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Everything posted by Hans

  1. Welcome back Yes get CMBB, I was a complete CMBO addict, had to have at least one QB a day and was running 4-6 PBEM. Once I played CMBB I stopped cold on CMBO and never touched it again Move up from Hash to Heroin--enjoy the ride
  2. small battles, Bidermann's Gun is now up at scenario depot
  3. Test 3 elite 37mm in a trench with 15 round tungsten vs 1 KV-1 (immoblized on rough terrain) 30-34 meters: no effect 14-16 meters, one partial penetration, one gun shows "rare" for kill 8 meters two show "low" for kill, "ok" for one best case: Tank knocked out after 22 rounds and three partial penetrations. Ran the rest 9 times, the above is the best that occur on average the KV tended to knock out the 37mm with MG fire before they could hurt it. normally 45 rounds fired no effect, under 10 Meters 45 rounds fired 2 take effect but only one 1 KV knocked out Under the CMBB simulation, Bildermann's was one lucky bastard. Conclusion See above, I think for survivability I will use t-34s, as the KVs are virtually immune except under 10 meters and the 37mm will never survive a gun armed KV with non conscript MG!
  4. See the bottom in particular on Aircraft production and Italian prisoners of war - an interesting item on the Soviets http://www.comandosupremo.com/Facts.php
  5. Romulus Thanks for those links, yes I can handle Italian, so if you have any more link - especially to diagrams or discriptions of RSI battle/engagements I'd appreciate it!
  6. We shall see, I'll run a test of whether 37mm tungsten can get thru the frontal armour of a KV at point blank-if not, those tanks become 34s
  7. So, would tank gun misfires be similar to a mg 'jam' putting the tank out of commission fo a couple turns? If this happens more than 1-2 times every few games that could turn out to be as annoying as 'gun hit' used to be! if the mg can jam so can the tank and other guns-althought a broken firing pin can take a lot longer to fix Aerial recon could very quickly turn an 'extreme FOW' into a 'No FOW' game, with the complaints to follow It would be limited of course, plus it would tend to be 'unit' 'vehicles', artillery?' How would resupply work? the AI-controlled truck appears magically from off-map and drives up to your 88 position. If it survives the trip the gun suddenly has twice as many shells? sounds disturbingly like a gamey 'health crystal'. well we could do it like reality, in reality they did resupply - it was critical to resupply a unit that had attacked or it would be blown away by the counter-attack. "health crystals" Huh??? I'd vote for airfield raids, or more specifically the ability to place an 'attack here' marker for your aircraft at game setup, increasing (by 30%?) the chance that the plane may in fact attack there. oh yes target markers for prep planned airstrikes Bigger smoke plumes... Hmmm, how high up can CM artwork actually ascend? Might run into game engine issues? Pictures show the smoke from a diesel engine tank that goes up is about 3-4 time the volumne that is shown now. progress of time effects? Hey, it's still a limited time duration game. I'm not sure if the difference between fighting at 3:15pm and 4:15 pm would be all that marked! As I clearly stated Night to dawn to daylight - well within 45 minutes and the same for daylight dusk and night Purchase of counter-fire batteries in the same way as we purchase AA guns to combat unseen aircraft. An interesting idea, but all the action would take place completely off-board. yep but it allows the commander to influence the battlefield. hidden victory flags. Ah, my pet idea. But I'll be surprised if it makes it into this engine (unless someone wants to mod the small victory flag knockout color!
  8. Looking for scenario info (yeah I plan ahead) does anyone know of a source for battle information on the units from this ill fated political entity?
  9. well they could add in random attacks by Senussi raiders---they kinda might look like slaves wenches!
