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Everything posted by Hans

  1. The process of design has been "improving" and adapting to the player users. FOW is still important but more straight forward, more informational briefings is the style.
  2. The context (which I should have provided earlier) A Russian Guards Tank Corps from the 5th Shock Army launches an attack along the Kustrin-Berlin Highway. In their path, a hastily-assembled kampfgruppe of no name or number prepares to make a final stand.
  3. Of course but the poor AI lacks this taunting ability - which it should have the option. It should have four levels of taunt Playfull Rude Abusive X-rated
  4. Namenlos, Ohne Namen or Gedankenlos? Which would be proper in calling a kampfgruppe "nameless" or "unnamed", due to hasty organization? TIA Hans
  5. Warning::: Irrational thoughts follows ............................................ A menu that allows for Surrender, Ceasefire and Peace Conference. For extra authenticity you have to type orders in the original language and nearby explosions causes you to have to retype. Hindi Musical option. On this option on at l occasion all the fighters will get together to do a large jarring line dance to annoying music. When your highest ranking leader bits the dust a tiny animated Madmatt will pop out of ground and viciously kick the fallen hero. (to Roy Orbison's "only the lonely") Fiendish laughter and a large flashing sign to be added to when a player hits an AI placed minefield. The sign will flash messages conveying concern about their parentage. The CMBB learning module option, with this module on the program will ask questions on economics principles before allowing you to target. Wrong answers will be awarded by a misfire and one dead crewman. Expansion of casualties from KIA and WIA to include, number blinded, limbs blown off and genitals missing plus the number of self inflicted wounds. "last thoughts" options, as men fall their last thoughts will flash on screen. "oops" "I've got that bastard in my sights now" "hmmm deny my promotion to sergeant will ya" "now I'm safe!" "No body can get me here" "Dang where is that Machine gun firing from..." Having to write letters to the fallen's unhappy parents (with a nitpicking automatic grammar checker in Russian/German/Italian/Hungarian/Romanian and god forbid Finnish)
  6. Hey Bone-V Can the Vanilla bean rap in Italiano?
  7. Hi Engel Ah a man who can talk "SCW"! I've been collecting data for scenarios (two produced 12 in production) and have been looking at miniature games as they tend to look at these issues closely. Yep lots of fanatic conscripts and greens, plus some fairly formidable international units plus the Nationalist Spanish Foreign legion and Moroccan 'tabors' - its a great area for small battles with weak tanks, artillery and MGs - more of a light infantry war were a weak armoured truck causes panic on the level of a Tiger II!
  8. I had the luck to have my first game in a CMBB QB give me the Italians, I ecked out a draw. I had some success with Roumanians - there ATGs and some AFVs are okay (especially the captured stuff). Romanian cavalry is not bad at all. But yes they seem (Hungarian, Italians and Romanians) to not have the same range of close in anti-tank weapons (molotovs, grenade bundles and demo charges) Consider them a challenge.........but historically one can see why the Russians tended to attack them, they were weaker in equipment, training and motivation.
  9. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/italianisti/ "Italianisti" è una Discussione Gruppo all'italiano Militare nel Ventesimo Secolo, principalmente WWII, ma anche WWI, Etiopia, SCW, e più Moderno periodi. Il Gruppo è non politico nella natura. È dedicated allo studio Storia Militare e non è riguardato con condonare o che condannando gli avvenimenti o le azioni nei periodi discussi. L' "Italianisti" di nome traduce in Inglese agli "studiosi italiani". Per favore unisce la discussione sull'italiano Militare nel Ventesimo Secolo. Questo è un sommario delle regole di netiquette standard per il Gruppo di discussione di Italianisti. È inviato a tutti i membri nuovi, e è distribuito al gruppo periodicamente. Per favore di portare il tempo a te stesso familiarizzare con loro, sono intesi per aiutare la marca il gruppo un'esperienza piacevole per tutti. Questo messaggio era ultimo aggiornato su 29 il 2000 gennaio. 