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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Chupacabra

  1. To all you silly bastards - Some of you are apparently too blighted (or in PolTroon's case, too French) to actually read the squiggly talk-lines on the glow-box, so I will spell it out veeeeeery slowly: I. Am. Too. Busy. To. Deal. With. Your. Turns. Just. Now. My. Poor. Stupid. Wank-a-lanks. I. Have. One. More. Paper. To. Write. After. I. Write. It. I. Will. Send. You. All. Turns. I hope you all see your great-aunt naked. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  2. Yeah, come on folks, when you run up against amazingly poor luck in a game just do like I do and bitch about it to your opponent until they wish they'd never sent the damn file Of course, if you're playing the AI, you're SOL. In that case I strongly recommend getting drunk. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  3. Steve just addressed this issue in another thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013455.html ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  4. I'm using DX 8.0 on a C433, Win 98SE, and I haven't had any DX related problems whatsoever. It doesn't add any new features over DX 7 for the moment, since games optimized for DX 8 haven't been released yet, but it hasn't added any new problems for me. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  5. I've actually found that a close assault or a 'zook to the sides or rear are more effective at taking out the monsters than Allied tanks are. Even with tungsten, even with 90mm-gunned tanks, you're still liable to bounce a few before the game's over. An unsupported tank bushwhacked by infantry is dead no matter how you look at it. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  6. Well, that's not necessarily true. If the Germans possessed a surplus of those older model Panzerschrecks, they certainly wouldn't throw them out, even with the introduction of a newer model. Especially towards the end of the war, when everything that could still shoot worth a damn was pressed into service. Also, third-line formations such as the Ear and Stomach and Volkssturm formations were typically given outdated equipment. Now, I know virtually nothing about the Panzerschreck except how it works, nor do I know which type of 'schreck CM models, so someone else is going to have to answer the actual question But if a surplus did exist, the older models almost certainly would have been used in 1944-45. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  7. Sounds like a wise plan. Hell, if I were you I'd be taking quite a bit more than 200 pts worth of infantry as well, so I guess it's just as well I'm not playing him ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  8. Commissar - Your opponent's asking you to play an attack as the attacker with an essentially armor-only force? And no artillery, no less? If you haven't figured it out by now, your esteemed opponent is a gamey bastard. If he has even the slightest bit of tactical aptitude, he'll shred your armor from ambush positions, and there won't be a thing you can do about it. I know that advice is usually about as appealing as seeing your grandma naked, but IMO unless you're having fun, ditch this guy. Winning's all he gives a **** about. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  9. Make sure that your browser is set to allow cookies. For IE 5.0, go to Tools/Internet Options/Security/Custom Level. Set both cookie options to 'enable.' Hope this helps. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  10. And you felt the need to post this...why, exactly? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  11. The Peng thread has less to do with UBB hicupping than with the 150,000 other posts on the board. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: FT? I thought today's edition was quite boring. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, sure makes it nice to only have to pay half price, eh? What, you mean you have to pay full newstand price? Ha! ha! ha! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  13. Sgt. Bobby Bramwell, 4th CLY, 7th AD: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The next tank along certainly was a Tiger. I had reversed back a bit and I could see it through the windows of the house on the corner, so we traversed our gun and began to engage it through the windows, first with HE, which made a terrible mess of the house, and then with AP. I don't know how many shots we fired, but anyway, we knocked it out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> From The Desert Rats: 7th Armoured Division 1940 - 1945 by Robin Neillands. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  14. I agree with Mark IV. I'm done with Usenet. I slogged through it for a few years, and now I can't be bothered. If BTS made Usenet their primary forum, I wouldn't participate. As far as I'm concerned, that'd be a shame, but that's how it'd be. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  15. Er, I'm pretty sure that crisps, chips, whatever, were an American invention. Edit: Yep. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In 1853, railroad magnate Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt, dining at a Saratoga Springs, NY resort, sent his fried potatoes back to the chef, complaining that they were too thick. The chef that evening was Native-American George Crum, who was apparently miffed at Vanderbilt's complaint and decided it deserved a sarcastic reply. He sliced potatoes paper thin, fried them to a crisp in boiling oil, and salted them. The Commodore loved the “crunch potato slices,” as he called them, and the “Saratoga Chips” became a restaurant fad from that day forward.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh. [This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 12-06-2000).]
