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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Actually m/s for speeds is more helpful in this game. When you do a LOS, you get the info in meters. The game counts out 60 seconds per turn. Easier to estimate times if your vehicles speed is based on a meters and seconds instead of a kilometers and hours.
  2. OK kind sir, how about letting the rest of the undereducated rabble in on the secret? Or should I make up my own? ianc</font>
  3. Motivation??? Break out "Tub Thumper", get yourself a whiskey drink, get a vodka drink; then order the game! Enjoy. Well worth it.
  4. Heh heh! Bet the thin layer of ice from the mist on that bridge adds a little more excitement to your drive... Common sense isn't. Especially when government operations are invovled.
  5. Looks like CMBB troops in the snap. Assume away. I won't assume anything 'cause of that "makes an 'ass' of 'u' and 'me' " thingy.
  6. No it's not all one or the other. But if the tubes can fire off all 44 shells in one turn, 44 smoke shells is what you get. Maybe a new feature like "20 smoke this turn" will be added for CM3???
  7. It's really funny looking. As the quad turret slews to the side, the gunner gets farther from the gun. It's a known bug and is on the list for the first patch, I think.
  8. Ah, you got the randomized 'unter-Funns'. Party animals, yes. Fighters, no. [ October 11, 2002, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  9. Naw, they're not alive. "Alikersantti Pajari, leader of 5 man finnish jääkäri team" has cleverly propped some Soviets up as decoys to lure more in... he's out of ammo and needs the poor unsuspecting Ivans closer so he can poke 'em with the tootpick!
  10. Well, he found a submachine gun. If he had the standard Finn toothpick maybe half the Soviet company would be alive. [ October 10, 2002, 09:03 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  11. As I said, you are arguing from a gameplay standpoint and it might work out well in that regard. But it is not realistic, we have a defense with 15-minutes foxholes right next to 2-week trenches.</font>
  12. Thanks, Andreas. Makes sense that both guys wouldn't rush the tank.
  13. LOL! I'm not complaining. Just wondering if the distance is realistic. These are after all hand thrown weapons. And I'm guessing they're not exactly light as a feather. Now if my hunter team was composed of the famous Uberfinns I'd have no question.
  14. 38 meters? Had a hunter team throw 3 of these weapons at a stationary tank. One thrown at 38, 37, and 36 meters. Is this a realistic distance? Are these guys olympic hammer throwers? Or is this actually possible due to the design of the weapon? All three hit. [ October 10, 2002, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  15. I've had sucess with regular infantry with just grenades in some cases. Grenade bundles are better, molotovs work best on open topped (or unbuttoned) units. Try using the advance command and placing it right on the tank. Again, rear attack works best. If the tank has infantry cover your attack will most likely fail, so suppress enemy infantry.
  16. Try right clicking on the link and then choose either 'save link as' or something similar.
  17. You'd need some very serious luck to take a T34 with a mortar. They will force them to button up, and a buttoned tank has a 'blind spot'up close. If you can get infantry near enough to a buttoned tank and assualt it you have a fair chance of disabling it at the least. Good luck.
  18. Try using 'shift b' in conjunction with 'sparse trees'. The colored bases help me find my troops fairly easily - although crater / foxholes / trenches seem to cover the bases for some reason.
  19. Seems some crews stay, some bail. Ploinking some metal off the immobilized vehicle seems to help those inside rethink their drink.
  20. I'd say! You got it 3 days before you ordered it.
  21. There is a "death clock" in the game. Basically, if there is no immediately visible reason to assume the tank is knocked out, you will continue to consider the target a threat. Normally your tank would pump more rounds into the trget until it either brews up or the crew bails. The reload time of the S Tiger is so long that you'll never waste a second shell. And yes, it's a monster gun! Try setting up some poor Ivans (like 400-700 of them) and lob a 380 into the middle. :eek:
  22. [gameshow host voice] Yes, Japinard, you just won a fabulous Second Copy of CMBB! And to add to your enjoyment, this copy was the complimentary copy Senachai was supposed to receive after his shameless groveling! [/gameshow host voice]
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