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Everything posted by WineCape

  1. ...and whadda 'bout African CM sales, ONE-I?
  2. Added a few more BFC quotes as well details regarding the possible TO of the next 5 CMx2 releases. Enjoy.
  3. No comment Are you related to Citizen Kane? [ September 12, 2005, 04:13 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  4. An EDITING bump as some extra info had been added the last few days.
  5. At least 'til the next person who doesn't read existing posts decides to bring it (or any other well covered topic) up again </font>
  6. Sir, You of course are entitled to your opinion about your perception of what CMx2 will turn out to be: A possible dissapointment in your eyes. Fine. I have the perception, given what is stated so far on the forum, on the balance of probabilities, the complete opposite of your opinion. Fine. Steve has stated what BFC are technical capable of doing with their CMx2 engine. Even if BFC has landed on the moon with their previous rocket projects, who can blame them if they shoot, from the moon, to Mars and fail to reach the latter, ending somewhere between these bodies in outer space? The point is, BFC is NOT on terra firma compared to the wargame competition, and still many space miles in front on the race to Pluto, the planet of wargamers ultimate dreams & wants. Thus, for me, they deserve respect on past achievements alone, and dare I say, a chance to see what the demo is all about. Before that, I reserve any judgement. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments: </font> The serial Rumblings of War (RoW I, II, III, IV, V)</font>The infamous CMBO Invitational</font>WineCape Tourney I and II</font> [ September 08, 2005, 08:35 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  7. Kellysheroes, I have never been rude to anyone on this forum in more than 6 years. I don't intend to be now. Kindly, please refrain from posting critique here specifically on this thread. This is not the place, nor the time to do it here. [ September 06, 2005, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  8. The Port, Cabernet, Tinta Barocca, Touriga Nacional or Shiraz? :cool: What happened to the frozen whites you received last year? [ September 05, 2005, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  9. Trust me, if it was this easy to get into the Beta Test team, BFC would have created a department just for receiving gifts and sending out "thank you" letters. I was offered a seat on the Beta team with CMx1, but had to gracefully decline due to my work & referee commitments. I couldn't promise undivided attention to the Beta test team and opted rather to be harassed/threatened by upset spectators in different stadia around the country then to face MBTW = Matt's Beta Test Whip. Also my hardware, those days, was not up to par, given my specific test role. Did I mention I bought SLI'ed 6800 Ultra's & AMD FX-55 machine just to put my ref schedules in since then? Matt is a hard slave driver, and so it should be. EDIT: Beta Test Team now mentioned above. [ September 05, 2005, 09:52 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  10. Yours were quite helpful in compiling this too, Tom. No need to feel ashamed. I guess it will be out of date soon.
  11. Me, I was asked to Beta test CMx1 after providing copious amounts of fluid to baldy. Greasing the palm/head sorta thing... Alas, I gracefully declined the beta test offer. Now I have REAL power: I proofed the point that referees can be corrupt and have integrity at the same time
  12. Ahemm, Whadda you think I'm trying to do the last 5+ years? ---> FEED THE JAR <---- You think I'm a lover of MD and his reasonable wit and JasonC's typing skills to return everyday to this forum? Pffft. In fact, I can confirm that Charles is not a jar with just jelly. He has a voice. Crackling over a trans-atlantic phone line, but nevertheless, a human audible sound. So squash any rumours and Steve's innuendo that he communicates with Charles through a medium of the female gender. Charl Theron -------------------- “I am simultaneously embarrassed and proud to state for the record that only two bottles of your fine South African wines remain in my wine rack. The rest gave their lives honorably in the service of the construction of CMAK over the past several months.” -- Charles Moylan, 28 Nov03
  13. Beelzebub, not again! Where's that thread, I need to brush up who used what username... Not sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments: </font> The serial Rumblings of War (RoW I, II, III, IV, V)</font>The infamous CMBO Invitational</font>WineCape Tourney I and II</font> [ September 01, 2005, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  14. Bingo! Excellent analogy. MD, the reason Steve has (fresh) wit is because he's not fatigued by being in front of his monitor for 24 hours.
  15. Well, here in SA there are tanks running on wheels, judging by the way some drivers use them.
  16. Friends, it will be WWII - trust me on this one Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments: </font> The serial Rumblings of War (RoW I, II, III, IV, V)</font>The infamous CMBO Invitational</font>WineCape Tourney I and II</font>
  17. It will be a WWII "slice" - trust me
  18. Please do. I recall Charles programming an obscure AFV in CMBB while being silly on a substance. Need help on substance silliness? Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments: </font> The serial Rumblings of War (RoW I, II, III, IV, V)</font>The infamous CMBO Invitational</font>WineCape Tourney I and II</font> [ August 27, 2005, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  19. Well Steve, if you need a CMx2 test bunny for graphic stability; I've got the following: AMD Athlon FX-55 Gigabyte K8NXP-SLI Mobo 2 x Asus 6800 Ultras running in SLi mode 22" IBM Monitor running in 1600x1200x32 (4xAA + 8xAF) 2 x Raptor Western Digital HDD's in RAID 1 WinXP Pro Happy to run/test Cmx2 for you, but alas, my system will be old and no more cutting edge when CMx2 is released! Sincerely, Charl
  20. In no order of preference: (1) Expanded victory conditions (2) Basic plt. formations ~ & convoy command (3) Ammo resupply (4) Cover behind shot-up AFV's, if possible (5) Vastly improved Arty fire control Please keep: (1) WEGO (2) PBEM (3) Fun factor! (4) WWII TO, for now, at least (5) your drinking habits. Sincerely, Charl Theron ----------------------------------------------------- Co-creator & Sponsor of the following CM tournaments: </font> The serial Rumblings of War (RoW I, II, III, IV, V)</font>The infamous CMBO Invitational</font>WineCape Tourney I and II</font> [ August 25, 2005, 09:38 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]
  21. Ooohhhieee - now apart from the wannabe pengers in this thread, any NEW news from BFC?
  22. Patience = virtue. Wanna see how your new French Barrel (@ R5000 a piece) will interact with your grapes juice in 18 months time with battonage?
  23. Patience = virtue. Wanna see how your new French Barrel (@ R5000 a piece) will interact with your grapes juice in 18 months time with battonage?
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