  16. Mark IV - While I agree that Japan did not have a stated program of racial superiority, I don't think it's possible to ignore that an unofficial one affected their actions. The "racial liberator" aspect of their expansionism was propaganda. Again, I'm not denying that there were Japanese who honestly believed in the concept. But in practice, their actions in China, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc. ad nausea, puts paid to that idea as anything more than an excuse for expansionism. Initially, at least one nation - Indonesia - did look to the Japanese as liberators from their European colonists, and were treated no less brutally for that. Expansionism was seen by the military and nationalist power base as both a necessity and a duty. A necessity, because without the conquered nations' resources, Japan could be smothered by the economic sanctions which the United States was applying. But it's worth noting that Japan had occupied Korea since 1910 and Manchuria since 1932, long before the application of the potentially crippling sactions over which the Japanese eventually attacked the US. Which brings me to my second point - the Japanese military was an extremely racist organization, which believed that the Japanese people were superior both to the "lesser" Asian peoples and to Europeans. As such, it was seen as Japan's duty to establish itself as the world's foremost nation. I don't believe their behavior can be otherwise understood. As for the rest of it - I'm not sure. Hitler was quite good at finding or creating loopholes in his own ideology when it was practical to do so. Japan had declared its opposition to Communism with the 1936 Anti-Comintern Pact, and as long as the Soviet Union existed, Hitler was only too happy to consider Japan an ally. Likewise, the Japanese military was thrilled when Hitler declared war on the US. Very few Japanese realized that the American economy was capable of not only sustaining but winning a war on two geographically distant fronts. Yamomoto knew, but unfortunately for Japan, wasn't listened to. So both Japan and Germany were happy to be allied as long as their respective enemies were intact, but after that, who can say? Even assuming the highly improbable outcome of the US, Britain, and the USSR surrendering, both Germany and Japan would have been unable and unwilling to go to war for quite a while afterwards. They may have decided that it was in their mutual interest to let Germany and Japan retain their respective spheres of influence and let it go at that. Or they could have decided that it was high time they got back to that world domination stuff and gone to war with each other. It's impossible to say. The classic sci-fi novel The Man on the High Castle by Philip K. Dick deals with precisely this question, if anyone's interested. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  17. Ugh, please not Web Crossing. The BBS code that IGN uses is nice, but unfortunately I think it's propreitary to their parent company. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  18. Mord - Thanks, but I'm actually looking to get away from free web hosts. I find them all slow and restrictive, and really only vary in how slow and restrictive they are. So I'm actually looking for a not-terribly-expensive commercial host. Such a beast may not exist, of course, but one can try. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  19. The file should still be in the recycle bin. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  20. In less civilized times I could split open your skull like a ripe coconut and enjoy the sweet, sweet brain-fruit inside without worrying about being sent to prison, so I figure it all evens out. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  21. Check the CM: Opponent Finder forum. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  22. Oh, thank god for you, M. Bates. The shining light of your wit has kept me sane in these bleak, bleak days. Who besides the mighty Bates would have the strength and wisdom to quote other people in his signature? Who besides the insightful Bates would have the perserverence to continue fighting the good fight in such a den of iniquity as the Peng Thread? Who besides the marvellous Bates would have the razor-edged sense of humor to make masturbation jokes? Bauhaus doesn't count. Who besides me thinks that Bates should place his head through a closed window? ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  23. Can anyone recommend a not-too-expensive web host? And yeah, I know about geocities and yahoo and all those free services, but A) they're slow and I feel like a dork for having a geocities site. I feel like I should be pasting up "HOT BRITNIE SPEARS PICS FOR U!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!" and "HEAR R SOME LINKS OF MY FAVRITE BANDS KoRn RuLeZ!!!!" So I'm looking to get away from that scene. Any advice? And just to keep this slightly on topic: WoRlD WaR TwO RuLeZ!!!!!! ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  24. The documentation's included in the archive file. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
  25. RE: the 7th AD. According to The Desert Rats: 7th Armoured Division 1940-1945 by Robin Neillands, the 7th was re-equipped with Fireflies in early 1944, after its participation in the Italian campaign. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The Armoured Regiments received the new Cromwell tank, but to tackle the growing threat of the 88mm gunned Tiger tank, the Armoured Regiments were eventually equipped on the basis of three Cromwells and one 'Firefly' tank per troop.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> So the Rats at least did officially comingle Cromwells and Fireflies. ------------------ Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.
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