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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Well la de fecking da... I leave work and come home and in this short time germany thread is locked down like a police raid on Crodas House with a search warrent for illegal porno ring.... hmmm.. to bad I was hoping that the thread go to Holland.. so I could have shared this 5kg of grass with you guys.. oh well.. I guess I'll go to the back of the room and start smoking this stuff in private. uh.. no updates cuz... well just becuase.. who the feck is this newbie.. some one send a horde of Orcs after him will ya? MEEKS you git me hopes an Oliphaunt romps on your private parts, your not online!! yes yes yes I was ready to play last night but WIFE v1.0 put a stop to that with a phone call discussion v8.03 get online you bad luck charm.. ROTFL.. I hunger for your follies!!! (sit down Bahaus!!) I want to see a Wolverine fire again 6 times and miss a StuH at 60m!! common!! get online... twit! ------------ <a href="http://www.derkessel.com">www.derkessel.com</a > Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  2. dear "fluffy" mace...I said thats how I feel.. not Fluffy pics of your favorate sheep. go dl the operation and tell us what you think. ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. In my mac at home I have 128MB RAM, and allocate 55MB to CM and at work I have 448MB RAM and alocate 80MB to CM. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  4. karch, I could do the tests for the two computers I have (G4 350Mhz at work, and a 6500/ 300Mhz PowerMac at home) I noticed on the first few turns not much happening as for number crunching but on the next few turns (I will not mention exact turns - due to maybe spoilers) but the crunching took some time the G4 seemed to handle it very well while my mac at home decided "ooh baby this is going to take some time" then again I forgot to up my memory for CM at home..hmmm I'll max out my memory for CM and see what it does. --------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. ya thats no problem... btw what mailserver do you have.. try mailcity you can send and recieve up to 4MB in attachments. =)
  6. Wolf.. you can't email it?? but you get emails.. hmm delema.. you mean you .. can you explain this to me? its to big to send? then send it in small packages..
  7. who the heck let this newbie in here!!!??? MACE! your slacking again as the door watcher.. you loose your backstabing knife? and he's quoting some book stuff!!! jeeez and I thought that incident with that GroG that came in the pool was bad.. now we got someone who actually reads books!.. well ok I have books.. well more like magazines with pictures of girls and stuff.. but thats MANLY stuff.. not this hockus pokus.. I am LUTNUTZIA SON OF POPNCORK.... *barf* here take Stukas porno movies (he don't need them anymore hes freshly married) but remember to give them back after a year cuz thats when he wakes up from this dream state called NEWLIEWED and enters the state OMMIEGODWHATHAVEIDONE!WHATHAVEIDONE!! He'll be needing all the support and pictures of other women to keep him afloat. ------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  8. if you email it to me I'll have a looksee and post it at Der Kessel. Matt usually has a quaity control on his mods, as we are doing at the Der Kessel.. but send it in and I'll give you some feed back, sometimes matt has to much time on his hands trying out new hair styles so he may have forgotten, if he didn't like it he would have told you though. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. quite true, and if you ever want to learn how to smell funny, look short and get laughed at by women on a daily basis.. call Parbroon, he's on his 12th Grand Masters Degree in Frenchness. You can start up with him.. just you'll have to become as short as a frenchman wear silly striped shirts and say "Oui Oui", you'll also have to call him Sifu Broonie and pay the regular fee for the 45th Gold Edition to a tribute to Jerry Louis (French national Hero) if this is up your ally drop Frenchie.. er I mean Prawnbroon a email addressed "I want to be as uncool as you" ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  10. what Mr. IHAVENOIDEAWHATIAMTALKINGABOUT is trying to blurt out of his blaber hole..is we (mensch, moriarty, berlichtingen, and bauhaus) are great players to pitch against, because we are always trying out new tactics and testing the limits with our equipment we bought, you see unlike Mr. I'MBUILDINGANOTHERFOURSTORIESTOMYEGO will laugh at your every move and flaw to the point you wonder, does this guy get laid or does he just play CM all day? agian I hope that answered your question. mensch ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  11. Will I win an oscar for this film I made? Four Idiots and a Tank -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-21-2001).]
