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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. My thoughts exactly! Even if you weren't killed outright you were probably a gibberishing (and deaf!) idiot for quite some time. Nasty gun...
  2. Rounded armor is an advantage. Draw a circle. Then draw a series of parallel lines so they hit the circle. These line represent in coming shells. Only one line can actually hit the circle "square on". That line is the diameter of the circle if you continued it through to the other side. All the other lines hitting the circle are in effect hitting sloped armor of varying angles.
  3. Thanks Berlichtingen. Will give those scenarios priority. Any other betas want to ponder this?
  4. In QB's you have a choice in type of force - what would your favorite scenario be involving primarily armor forces or combined arms, etc? For example, what scenario best showcases optics differences? Which is best to highlight the changes in infantry tactics? Which scenario best shows the difference between Allied and Axis C&C for armor and ground-pounders?
  5. BFC and beta testers - the game is out, so - what are your personal favorites and why? Small battle, armor, combined, infantry, overall? Large battle (as above)? Operation from the Axis, Allied side? Best battle to showcase the new features of CMBB? Your favorite overall scenario?
  6. That's near the Pocono Raceway, for you Nascar fans. If you're not a Nascar fan, it's still near the raceway. Time to load it up and move 'em out.
  7. Huh? Price to pay? Sounds like Man Heaven, LOL. Always do the remodeling while the wife's away. If SheWhoMustBeObeyed is not around, you don't hear, "What a mess!" every 15 minutes. That prompts 20 minutes of clean up about 30 times during the project instead of 1 45 minute clean up at the end! Enjoy the game when it gets there. Expect mine today in PA.
  8. SnarkerII is unregistered! That's because Matt was kind enough to get my original profile up and running for me again. Again, a great scenario. I am looking forward to playing Abbott in the near future once CMBB hits my mailbox. Monday, I figure.
  9. Wow! HTML - Heavy Torture Mom Language! This was great! Stixx, I'm embarassed for you. LOL! [ February 24, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  10. No, I went back and it's still ... doh! Duped AGAIN! Man, I'll never learn. Bet against the winner of the Kentucky Derby on the replay. Didn't think he'd win twice...
  11. Ow! Duped again! If we all had half a brain, we'd be half the idiots we are! LOL
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Big Time Software: So let's hear a nice round of applause for the latest whipping boy! Hip-hip... <hr></blockquote> Whip, whip! This means we'll have CMBB 20% faster!
  13. That's ok, Foamy. US personnel in the Pacific Theatre WWII tried firing Japanese 'knee mortars' and broke their legs in the process. See, the mortar really wasn't designed to be fired from one's thigh, even though the base plate looked like it... These were professionals, and they didn't know how to use a mortar either!
  14. Will wind change direction and intensity in the course of a battle or will it be static for the duration? In a similar vein, will fire and it's spreading carry over in an operation?
  15. Wow! Where do these maroons come from? (Peng, I never knew ye, but that smilie's for you!) Went to some of the gaming NG and a certain 'contributor' is on a serious rant (apparently has been for a while) about CMBB. What did you guys do to earn this idiots venom? Ask him to pay for the game like a normal human? Darn glad I decided to lurk there rather than post ... wouldn't want my email in hands like his. [ 01-22-2002: Message edited by: Snarker ]</p>
  16. Puff, I've found that careful manuever, cover and sneaking are keys to getting some use out of FT teams before they end up doing their impression of Johnny Storm (The human torch)from the Fantastic Four! They really are in a more forward role than normal in CM - but they are excellent to deny cover / flush units in hide mode. If BTS made them part of a squad, there should realistically be a chance of losing the squad when those bad boys blow... Hey! Come to think of it - why don't the current teams somtimes explode when eliminated, setting their location on fire?
  17. The short answer is I have never seen a turret down position while playing. The other three aspects are modeled.
  18. Yup. Don't eat pretzels with your beer. That's what puts the weight on.
  19. I guess the III could have been included, but if you think about it, it's rarity factor would make it a really bad buy...
  20. Wow! The Bob Semple "tank" is the ugliest thing I've seen! Looks like my neighbor's shed on tracks.
  21. Does sound like a heat problem, and I work on PC's. Try this site - I purchased a new power supply from them to replace one and I was very happy. Higher air flows, very quiet. They also have other cooling solutions.http://www.pcpowercooling.com/home.htm Best of luck.
  22. I don't work for MS, don't use XP, but version 8.1 has been released - for OS up to ME. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Snarker ]</p>
  23. That's the site! Couldn't think of it offhand, found it through a search engine. I was more referring to to the 'hacked' files they had posted, rather than the site. The weird stuff in the zip files alarmed me, as I remember reading something about this one site remaining up while others were being forced to close. I figured they had permission based on the article to post the software, or they would have been shut down also - so why did they post hacked files? (Rhetorical question)
  24. Major, I too got a copy of TacOps 1.0 somewhere on the web, and not being aware of such things (I am now! ) as phreakz or hackz or crackz or whatever they call themselves I looked the game over and then purchased v 3.0 - received it this past weekend. $8.00 s&h - slap those guys at the distribution center! All joking aside, looking over version 1 in it's entirety got you the sale on 3.0, so I'm not so sure having 1.0 floating around is a bad thin - especially since if the gamer wants upgrades and fixes he'll need 3.0 . However, I'm pretty sure I still have the files I downloaded, and they do have some wacky comments in the zip and an added readme - if you want them for any reason let me know. Bill
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