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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Capt, write a guide yourself. You'll have at least two customers...
  2. Nippy, you need the brass nuts off the KT. That's the last sneak peek you get, so don't ask anything else!
  3. We insist you mountain bike 2 hours a day, six days a week. Future generations will be grateful for your infertility.
  4. Help Lars a bit. Whose urine mod are you using? PL - I can't finish bleeding all over the victory flags if you bogart the game file. Maybe between asking, "fries with that?" you could grace me with a turn?
  5. I don't think this engine can do that sort of stuff. Maybe in the next engine. Would definitely be fun.
  6. MGA I'm playing the scenario with Mike (no way am I saying, "I'm playing with Stalin's Organ" Mike!!!) and will touch base with him on his suggestions. I may have more regarding the view from the other side.
  7. Such blatant contempt is... well, commendable. [ December 01, 2002, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  8. LOL! Yes, I know. But I've had people increment the save file 001, 002 etc. and then add it to an already existing zip file. Sometimes things like that happen, new user of the program etc.
  9. Not what I'm getting at, Redwolf. I'm asking in case they are just adding a new file into an zip file without getting rid of the contents already in it. That would certainly make the zip file size grow tremendously! [ December 01, 2002, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  10. I'm playing Mike in Master G'Day's scenario. For some reason, I get the urge to :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: GRRRRRRRRAAAARGHGH SLING HOT MOLTEN TNT AT THE MAGGOTS AND GUT STOMP THEM WITH JACK BOOTS :mad: :mad: Mind control, I tell ya! Oh, yeah. Keeping this off page 2 so MGA sees his paddock.
  11. If you have the CDV version, you have a pdf on the disk - expands on the insert manual that came with the game.
  12. Definitely a serious breach of protocol. Question is, will B&T stick their tongue to the pole now? [ November 30, 2002, 10:20 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  13. Stop using the term 'Sunshine'. It's giving me the red-ass. Oh, and 'Cupcake', it's not any better. Must be a sodding Ohio thing. Women from Northern Ohio insist on calling their 'Significant Other' Punkin. This is, of course, a corruption of 'Pumpkin', an Ohio term of endearment. One could wonder at why any woman would use 'Pumpkin' as a term of endearment....unless, of course, you'd hung out in the various Burger Kings, MacDonalds, and Roy Rogers that constitute Ohio's concept of 'fine dining'. One look at the 'Xtra Large MotoCross/Drag Racing/Monster Truck Rally T-shirt' spreading out like a ballerina's tutu over the belly of the average Ohio male, and missing the belt by 3 inches, combined with their round-faced, side-burned, dim-as-a-pit-bull look of complacent stupidity, would quickly lead anyone to the conclusion that 'Pumpkin' is not only apt, but the very nicest thing that one could say about this most primitive of 'Midwestern States'.</font>
  14. G) A map of his own design. Open steppe for the attacker, with an oasis of cover for the defender. A) The sole house on the main approach is aflame, as well as some of the edge of the wood, further limiting avenues of approach. Wind blowing the fire away from his men. M) Gave me a Mech force mix 1000 pts, no points for tanks. Perfect for the above terrain. E) Feckin' trenches. Y) It's an armored mech company attacking, ya nong. Dismounted the infantry because I'm not. G) Seems like a division because I've outwitted you. Berli's summary of your mental prowess is eerily on target. I) You've destroyed transport as empty as the span 'twixt yer ears, laddie. I've finished your Maxim Cha-Cha with my infantry intact. T) SMG troops in the trenches and wood. But I'll not whine or call names, as I'm a better SSN than that.
  15. Naw, the MBT and this one serve two different purposes. One is for the rantings of a blathering idjit and the other is for the rantings of many blathering idjits.
  16. Man dipped in pee Fox hunters shooting blindly Lars hung out to cure
  17. Regardless of your position on Sex v The Greatest Game to Date, there is one truism: CMBB never says, "I have a headache".
  18. Feh! What kind of Haiku was that? You have the sentence / syllable count all wrong. It goes something like this: Millions starve in Chad. U.S. sends massive SPAM aid. Millions starve in Chad. Now go back and try again. [ November 25, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
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