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Everything posted by Grisha

  1. That can't be it. My wav's are at 44kHz.
  2. Hi Matt, I tried to put in a wav file that worked in the demo, but won't in the full version. What happened is it's accelerated, sounding like a rendition of Chip and Dale (the Chipmunks) doing their version. What configs are needed for wav files to function properly in CMBB, if I may ask?
  3. And like dalem, I prefer area fire to actual targetting unless the target's destruction is of paramount importance or a certain thing. Area fire suppresses over a wider area, and will also inflict casualties over time.
  4. Again, Renaud is dead on. When I finally figured out suppressive fire's use in the demo, I played Yelnia Stare again. On turn one, my entire Soviet force opened up on the treeline of the two flag areas, continuing into next turn when I successfully got three platoons to their first objectives without a hitch. And this was against the AI, which doesn't hold fire if it can make a reasonable shot.
  5. The RPG is thrown. It's a hollow charge grenade known as the RPG-43, made to land on its head when thrown. The mechanism for insuring a head-first hit is rather ingenious, too. About a year ago there was a thread discussing this very AT grenade used by the Soviets. I probably should add that this grenade has no connection with post-war Soviet portable rocket launchers also known as RPGs. [ October 01, 2002, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Grisha ]
  6. khurjan, I ordered 3 copies, and they were sent via UPS, and took 7 days to arrive. I'm in Seattle.
  7. Michael, I think some of those markings were actual factory markings, showing which factory they came from. I'll have to figure out where I saw that, but I can't remember at the moment.
  8. Bump. BTW ... The trouble with my machine was the Athlon AMD 1900XP+. It got so hot the motherboard was baked (think I had two fans in there). So, switching back to the cooler intels - unfortunately. This will most likely require a new install of WinXP (XP dislikes changes in hardware configs), which is a pain. So, I guess it can be expected that the machine will be back online by Wednesday, 2 Oct, at the latest. And, wouldn't you know, the frickin' games showed up the day after all this happened on Friday, 27 Sept - one week after they were most likely sent out. So, I still haven't seen the full version of CMBB yet. [ September 29, 2002, 07:22 PM: Message edited by: Grisha ]
  9. Well, I guess it's not so bad I haven't received CMBB yet. My computer needs to go in with terminal cra****is. Of course, this also means I'll not be able to OCR new chapters for Star, but as soon as the ol' PC is up and runnin' I'll get on it
  10. This thread really defines the difference between 'wargamer' and 'gamer.' The former is interested in seeing as realistic a simulation of a given conflict as is possible with the resources at hand, so as to understand the concerns and difficulties of the period in question. The latter is interested in seeing a contest that guarantees equality of resources so as to determine the outcome, based on a singular definition of 'skill.' What CMBB is foremost is a wargame, not a game.
  11. I'm in Seattle proper and am still waiting. However, I think the kicker is that if you ordered a few copies, then it was sent UPS Ground. If you ordered one (or two?) it went USPS Priority Mail, which is 2-3 days max usually. I pre-ordered 3 copies. Life is cruel at times.
  12. Panzer Leader, You think it's good now? Wait until the scouts really go about there business Nippy, Yes, when I was in Russia at "Detskii Mir" I was sorely tempted to buy a few Zvezda aircraft models. More than a little tempted As for getting a Russian copy, I'd check www.kniga.com. But you'll need to know Russian, of course. [ September 25, 2002, 10:11 PM: Message edited by: Grisha ]
  13. No, PeterX. If you're in the attack lay down as many Target commands as you have units on areas that should contain enemy positions. Do that before you do anything else. Start the beginning of the game firing with everything you've got. Then, and only then, think about moving.
  14. You should be able to acquire his memoirs in English at abebooks.com. The title of his memoirs was "Rememberances and Reminiscences," I think. I purchased a 2002 publication in Russia this summer, but it's in Russian. I love the character of Zhukov, but it needs to be said there were Soviet commanders better skilled than he. However, his presence in 1941-42 were crucial to Soviet survival, and he had a way with Stalin that few possessed.
  15. Okay, then, I ordered 3 copies, so if it's UPS, I can expect it even as late as Friday, 27 Sept (assuming UPS Ground, from Vermont to Washington). I can live with that. Just knowing how it was shipped helps a lot. Thanks for the clarification, guys.
  16. Yelnia Stare should've been a good preparation for how best to accomplish an assault, PeterX. What CMBO allowed players to get away with was unrealistic, because the suppressive effect of fire was minimal, especially area fire. This has already been said before in previous threads, but what you need to do as the attacker is:</font> Lay down heavy area fire on suspected main enemy strongpoints. This can be determined sometimes by the flag locations, or barring that, subsequent sound contacts as the enemy tries to bog down your advance with mg/artillery fire. Lay it down heavy and long, say, no less than a turn of just sheer area fire.</font> Send out a minority of units to advance after at least a turn of area fire has been ongoing, maybe no more than a third. If your area fire was close to enemy units and of sufficient volume, then your troops should have little trouble advancing a maximum of 100m at a time. And make sure area fire is continuing during the advance. </font>Only by suppressing the enemy through superior firepower will you enable your troops to maneuver in CMBB. [ September 25, 2002, 08:06 PM: Message edited by: Grisha ]
  17. Because they haven't all shipped is my guess. When I worked in a bookstore the emphasis was customer satisfaction, so when we had a lot of signed books to send out we first tried to satisfy as many customers as possible, and the best way of doing that is by shipping single copies first. Once done, you send out the multi-copies - especially considering the instantaneous sales volume a new product demands. That's business.
  18. Yes, The recent movie Zvezda is a second iteration of the novel. The first was in the 1960s and had a different ending from the novel. The recent film is pretty good (I purchased it in Moscow this summer).
  19. Since I have nothing better to do (no dice on my order as of yet), it seemed a good idea to transcribe this novel onto the internet. The book, Zvezda, or "Star," was a very popular novel written in the late 1940s, and won the Stalin Prize for literature in 1947. The author, E.Kazakevich, drew upon his own experiences during the war to produce a rather good novel about the razvedchiki, or scouts. I've started the transcription process with two chapters, and will try to OCR a new chapter on a semi-daily basis. Click below to enjoy Kazakevich' work: >>>Star<<< Enjoy, comrades! [ September 25, 2002, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Grisha ]
  20. My order # was in the 80,000s and arrived yesterday (Monday). Michael</font>
  21. Well, this ought to tell you about the state of our US postal service. I happen to live in Seattle proper, and have yet to receive my copies. I think I'll go on sabbatical until they show up. Cya all. And order #80385, no less. [ September 24, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Grisha ]
  22. While I twiddle my thumbs, waiting for the dang thing to show up on my doorstep (days, weeks, months???), I'll hazard a guess at this. Personally, it would be a case of 'show by example.' Now, I know the common picture of the politruk is someone waiting in the rear of his formation, just itching to put a cap in some unfortunate, broken 'comrade.' But, the reality was often the reverse. Most politruks considered themselves to be examples of what a 'Soviet Man' should be. Hence, they often acted with this in mind. When it came time to charge forward into Harm's Way, they were bound by duty to be in the front, to set the example. In CMBB, the platoon HQ would have a politruk and a platoon commander, commanding the unit as equals. Of course, this only applies in 1941-42. But, you most likely wouldn't be using human wave rushes from 1943, on. I wouldn't think you would, anyway
  23. Your quote reminds me of another quote: A little food for thought
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