  12. yes FLUFFY!.. cuz thats how I feel after working 13 hour days..heh. Yes folks www.derkessel.com has all new updates! whats new? First ever third party HISTORICAL OPERATION by TheDesertFox, Halpenny Force, Operation Totalize Phase II. (beta version) Two New Historical Battles from Yankee, Raffelsbrand and Vossenack. Also new Design tips from Yankee for Guides to historical scenario-making Comming Attractions for the first half of March to www.derkessel.com will be actual maps of areas in 1:10000, 1:25000 and 1:50000 for all those designers wanting detailed maps for their Battles or Ops. Also Allied leaf Cammo SP Guns from Mensch Drop in and check out the Historical Operation, it is in beta test and is quite large (planet sized). This Operation has to be considered "EXPERIMENTAL" and pushes the Combat Mission game system to its limits and goes beyond what Combat Mission was designed to. This operation was designed to test the possibility to recreate regimental sized battles using the Combat Mission system. You will experience considerable slowdown due to mapsize and amount of units encountered. A PC with at least 800Mhz DURON CPU is strongly recommended, or a G3 300Mhz with 87MB Memory given to the CM Game. ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  13. yes FLUFFY!.. cuz thats how I feel after working 13 hour days..heh. Yes folks www.derkessel.com has all new updates! whats new? First ever third party HISTORICAL OPERATION by TheDesertFox, Halpenny Force, Operation Totalize Phase II. (beta version) Two New Historical Battles from Yankee, Raffelsbrand and Vossenack. Also new Design tips from Yankee for Guides to historical scenario-making Comming Attractions for the first half of March to www.derkessel.com will be actual maps of areas in 1:10000, 1:25000 and 1:50000 for all those designers wanting detailed maps for their Battles or Ops. Also Allied leaf Cammo SP Guns from Mensch Drop in and check out the Historical Operation, it is in beta test and is quite large (planet sized). This Operation has to be considered "EXPERIMENTAL" and pushes the Combat Mission game system to its limits and goes beyond what Combat Mission was designed to. This operation was designed to test the possibility to recreate regimental sized battles using the Combat Mission system. You will experience considerable slowdown due to mapsize and amount of units encountered. A PC with at least 800Mhz DURON CPU is strongly recommended, or a G3 300Mhz with 87MB Memory given to the CM Game. ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-21-2001).]
  14. well harv.. I work in framesets and linking single pages would make navigation hard for the users but you got my page http://www.derkessel.com -------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  15. Thanks Andreas.. Oops.. I tested it with my G4 here at work and my 6500/300 Mhz mac at home..needless to say I can play the Operation on my mac at home, just have to wait 5 minutes for the computer to think and 12-18 minutes for the numbers to be crunched by the computer... UGH.. I need a new mac at home. The Times for my G4 were about 30 seconds for the computer to think its moves and then anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes for the computer to crunch the numbers to play the movie. ------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  16. yes FLUFFY!.. cuz thats how I feel after working 13 hour days..heh. Yes folks www.derkessel.com has all new updates! whats new? First ever third party HISTORICAL OPERATION by TheDesertFox, Halpenny Force, Operation Totalize Phase II. (beta version) Two New Historical Battles from Yankee, Raffelsbrand and Vossenack. Also new Design tips from Yankee for Guides to historical scenario-making Comming Attractions for the first half of March to www.derkessel.com will be actual maps of areas in 1:10000, 1:25000 and 1:50000 for all those designers wanting detailed maps for their Battles or Ops. Also Allied leaf Cammo SP Guns from Mensch Drop in and check out the Historical Operation, it is in beta test and is quite large (planet sized). This Operation has to be considered "EXPERIMENTAL" and pushes the Combat Mission game system to its limits and goes beyond what Combat Mission was designed to. This operation was designed to test the possibility to recreate regimental sized battles using the Combat Mission system. You will experience considerable slowdown due to mapsize and amount of units encountered. A PC with at least 800Mhz DURON CPU is strongly recommended, or a G4 300Mhz with 87MB Memory given to the CM Game. ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-21-2001).]
