s wine is still the record! Given that postage was the preferred cheaper method, I have now no choice to go with the more expensive airfreight, as the FDA has clamped down on wine send via postage. 12b couriered to the USA cost me roughly in freight $360.00 per box. Why am I mentioning this, apart that this dude doesn’t know what to do with his money? For the following reasons: </font> When taking part in RoW tourneys, please finish your games as courtesy to the scenario designers/tournament director and this sponsor!</font>If real life intrudes, be so kind to inform your opponents/Kingfish the state of affairs;</font>If you are from the following states, please do not expect any wine prizes coming your way, even if you win the tourney. These states still treat their senior residents as minors: FLORIDA, GEORGIA, KENTUCKY, MARYLAND, TENNESSEE, INDIANA, NORTH CAROLINA. I can only send wines to a possible winner of these states if they own an import liquor license, or know someone that has one </font> I thank those existing/past RoW participants that finished their games in/on time. Hope you all are enjoying/still enjoying Rumblings of War. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>------------------------------------------- "Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
  6. May I add my many thanks for your useful Excel charts Chris. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for contributions to Combat Mission: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler: His entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte: PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla: CM Scheduling and Scoring program</font>Manx: He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”</font>Boots & Tracks: RoW tournament scenarios</font>Andrew Fox: Uniform Modslut supremo</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek: CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  7. As always Mikey, Outstanding work. In fact, most of my armour mods are from you. Searching cmmods, I always search first under your name for armour etc. mods before scrounging around for anything else. Regards, Charl Theron
  8. Nabla, Your www.tnt.com tracking number (after you've selected "South Africa" in country box) is as follows: 826225232 At the moment it might, for a few days possibly, spew out "Item not found." No, it's not me pulling your leg and sending you om a goose chase. It takes TNT International a couple of days before they scan the details into their website. I suggest to keep tabs on your consignment once a day. Regards, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- “I am simultaneously embarrassed and proud to state for the record that only two bottles of your fine South African wines remain in my wine rack. The rest gave their lives honorably in the service of the construction of CMAK over the past several months.” -- Charles Moylan, 28 Nov. 2003
  9. Fishy, Send me an e-mail when you're finished with the RoWI battle pack. I need it for my records and wine shelf Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for contributions to Combat Mission: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler: His entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte: PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla: CM Scheduling and Scoring program</font>Manx: He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”</font>Boots & Tracks: RoW tournament scenarios</font>Andrew Fox: Uniform Modslut supremo</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek: CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  10. KingFish, Let me know when Nabla has his scoring program ready in Excel format. I need a copy for my records too. Much obliged in advance. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla for his scheduling and scoring program for unbalanced tournament scenarios</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  11. KingFish, Let me know when Nabla has his scoring program ready in Excel format. I need a copy for my records too. Much obliged in advance. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla for his scheduling and scoring program for unbalanced tournament scenarios</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  12. KingFish, Let me know when Nabla has his scoring program ready in Excel format. I need a copy for my records too. Much obliged in advance. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla for his scheduling and scoring program for unbalanced tournament scenarios</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  13. Good, it's settled then: Expect your wines to arrive soon. I'll forward the www.tnt.com 9-digit tracking number - to be filled in under the country "South Africa" - as soon as I received it. BTW, it will be all Finnish duties taxes/duties pre-paid, i.e. you'll have to pay nada upon reception of the consignment. If you "hook" up with KingFish, I'm afraid that the watery sport will side track you both soon! Tight lines! Sincerely, Charl Theron
  14. Got that earmarked too, thanks anyway John. Discovered it 2 weeks ago via google. The South African military museum has a bit more detailed info online. In fact, if anybody needs more SA sources, Rune and JonS (probably) is THE walking references hereabouts. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla for his scheduling and scoring program for unbalanced tournament scenarios</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  15. In fact, I'm so impressed with it - as we used in previous RoW tourneys - that I need your delivery address. White wine, red wine or both Nabla? Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Nabla for his scheduling and scoring program for unbalanced tournament scenarios</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (KiwiJoe + Fangorn)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  16. What? You still have stock left? :eek: Thought your fighting prose here on the forum is/was the result of being constantly in a liquid sunshine state? Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (Fangorn + KiwiJoe)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  17. What? You still have stock left? :eek: Thought your fighting prose here on the forum is/was the result of being constantly in a liquid sunshine state? Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (Fangorn + KiwiJoe)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  18. What? You still have stock left? :eek: Thought your fighting prose here on the forum is/was the result of being constantly in a liquid sunshine state? Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Wine donations send to the following for their contributions to CM: </font> Staff @ Battlefront.com</font>John Kettler for his entertaining tourney AAR’s</font>Fuerte for his PBEM HELPER</font>Manx (He used to run the “sexiest CMBO modsite on the net”)</font>Boots & Tracks (RoW tournament scenarios)</font>Andrew Fox (modding art)</font>Keith Miller @ Scenario Depot</font>Gordon Molek for his CMMOS utility</font>Co-creator & Sponsor of the following Combat Mission tournaments: </font> The infamous CMBO “Invitational” (Ari Maenpaa)</font>WineCape Tourney I and II (Fangorn + KiwiJoe)</font>Rumblings of War aka RoW (Winners: Wreck = RoW I; Kanonier Reichmann + Ali + Jon_L = RoW II; Deadly 88 + Frunze + mPisi = RoW III)</font>Download and play the RoW III Tournament Scenario Pack</font>
  19. EDIT: GACK!!! Selected "quotes" instead of "Editing" my existing post. Apologies. [ March 21, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  20. EDIT: GACK!!! Selected "quotes" instead of "Editing" my existing post. Apologies. [ March 21, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  21. EDIT: GACK!!! Selected "quotes" instead of "Editing" my existing post. Apologies. [ March 21, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  22. --- [ March 21, 2004, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  23. --- [ March 21, 2004, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  24. --- [ March 21, 2004, 04:39 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  25. -- [ March 21, 2004, 04:38 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
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