1. I messaggi affissi a questo gruppo dovrebbero essere sempre nel "testo Semplice". Per favore assicurarl'ha regolato il suo 'il libro di indirizzo' il software di entrata o email sempre di usare il testo semplice. Questo è perché alcuni membri usano tuttavia il più vecchio software di email che non maneggia i formati di HTML o RTF molto bene. 2. Non gli attaccamenti sono __ permesso. Per favore non di tentare di affiggere gli attaccamenti di qualunque tipo. Se lei desidera dividere un file col gruppo, lo carica alla Cassetta di sicurezza di Gruppo a http://groups.yahoo.com/group/italianisti/ e consiglia poi il gruppo che è lí e nessuno ha interessato lo può osservare al loro proprio agio. 3. Rispondere ai messaggi - Ci sono due regole semplici ciò _deve_ _sempre_ è seguito se lei citano il messaggio che lei rispondono a: a. , Sempre, Sempre, toglie sempre il Yahoo che fa il pubblicità & la nota in calce di informazioni - non lascia mai l'esso nel messaggio quando lei l'invia! B. Sempre redige il citato - il Sue __Deve__ contiene più di il precedente lei da! Se la sua risposta è 4 parole lunghe, poi il testo citato deve essere 3 o meno! Se lei si domandano perché questo dovrebbe essere un problema interruttore giusto digerire il modo per alcuni giorni e vede che è come prendere lo stesso grumo di testo & la pubblicità di eGroups la metà ripetuta-un-i tempi di dozzina nelle risposte che contiene soltanto alcuni parole.. O il subscribe a un ISP che i costi dal MB (i dati) per l'accesso.. 8-) il 4. Contenuto - Il Gruppo è per discutere l'italiano Militare nel ventesimo Secolo e qualunque raccontato soggetti (Tempo di guerra sull'economia, Coloniale espansionismo, ecc.) OT (via dal Soggetto) le discussioni sono permesse di fornire sono brevi e dura soltanto per alcuni (1-3) le messaggi risposte. Più discussioni di OT estese dovrebbero essere portate il via da elenco e continuo privatamente tra le persone interessato coinvolti. Ancora questo è evitare i Compendi ed Archivio da prendere ha riempito di molto sovrabbondante ed irrilevante materiale. 5. Etichetta - per favore è piacevole a tutti (Noi sono sicuro lei that sono comunque), questo ha avuto un buono poiché il suo originale in Prima-1998 cosí lasciano tiene il passo il buono . Per favore di notare qualunque Baiting di Ardere o Fiamma lo prenderà immediatamente ha annullato la sottoscrizione e permanentemente proibito dall'elenco - non ci è bisogno per questo tipo di comportamento emotivo - le Diversità d'opinione possono essere discusse razionalmente ed oggettivamente senza ricorrere agli attacchi personali, ecc... Non (una volta ancora siamo sicuri che lei sono probabilmente il genere di persona che si chinerebbe normalmente a tale comportamento comunque). Ciò è fondamentalmente esso - le regole sono semplice e ragionevole, dunque per favore segue loro e piace il gruppo. Il seguente è al di sotto delle più informazioni sul gruppo, ed una nota breve sull'etichetta di internet generale e le abbreviazioni. L'Arrivederci dal Manager di Gruppo, John Moher. Hans "El Supremo"
  10. I would add to these forminable lists Inclusion of the Spanish Civil War (yes I must insist) More smoke and dust - its just too clean of a battlefield. Especially from indirect fires and vehicles moving on dirt roads. Designers should have the ability to designate certain vehicles and hexes that when hit produce explosions, burning and or smoke. To simulate ammo trucks, ammo storage POL storage and trucks. Rear area troops or ad hoc infantry Tents and other sturctures for field encampments and installations, wire fences "debris" of war, dead tanks, equipment, wire etc - not charged to one of the players but counted as part of the "terrain" Messages to players (time generated to simulate higher or adjacent units) ie "2nd Bn on your right flank has been overrun" "1st company moving up to support". Selection of more than one reinforcement spot, entry to be determined by designer set % and if enemy is within LOS to automatically shift to next reinforcement site. Better arty model (that is ten pages in itself!) Multi player (god the chaos that will cause, especially in friendly fire incidents) Pet peeve: Cheaper trucks and transport (plus those pesky horse teams) A good anti-tank ditch "Entrenchment points" or "engineer points" that allows a defender to modify the battle field, ie dig in better, lay mines, cut down trees, form a hasty obstacle, set booby traps, more camouflage, lay extra wire, lay out more commo wire, expedient antenna. More points based on situation, time, weather and experience/training level and competency of leaders. A way to resupply ammo. "Auto Intel", your elbow S-2 officer who makes estimates on what type of force you are facing. Ability to set a global AI effect, "defensive", "aggressive", "cautious", "foolhardy". Reset troop ability as: Morale (The classic sense) Experience (battlefield sense) Training level (How much do they know) Competence level (A reflection of leaders knowing what to do/tactical ability) These can be different from troops. ie you can have a new AFV crew that is brave, well trained but never been in combat. Or you could have a Russian partisan who is a natural leader and very brave but has little training, etc. Nazi SS troopers in Pink Bunny suits - no good reason for this - it just makes me smile.
