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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Wewease Bwian!!!! Guys, not to belabor a point but I'm sure they're not holding it back out of spite or malice. "When it's ready..." Hi Mom!!!!
  2. Ok, Commander. You've totally confused me and I'm not drinking tonight. Anyway, the campaign rules are designed for you to play the Axis, not the Allies... unless there's a revision I've missed.
  3. Delete the "Combat Mission BB Prefs" file from your CMBB folder. Then start the game again. That will generate a new prefs file to go along with your new video card.
  4. Started a campaign tonight, had 10% 'casualties' for my forces. Not a game breaker, but one of my core AFVs was one of the casualties. Since the war hasn't even started yet, I'm going to consider him broken down on the way to the front for the after action report.
  5. You can also get the rules here, html format: Biltong's Campaign Rules Use IE as Netscape acts a little funky with the conversion. You can either print the pages, or visit each of the rules pages (use the tabs at the bottom) and then make it a favorite and synch for off-line viewing / printing.
  6. You can also get the rules here, html format: Biltong's Campaign Rules Use IE as Netscape acts a little funky with the conversion. You can either print the pages, or visit each of the rules pages (use the tabs at the bottom) and then make it a favorite and synch for off-line viewing / printing. [ November 17, 2002, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  7. Hmm, Sorry Biltong. I thought the rules were all printed like the set for BO, not a spreadsheet. Don't believe you can get around having the spreadsheet posted for download.
  8. Please send me a copy next time you're in an emailing mood. As for a website, bandwidth may be an issue with this group. Seems everyone here checks on everything! LOL Geocities was fine for my ACW game club. There is also Homestead. If you can, just post the rules as a page - then ask visitors to "save page as". Since the page info is transferred on opening the page, it resides in the visitors cache. Using the "save as" command does not involve any further bandwidth use, and the visitor can view and print the page offline. [ November 16, 2002, 10:57 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  9. Lord, man!!!! I have an out for you. Do you have kids??? If so, play that 'Elmo Saves Christmas' movie - you know, the one where every day is Christmas. Then take the game and play it.
  10. Reckless HQ's have been toned down - MM post in response to questions on status of patch.
  11. Targets are too close to the mortar. As stated above, there is a minimum range. Would you like to shoot the bombs straight up?
  12. I'm a wargamer. If it was printed, I probably owned it. If it's for the computer I may own it twice, because my wife hid it once. They never learn. Oh, almost forgot. I'm also the guy that pounded PL's troops into pixel dust after he finally sent a feckin' setup! ***Sigh*** Thirty-nine questions to go.
  13. You're thinking of the infamous Jackalope, which does exist if you find a good taxidermist. You Aussies can substitute Sheepalope for a rousing good fantasy. "Snarker" is from Half-Life. Since I'm not generally a twitch gamer, I took to finding a high point and dropping vicious, flesh eating creatures called "Snarks" into the mayhem below. The young nitwits that wanted to play that game learned not to mess with wargamers that day. Enough idle prattle! Are you sending a gamey setup Pantry Larder or are you going to play forty questions until the shovel comes back around?
  14. Abbott, sensing ultimate, total, humiliating defeat has not sent a turn. Since his email server is in on the ploy, and I am bored silly at the moment, I have no choice but to challenge Panty Liner to send me a setup. Of course I will complain bitterly that he is gamey, and he will invariably choose airpower in his force mix to prove it. Hmm, that would make him Panty Liners with wings.
  15. Rob? Don't look now, but those dead, fashion conscience tankers are rising and looking for flesh...
  16. You forgot to mention my gamey pre-assault rocket attack, for which I paid dearly as most landed off map. Wait, as my uber-gamey surprise has a snoot full of hydrocarbon joy ready to hose down the poor KinderFuhrer hiding in the trenches.
  17. Not this one. I also used the wrong species of water lily, and dead branches that were obviously from trees that grow thousands of miles away from Eastern Europe and Russia. I'll send it to the CM Mod database when finished.</font>
  18. Mike T, I think the Finnish government made it mandatory for all male Finns between the ages of 8 and 80 to purchase CMBB and register in this forum. Hope your mailbox holds more than 5 meg!
  19. Who would have guessed? A urine soaked Swede living in Minnesota. How unique.
  20. Ah, the Boo - ble headed doll. I was thinking of taunting you right properly into a contest, but you apparently are right tightly into a costume at the moment. Silly git.
  21. Well, then OGSF, machine gun your sole survivor and then you can pop away in glee...
  22. "Malakas" is Greek for "wanker". Now if I didn't know "wankers" was your trademark, I'd be impressed. Malakas. Yes, it's thread from the seat of a pair of pants. Freshly chewed from your trousers once you get your game and send me a setup. See? I knew you understood the rules. Oh, except that sub-rule **SOD OFF** politely requests you refrain from using annoying smilies in the MBT. [ November 10, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
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