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Everything posted by mensch

  1. ya who realy give a feck what you think mensch... drop dead. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  2. mensch: bla bla complain... ya what ever... ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. Goanna: bla bla bla Kitty: bla wine bla Goanna: wine bla bla ya what ever... ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  4. 8? no wait.. 7..hmm I'll get the hang of this quiz yet...oh I got it... C help? -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. NSYNC, BACKSTREET BOYS? -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  6. LORAK!!! word of warning, mensch is on the rampage two games against the Mookster... he sucks.. large... big time... and so on. first game: Mensch: German kick ass FalschirmRodents Meeks: American we have crap tanks Debriefing: a dark night somewhere in France, Marcel was eating bree or maybe it was that bad milk he decided to chew on... meeks advanced slowly..his tank crews high on LSD. Menschs forces move and grab a victory flag and leave the other for the git Mooks. my SUPERYOUCANTDESTROYME StuG was on the prowl. i sent a 1/3 of my company to hold the victory flag and automaticaly target the area with my 81mm FO... (they deserved it they didn't sing "deutschland deutschland wo würden wir sein ohne deine wurstchen" at the mess). Meeks takes the bait and attacks with 2/3 of his forces and finds 81mm can be damn acurate! acceptable losses for me. Mean while his LSD M10's are on the prowl too but like I said high on drugs makes a tank miss 6 times at 200m!!!! and his zook next to it must have dropped some E becuase he missed too, twice.. my StuG quickly dispatched his M10 in 4 shots and moved to help my non musical lads at the main flag. Meeks was getting mad and swearing more then a Marine who just got drippy dick from a mule in Tailand. So the guy sends his other M10 to kill my SUPERIAMLAUGHINGHARD StuG.. but my tank comander did not like the haircut of his tank comander and removed his head with the MG34 or somefink, this in turn caused his M10 to continue to hunt into Püppetchenland and died a burtal death... his FO must have had a map of Spain because his barrage was so off and so inaccurate I felt so bad I wanted to send my FO to his to show him how to call in a strike. Result: Feck was said 104 times from meeks, he had 85 casualties (18 KIA), 2 tanks lost, and 55 troops, which 50% of them were routed or searching for extra undies to change - 24% victory. Mensch who split a side laughing hard had 47 casualties (14 KIA), 78 men ok and one KICKASSYOMAMAISSOFAT StuG party dancing on the battle field - 54% Minor vicory for Axis... yeeehaa! second game: the bloodiest game I had since Germanlad wiped my sorry little ass in our first pbem. but I WON.. MUHAHAHAHAHA! mensch: British forces 101 casualties (26 KIA), 1 mortar destroyed, one vehicle Knocked out, 40 men ok.. 47% Meeks: German forces 110 casualties (30 KIA), 8 captured, 5 vehicles knocked out (mostly burning), 16 men ok... 35% again he had me.. till my 4.5inch arty made mush out of his troops.. muhahahaha.. sorry no rockets *sigh* ------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  7. ey weissu ey isch gestern in Obi. Hab isch gesucht so Lampe für mein Dusche. Bin gegangen zu infosuse und hab isch gesagt: Duschlampe? ey jetzt Hausverbot…!
  8. Tickle me Elmo -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. <center>34-29-39</center> Peng 3:14 --------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  10. hey hawk.. well when he gets back from holidays, I would be more then happy to help!! Like I said.. it looks awsome dude! ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  11. Margret Filling??? jeez not only is he french he thinks he is Hanibal Lecktor.. Like I said.. French = strange short lad. --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  12. and if you dip in the pool you have to pay the $45.95 US dollars to me.. for my dried frog pills. Its a standard, then you may insult all the french people there to your hearts content... oh ya and PawBroon but he's more a Gaul then French buts smells none the less of garlic snails so he qualifies. --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  13. First you go through puberty, this involves things like pimples, and then your young voice goes all sqeeky to a deep drive the women wild tone, then at the same time hair starts growing in places where there were none.. althouth some grown-ups shave that off cuz they think its sexy. AND then Matt comes buy or Steve.. it don't realy matter because they slap you up the side of the head with the BTS wet sticky Hamster and say "smarten up peewee we're the big boys here!" hope that helped ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  14. no mac version, no interest. When there is one I'm 100% behind the product.. looks great though. *sigh* --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  15. I did you feather for a brain!!! if ya did not get it.. send the fecking file again cuz I cleaned out my lost pbem files.. all one of them.. thats ours.. jeez here I'll give you some vowels "Ai ou you" no file you owe me. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  16. we at Der Kessel would be happy to host your mods.. if your interested give me a email or icq. mensch ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  17. a civilian.. or even worse cattle.. -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. hey... wait a minutes.. why did I get the "grade D" stamp??? and why is that butcher looking at me funny?? ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. what happened? i get online to check out my pbems.. thanks Hiram (your the only one who sent me a return file) and the rest?? like 30 emails... ban threats, sorry, and bla bla bla.. ok I don't mind being on the pool mailing list for important things like when peng was sick or Stuka getting hooked up or Mace found the use for brain cells.. Lorak.. one note Sludgemuffin kicke my heinie! large.. yup .. i gave up big deal... woopie... I would give you the score but the git is keeping the return file.. pecker..oops I mean, jerk.. doh! uh... big o meanie!.. geez that felt hollow.
