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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. Page 75, if you have the same manual I have has specs on Advance and Assault commands. "Order not available to: ...all conscripts..."
  2. It's just a flesh wound. You key-holing bastiche. [ December 09, 2002, 09:02 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  3. Yeah, unless you move into an area that has no cable internet. Like me. Waiting for it to come into the area, just like last time. What a tease.
  4. You know what caught my eye immediately in that line? "...after playing intensely for six months." SIX MONTHS. I tire of most games I own in under 3 weeks.
  5. I picture the oar blade still embeddeded in his skull. Years of turning sideways to pass through doors, coupled with the jeers and taunts of those innocents side-swiped by the handle probably added to his angst. Edited because I care. [ December 09, 2002, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  6. It makes sense? What makes sense you walkabout wallaby? A bat's a bat and a club's a club. A club isn't a bat, and a bat isn't a club. Unless you're in Oz, where apparently size doesn't matter. Lucky for you.
  7. 4 1/2 stars out of 5! The summary paragraph follows, as CG online no longer allows you to view the mags articles. Robert Mayer states after outlining minor issues (all stated somewhere on this forum ), Zdorovie, BFC!!! :cool:
  8. Originally posted by Mike: and leather and willow. No more references to the Cricky thing! I thought nothing could be more sleep inducing than baseball and the pace of my attack. I stand corrected. and will consider. What a spectacular suggestion. Ray, meet the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man. Maybe I'll send the turns to both addresses on occassion just to jab you with pointed sticks and cause much irritation.
  9. Corporate 101's irrelevant - I attend for the Govt! And you care what your boss thinks? Why? It's irrelevant. Start acting like a Guvment Payee. Ages ago. Would have sent it to work but you're scared of the boss. Malakas.
  10. I've been told to sod off by the Justicar? Oh, to be spat upon! Bloody jailer's pet, I am...
  11. Oh, great. Now look what you've done. All that nitro in the TNT seized MGA's brain. He's gonna be even angrier when he get's up.
  12. Talking to yourself, Mike? No, thank gawd it's a Stalin's Organ- without-an-apostrophe-wanna-be.
  13. PL - You're in slow motion - and gamey. Mike's Stale Organ or whatever persona you are today (prancing ballerina, perhaps?) - quit whining on the outerboards about your boss not letting you play at work. You're a 'Pooler, you balmy swiller of GoodAle brewage. Did you learn nothing in Corporate Backstabbing 101? Install your game on your boss's computer during lunch and fire it up. Then walk some self-serving barracuda by the screen whilst making "tsk, tsk" noises. Oh, did my gamey BT-6 toast your Marder yet?
  14. I knew that. Nasty buggers. Too bad they didn't land short... I'm trying to remember exactly why the odd designation, read it somewhere at 03:00 or somefink.
  15. no-one's forcing yout to do that - you could have come along the roads!! </font>
  16. I'm hurrying as fast as they can. Scaling Mt. GoodHeight takes a lot out of pixelated men. Disassembling the clankety things on one side and reassembling on the opposite side takes a some time too.
  17. What are you going on about now, lad? [Humor the looney sod] Oh, sure we see it. Right everybody? [/Humor the looney sod]
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