  10. May I recommend opening up the scenario and deleting 99% of units!
  11. May I recommend opening up the scenario and deleting 99% of units!
  12. Perhaps he was seeking the What-to-do-with-fluids-from-a-five-day-old-dead-rhino forum?
  13. Better use of aerial recon and like you say, forward mobile units. Better use of weather and terrain. Longer battles (yes heresy) with a resupply system (simplified)that allows longer flowing fights. More build up of rear areas, the NA campaign had numerous incidents of logistic convoys and depot areas being hit by front line troops. Provide a few generic units to do those (a 'rear area ad hoc) unit would do with weak infantry skills and mainly rifles and pistols for weapons. As above more of the artillery systems up to corps level to be included in tactical combat. Some sort of aircraft counter for attacking on the ground. Airfield raids. Give designers that ability to select trucks and locations (tents, building, ammo storage points) to either burn, explode or "simmer" when hit and destroyed.-tom simulate fuel and ammo trucks etc. More realistic smoke (bigger plumes), delayed explosions of hit vehicles, creation of a destruction mod between knocked out and exploded tank/vehicle - the slowly smoking wreck. Effect of where the sun is-critical in the desert-trying to fire into the setting or rising sun was a great tactical disadvantage. Sand storms - ability to kick up during a battle or die down. Progress of time, ie from night to dawn to midday and the reverse, day light dusk to night. More dust and smoke from artillery and larger gun fire. Simulated para drops (randomization of appearance/location of dropped troops) and % of casualties based on enemy in the area and weather-terrain they land on ---thinking about Crete and Malta here... Creation of Extra heavy buildings and walls-to simulate the ruins encountered in Libya, Tunisia and Italy. More active naval gun fire support Better FOW - is it friend or foe? Ability to have AI run forces on your flanks or operating with you. (probably impossible as I understand the engine) Ability to but wrecks and abandon vehicles on the battle field Wrecker units, both sides used engineers to demolish damaged enemy vehicles to prevent repair-option for operations Allow purchase of counter-fire to reduce enemy use of arty Allow purchase of CAP to limit enemy use of aircraft Allow reinforcements (controlled by computer) into QBs. Tank gun misfires fifth skill for leaders Map reading - ability to go where they are directed - would effect ability to bring in indirect fire also. Ability to label certain units much more valuable in points for certain scenarios - ie protecting a divisional HQ, the command unit being worth a lot more than normal. Hidden victory flags agreement between players in IP/PBEm to continue a game beyond its normal ending (points are counted) but they are allowed to play out and see "what if". Well more to come but that should get you started.
  14. I recommend you eat, drink heavily, grieve for the loss and seek solace in the laughter of harlots. I once lost a Tiger to a front turret penetration from a Stuart that I'd hit twice and penetrated - he got me with the dreaded, "penetration at weak spot" (sob) oh after the above seek revenge
  15. yes I would agree, I had designed the scenario based on notes. I re-read it a few minutes ago. Yep smells like KV to me. But can a 37mm tungsten penetrate a KV at point blank range from the front?? (Grogs?) Will make a few changes tomorrow and try it as KV vs a 37mm (vet) under command of an elite Plt leader and see how that goes.
  16. In his book I take it to be a 37mm and the tanks are T-34, they could be KV-1's too. Interestingly enough you can get 37mm Tungsten in January 1942 but not prior to that! However the gunner are very reluctant to fire it! I'll try the scenario set for January (actually 29 December) This battle comes from pages 76-78, I'd appreciate an independent read on to answer these questions: 37mm vs 50mm, which ATG does he have? Is the round he is talking about Tungsten? Is he fighting T-34s (certainly not T26s!) or KVs? Thanks for your assistance
  17. Anyone know why in CM the 37mm doesn't come with the possibility of T shells then? In Bildermann's book he talks of using them with success against T-34s.
  18. Was this type of round ever produced for the gun, if so when was it available?
  19. If all else fails claim a corrupted game file. Actually no, fire at the ATG with the MG only don't use the main gun, helps a bit
  20. the counter to the strumtiger is 305mm artillery with lots of TRPs Tank killing aircraft Or a crazed Ivan with a RPG
  21. May I suggest that individual units could be assigned (additional) victory points. To allow for "protect the leader" protect the critical asset" type scenarios May I also recommend allowing a designer to designate a location for giving points for selected units getting there. This would allow for scenarios where a commander must get an FO to a certain hill (to overlook a critical target) etc.
  22. The military rule was to get out of the impact area if possible, for some reason CM has a software coding that causes troops to go for the nearest cover-even if it is the centre point of the impacts.
  23. Andreas In the situation itself it shows that the 502nd is involved in the fight in the Madona sector on 22 September 1944. Panther info is contradictory to say the least. Very rude of them not to keep good records for future gamers ( ; ]) Thanks for the info!
  24. I'm working on the conversion of PanzerBlitz situation #25 which involves this unit. Question 1: What versions of the Panther and IV was it using in September 1944? Question 2: Did it have in fact Panthers or just IV's and Tiger I's? My sources differ on this. Was the 502nd Tiger Battalion attached to them at this time? Thanks in advance. Hans
  25. One change to operations that would hope to see in CM3 is the ability to setup a map. Then start in the middle with both sides moving it back and forth.
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