  20. YA! peng is giving up! wadda suck! I guess his full General Lee beard made him a week mamas boy... jeeez what a cry baby... I guess since he didn't mention our game.. I WIN?? auto surrender? how nice!!! LORAK you hear this.. come here boy and take that peach out of your ear. It appears Peng is giving up! well till I smell something rotting (his corpse) I'll take the win. foo! well Jdsndorsef.. or what ever his name is took my challange.. and thanks to berli for the "pushing on" mission.. I am now in heaven and will give Jiffy a real american fourth of july!! gunuboy, I dispise you.. picking on hapless zooks... crewl man, evil, aahh! no wonder the germans have no word for "fluffy" they just be plain evil. stuka!!!!! hello??? anyone home??? jeez were is that boy? croda... I hate you second after germanlad, why.. the git must have found a buy one get fourty Zooks Free sale! jeez I have never seen so many rockets flying since I first discovered rockets!!! ------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  21. I'd tell you but then you would have to take these dried frog pills too!!
  22. well Rett, may I call you John? ok.. John it was standard practice, yes. You see when America entered the war they knew the troops would be fighting in water. Senate passed a law that the soldiers should be equipped with swimming wings (preferably yellow) and extra dry underpants packed in water proof Newspaper. Unfortunately most American troops were quickly equipped with these swimming wings and were not instructed how to use them, a many U.S. troops drowned a sad death by a fatal error of attaching the wings to their ankles.. heres a quote from a Pvt. Mills about the crossing of the Rein. "We were ordered to cross the Rein at 5:00am and we had no boats. Sgt. Frace told us to break out these new Swimming Wings which some troops called Widow Makers, we still did not know what they ment with this. Anyhow we got all geared up and started to cross, the current was strong and took half our squad by suprize, and my God! men started going up feet first!...NO ONE TOLD US WE SHOULD PUT THEM ON YOUR ARMS!... alot of the lads put them on their ankles because..well it look fancy and real cool... .. I'm sorry I can't go on with this interview.. the horror...*sob*" so John you can see... you were unlucky that unit did not use the wings on their ankles.. my guess this is BTS again favor for the Allies... I would ask them to open their source code so we can see if they are fudging numbers. ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  23. <center></center> well here it is.. since someone locked up my last post.. which me finks was not taken seriously, puh! well I took regular Barbed wire.. and the same result, after a valiant defense my wire still does not hold up to one Engineer unit!!! they cut the wire at a rate of 14.25 snips per second at 80º the wire front! and every grog knows that American Engineers cut at 5.25 snips per second. This shows again BTS leaning favor for Allies and not German forces!! I protest! I protest on three notes! one even though the unit seemed to be scared they kept up cutting!! JUST LOOK AT THAT WIRE FLY!! two! nearby wire routed seeing that attack.. pffft.. ya right tell me again this is not fixed! and Third my dried frog pills ran out. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-01-2001).]
  24. ya not so hard.. like 300mm Rickets hammering your troops into the ground 2 meters 15 cm down!.. prepare to die Justdorf.
  25. damn! your right... I had conscripts selected!! and everyone knows germans did not have conscript wire till late of 1944! silly.. me.. now I have to do some more tests!
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