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Everything posted by Hans

  1. http://www.onwar.com/maps/wwii/eastfront1/index2.htm
  2. Don't forget about Static Flags vs Dynamic Flags......
  3. Found this photo http://home.earthlink.net/~lithuanian16thrd/_wsn/page3.html of Razvedchiki troops wearing what appears to be be steel sheet 'body armour" ...grogs?
  4. Murph, I hate to see a man without a small scenario. So send me the parameters you'd like and I'll whip one up (I have about 35 scenarios in various stages of development so I can complete one fairly quickly to your parameters) Wayne100@emirates.net.ae Also let me know if its a two person or versus the AI (different design considerations)
  5. To answer Laxx's question, usually armour, sometimes combined arms and rarely pure armour, infantry etc or a special one. I found that 300-600 point, random vs the same for the computer +50% make for a very challenging game. Small Operations, hard to do, the smallest map you can get is 1200 x 1200 and they are difficult to do as they can quickly become unbalanced. I do have a small scale Spanish Civil War Operation, "San Miguel Valley", but have never gotten past the initial planning stage. I also have a two battle SCW operation "Quinto del Ebro" in the final stages of design but it comes in at 'huge' and its not really that large.
  6. Oh yes that swine AI Couldn't use an FO correctly to save his life ...and his placement of wire-laughable! Yet, occassionally he would flank me when I didn't expect it or conduct a nearly flawless infantry defense. Weird guy
  7. An unworthy opponent ah May years ago when new to CMBO I hooked up with some guy who name rhymed with "Benito Mussolini". It was a historical scenario on Bastogne. We started up and he almost immediately sent me a two page email detailing the errors I was doing, ie the Germans had done this, that and the other thing and why was I not following what they had done? I sent him a kind note reminding him that the Germans had LOST so I wasn't about to follow exactly what they had done. I got back at least an 8 page email detailing all the reason (really nicely written too) of why anyone agreeing to play this scenario as the Germans MUST play exactly as the Germans had.................well that went on for awhile until I kinda proved I wasn't going to follow the historic attack path (strewn with mines and ATGs I might add and he said I was 'gamey' and packed it in. Anybody else run across this fun guy?
  8. Gentlemen, yes I prefer small QBs, 300-600 points but on larger maps. I just find knowing and being concerned about each unit is more enjoyable. In larger battle I tend to use 'group' commands. 600-1200 is ideal for IP and PBEM 1300-3900 can be okay in a well crafted scenario, QBs tend to be limited in this range Above 4,000-6,000 points it becomes painful! 6,000+ a way of life
  9. Ah this subject rises again Yep a useful but technically difficult, I investigated the use of the 50 cal for indirect fire in 1983-84 for/ with the US Army Field Artillery School Short answer, yes it can be done but has several limitation. One is what you mention-a lot of ammo-which we calculated would be easier to suppress with existing mortar systems. Difficulty of getting infantrymen to "level their bubbles" ie set up the system correctly plus for indirect work, surveying in the position. Cool idea if you can devote the resources and time to it. Successful in the WWI - but heck they had the time! In our research we also found that it had been looked at extensively during the Korean war - but again rejected due to complexity and the superiority of mortar systems to do the same thing One advantage of MG indirect, undetectable by even todays mortar/artillery finding radars.
  10. Now now gentlemen, yes the T26 sucks but it depends on when. In the Spanish Civil war it was the KING
  11. Thanks V Good information to know on the DL. To make you feel better I have 37 scenarios up for a total of 10,105 downloads and 33 reviews! Analyzing this small samples shows that players like: Tiny and small scenario on WWII (not surprizing since that is what the game is on, interest in the Korean war and Spanish civil war scenario is much less) with Russians and Germans as the combatants (Italians, Romanians, Hungarians etc take a hike) - and if you can get some SS guys in there even better.
  12. Howdy V Welcome to the lament of the scenario designer-little feed back. Good luck One question, where did you find the info on how many times they were downloaded? Hans
  13. The T-26a "artillery" tank with a 76.2 L/17 with 40 rounds.... at 45 its right in there with a HT. Good infantry killer but still has the defensive capability of a volkswagen wrapped in tinfoil.