  11. Thanks Para Just what I needed, is that just the May campaign without the Norwegian/Danish adventure? Just checking
  12. Sorry guys I cannot find this one for myself I need to know the total casualties for the Germans in their campaign against the French in 1940. TIA
  13. Los amigos Para esos interesado en la Guerra Civil España hay dos guiones para CMBB ahora en la Estación de guión Invada en madrileño Albandero Dos más vienen pronto El Camino de La Corunna 1936 Cerro de Angeles de Los Hans, "El Supremo"
  14. What you guys think you're bad military commanders? Hey buddy I've had the CMBB "characters" give me the finger to show their level of disgust at my poor tactical and movement command. Also The Panther commander mooning me was a real downer
  15. Stoffel If you are an academic or would like to try working as an academic send me an email Hans
  16. Battlefront We are in agreement. 1. Yes direct fire unit could and did fire indirectly if special effort was made. 2. For CM as a simulation it should have this ability HOWEVER, based on time constraints and resources it would have a very low priority (I can think of a number of artillery related issues of far more importance that this one). 3. I once took a look at unusual indirect system for the USA. You could use, very effectively, 50 cals and other MGs for indirect fire*. The problem was the need to train the crews on how to do it. It wasn't deemed "a training priority". 4. Summary: cool but not cool enough to detract from more basic issues in CM. *MGs for indirect was made into an art by the Germans in WWI, it drop away during WWII due to the technical and training requirements for its effective use.
  17. Out of LOS fire should be unobserved ie you might hear it and see dust but you couldn't observe where exactly it was hitting. I've fired real artillery into just this situation and yes you can adjust up - but its really swag as to where it is hitting and oddly depends on the quality of the FO and FDC crews to factor in the heights of the trees too. I fired a lot of artillery onto targets "just behind the hill(s)" I could see. This fire was map based and often done in requests from non-artillery observers. Where in those cases we had radar back up we found that in general FO swho adjusted into dead space tended to underestimate the distance. As a general rule accuracy would go down-as you would base hits on smoke, dust and flash which is an art in it self. accuracy of such fire would also be dependent on the skill level of both the FO and indirect system firing.
  18. Shall we bet on when and were SH will meet his end? Winner will get a kiss from Madmatt (Madmatt does insist on NO tongue however) Now in my defense I'd like to say that in 2011 when they are getting around to creating scenarios for the 3rd Gulf war in CMME (Combat Mission Middle East) they will need this info. So I can truly say this is CM related.....
  19. Sodd Don't you hate to see this? Another youth wasting his life... Another victim of the world wide MSC conspiracy (Madmatt/Steve/Charles) little does he realize that while awake he plays CMBB and CMBO and while he thinks he's asleep at night their evil programming take over and he stalks the land looking for innocent humans to bore with tales of simulated combat....... : ] The only known cure is to drink heavily, develop an interest in girls and watch Giligian Island reruns in French. That poor bastard
  20. Technical note If you look at the range of a Sherman 75/76mm gun. That is also the minimum range unless you superelevate which is what those ramps were for in the picture. The problem in using vehicles that cannot be locked into position (think artillery gun spades) is that when it fires the vehicles recoil system will absorb some but not all of the energy and the vehicle will shift. This occurs in dug in spaded artillery also which necessitiates them to relay the gun on a distant aiming point or use aiming stakes etc. In a tank or other vehicle this problem is even worse - ie your accuracy will be rather sad.
  21. Hi JonS CM has a limitation in that they rate combat experience and not the level of training (which are different). You can have highly rated "elite" infantry who can do nothing but light infantry tactics while you have green infantry trained to perform a variety of tasks, etc In this case use of these system in an indirect mode requires special training and preparation that is normally not concentrated on in a training situation. ie indirect use usually arises during wartime due to need. Could units do indirect fire, yep, but when they did so that is all they did you didn't have commonly(as far as I can determine) direct fire units engaging in indirect and back and forth. Now where this might occur is if a notable target was found and a commander or enthusiastic FO/FA commander were to do the set up it could be done. But in the heat of a QB battle setting -with out prior prep-very iffy in my opinion. Should we as CM commanders have that option? Yes we could but I believe it would have a serious time loss penalty and you would lose that unit for on board direct fire use. Regards Hans
  22. Indirect vs direct Should and could they fire indirect? Yes they could, I'd say that units above regular in "experience" could (for those units so equipped) could set up to fire indirectly. You are looking at 10-15 minutes and there are severe minimum range penalties. This is due to most of the systems having only one charge-usually the most powerful for direct fire use-this I believe would restrict its use in CM style engagements. I cannot under emphasize the importance of the fixed charge and elevation restrictions of equipped primarily constructed for forward, direct fire. Think of it this way, if you have a pistol, BB gun or 22 and want to use it indirect what is your biggest problem...think about it Certainly none of the Soviets and probably most if not all German units couldn't do a "hip shoot". Its a interesting aspect of war use and could be modeled but it wouldn't be my first choice. I personally always liked indirect MG fire! Hans Former artillery gunnery instructor : ]
  23. I would add to the early war - possibility of a Czechoslovakia vs German war and of course the true precurser to WW2 the Spanish Civil War.
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