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Everything posted by Snarker

  1. OK Mike, Curiosity and stupidity got the better of me. Send the creation an let's see what we will see. Or somefink. MasterGoodGrowl, send you creature to me. Email in profile. Ooops! I mean, "MAGGOT!!! :mad: Get off yer sorry arse and send me the scenario! :mad: GRRRGARRRGH!!!" Never used a "mad" thing before. I feel... so dirty. [ November 25, 2002, 07:28 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  2. ***Sigh*** That was what we hoped. Apparently someone left the keys in GoodBeer's reach. He's a good natured, growly-faced kinda guy... with his panties in a bunch and TNT in his heart. Xerxes, now we have to chase 'im with the net into another thread! [ November 25, 2002, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]
  3. Ah, so it was the saturated Teamsters Lars and Gear off roading behind my house at 02:00 in a feckin' Ford Taurus with no muffler. How'd they get out? I saw the troopers take 'em away.
  4. MasterGoodale, sir! You're scaring the lads. Back to your Cheery Waffle, sir. There's the gentleman.
  5. Just think of it this way - all dirty hair looks brown or black. Maybe blonde just didn't look good to the designer's eye.
  6. {Stunned silence, followed by crickets chirping} The 'poolers, embarrased and ashamed, look down and scuff their shoes. A lone hand raises and Joe grudgingly acknowledges. "Yes? are you ready to apologise?" The reply comes back. "Um, Justicar, is 'HE WHO WINS THE MOST BATTLES' married to 'SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED'?
  7. You know how hard it is for the old folk to change their routines. Cranky about it also. Especially when you point it out. Ever notice how they aren't hungry when you ask them at 17:55 but "where's dinner, dammit?!" at 18:00?
  8. Translation: Joe says he is older than Berli. Last line is the giveaway. Oh, Anna Nicole Smith is available again you old sot.
  9. Um, MasterGoodCheeks, When the editor say Central, it means not Northern or Southern or Finnish FRONT. Take a look at your cheery little map next to the control buttons in your game. See the bright area? Guess what that is? Good gawd man. When are the Bunnywaffles available in your Easter Front scenarios?
  10. Yeah, well, since you say actually playing a tourney is unPeng-like, and being gamey is Peng-like, how's this for gamey? I WIN!!! Send me the wine.
  11. Try moving him somewhere close to his ride first (out of the building), then try to embark him. See if he moves at all. Or he may be Scottish.
  12. Very nice touches, ladies. If I remember way back to my college days and psychology, a certain shade of pink totally emasculated even the most aggressive of inmates. MasterGoodgrowl should start relaxing now. Surrounded by pink, his yarbles removed and sold for cat toys, he has little choice.
  13. You left out "and still feel you need to post a reply." Um, guilty.
  14. Dan, by all means remove the trenches. Abbott usually kicks my butt from inside those bad boys.
  15. Would the fair Ladies of this thread consider redecorating this one? MasterGoodale's thread of Cheery Waffle Seems there's not much cheer, much more sneer... Maybe some candles, a cozy fire and some nice wine will soothe the inhabitant locked within. BwaaaHaaHaa
  16. Hmm, Not much cheery in here. This thread needs a womans touch. Maybe we should get some of the Ladies to redecorate MasterGoodales thread. Yes, let's ask.
  17. I won it handily. It was glorious! Never lost a man. Then the alarm went off, I sat up in bed and cussed.
  18. I'm still using the 30 series drivers, per BFC's recommendation. I have the problem.
  19. You're slipping, MasterGooAll. You could have put two more growly faces in without the BB software complaining. {pokes MG with an stick dulled by too much poking}
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