  14. Release....I would assume, in time for the Christmas season..... Looking forward to scenario'ing Ariete in the attack
  15. Well done, three points 1. Have comments from the "enemy" either as asides or his view in total. 2. Have a representation of the final tally 3. Do more!
  16. I was wondering if anyone can explain why the Italians didn't develop a rifle grenade or why you they cannot have them as an option for anti-tank usage in CMBB. Following in Italian, it seems to state that they did have rifle grenades in WW2- were they just fragmentation and not anti-tank? Nel 1928 fu realizzato uno speciale tromboncino lancia bombe che doveva essere dato in dotazione a cinque uomini per ogni squadra di fucilieri. Il tromboncino mod. 1928 è stabilmente accoppiato con un moschetto mod. 1928 opportunamente modificato. Utilizza per la propulsione della bomba la normale munizione d'ordinanza mod. 91/95. La canna del tromboncino, ad anima liscia, ha un calibro di 38,5 millimetri. Dopo il lancio della bomba, aprendo l'otturatore, vengono espulsi il bossolo spento e la pallottola. Infatti questa si arresta contro un apposito risalto. Allo sparo, poiché la palla non può partire, il colletto del bossolo si allarga ed i gas passano nella camera di lancio del tromboncino attraverso quattro fori fornendo l'energia necessaria al lancio della bomba. Per la descrizione ci siamo avvalsi della "Istruzione sommaria e provvisoria sul moschetto col tromboncino Mod.1928" allegata come appendice al "Manuale dell'Ufficiale Istruttore dei Corsi Premilitari" - Ministero della Guerra - Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato - Roma 1929 Anno VII - Descrizione del Tromboncino Mod. 28 cliccare sull'immagine Questo modello di tromboncino fu tolto dal servizio già nel 1934. Quando furono costruite le armi mod. 91/38 nel calibro 7,35 furono riutilizzate giacenze d'arsenale, anche perché le canne usurate nel calibro 6,5 erano facilmente trasformabili nel nuovo calibro. È abbastanza frequente dunque incontrare moschetti 91/38 le cui calciature derivano in modo molto evidente da legni del moschetto 91/28 con tromboncino recuperati e ripristinati con il solito ammirevole lavoro di intarsio. In questa immagine si vede appunto un moschetto 91/38 "cavalleria" in cal. 7,35 con la cassa ottenuta dalla trasformazione di quella di un moschetto 91/28 con tromboncino.
  17. JasonC makes the point I was referring too. BFC has stated that not all nationalities were going to be modelled (I can understand why) so this would be a way to leave it open to designers to not have to fudge to much (ie the Jewish Brigade is representative by Aussies or what ever)
  18. Hi Laxx The Russians can win that scenario but only if they don't try and take the Germans head on-not easy at all but doable. Balanced in the sense of points I believe! Later I learned that balance means "equal chance". There is a sequel to that scenario also which ups the quality of the troops and numbers of tanks. How many T-70 did you give them?
  19. There a number of rare nationalities that would be part of CMAK that BFC have indicated they will not have time to model. May I suggest a generic "other" with just a few infantry/support (MG, truck, light arty piece, mortar etc) types that can be combined with other nationalities to provided the few tanks and other special equipment. This would avoid having to use other units for them. This would be necessary for only the allies.
  20. The best one to one (If you want absolutely equality) is to build a scenario using the Axis Romanian tanks vs Allied Romanian tanks, you have several to choose from including the Pz IV.
  21. Mr Chema_Cagi You need to work on Fernando for inclusion of the Spanish Civil War into CMAK! Thanks for the review by the way.
  22. Hey does this mean the Spanish Civil War gonna get some respect from you guys?
  23. I could see Crete and a hypothetical airborne/seaborne invasion of Malta being very interesting. As would the various fights in the Greek islands, Leros etc. The fights in the mountains of Italy should be interesting after the slashing armoured battles in the desert. REALLY looking forward to more Italian equipment and types of troops. Have started to gather info for Italian scenarios and perhaps the planned but never executed German attack on Gibraltar.
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