  17. HA funny.. no realy.. Funny HA.. hoo!.. wait stop.. no... ouch your spliting my side.. ooh.. OK monkey boy wheres my turn... as for Meeks.. I was online yesterday and no meeks to be seen on ICQ.. what planet are you on? most of us are on earth. Lorak! - Hairryum and I made peace.. it was, well a mis understanding and a mistake from both of us. our game is on Ice since Hiraom needs to clear up some personal things (a rash he found on his body parts or somefink) the rest you gits go take turns molesting Gerbillad since he has not sent me the round he owes me. Jeff!! buddy ... pal.. wheres my turn?? don't worry you'll get your chance to drop large Opel Trucks on my head soon. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  18. Croda.. my buddy my pal.... tell you what, since your on a looosing streak... and to peng at that... (although the sod will not win against me.. you see I have just as many 300 FOs as in Jeffs game which he chickened out unless I play it from his side!!.. your on sweet cheeks) so I got this game here... could be fun.. how about we play it.. you game? interested?.. I'll throw in a sheep to make it look attractive for you. besides I want revenge for that sappy game we last had... which i was on grass when I selected my troops and did not realize wtf I took.. till the next day. Updates for anyone whos NOT interested. Jeffymyboywhaddasucker: Has now seen the light and knows how bloody devistating rockets can be... LOL wadda nincompoop!... Germanlass: ha... a fully rested company on the march ready to eat his battle weary and low-on-ammo™ units. Stuknick: After many weeks of holidays the lad forgot how to play CM... FOO! Stucknick and I have two games going.. one old one that we started I think since we got CM in the mail... hope he surrenders soon, he has not alot left and is getting so peppered by my 75mm IG its not funny (andreas remember how fun those were??) and a new Operation were playing... I think we could call this Burning Steel by the amount of tanks and HTs on bothsides that are getting plinked. fun stuff.. I cant wait till he hits my dug in positions. Berli of Gitville: all I can say is ya right a bunch of guys run across a open field getting shot at by a MG bunker then runs across two minefields... and survives! watta cheater! I see a loss here... Peterpeterpiggyporker: has managed to have found a map of my whole defence plan and foxholes and is now systematicaly dropping two! 5.5inch shells in each of them!!! Where the feck did he get such accurate arty is beyond me!! to bolster my morale he said I panniced one of his units..jeez it makes up for the countless dead with 5.5inch shells sticking out of their heads.. thanks. Mace the Sheep Defouler: SNOW = slow going and very dull for both of us.. I'm dropping arty on him as I write and hope he eats it as bad as I am against Pete the Pig Porker. Penkomon: HA! bring it on.. I love plinking his stuff he threatens me with... jeff.. check this out. GOD said "Let the fireworks begin!" Seanachoo - bless you: is scrambling for flags.. and I'll I keep hearing from his guys are "need more ammo!" fun stuff.. its goinging to be a close one.. and I am personaly warmed he hates my hetzers with a vengence. Hiram: I'm not sure, we had a spat... he wrote an email, I wrote one back.. still no result. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. hey markymarkIV.. how bout I take your kitty cat and ramm it up your pipe! You and your fish can go play with your little red wagon too! But I figured you could not punch your way out of a steam walled room...so figured eating cheeze will be hard for you. go play in a plasma reactor will you. If I give you a condom go play with your pal Seanachai, will you leave me alone? [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-19-2001).]
  20. telletubbies stuck in a muddy shooting range singing some sicko song or somefink and you all out of thirty odd six ammo for your sniper rifle. ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-19-2001).]
  21. hmm I'll give it a try you webmaster must be on a mac.. heh me too cuz I noticed "Moving%20to%20the%20Front.jpg" the %20 are common for mac files with spaces when tossed up to a server (NT or linux) ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-19-2001).]
  22. well here be me, this one is of me on Holidays in France. <center> </center>
  23. ++serious mode on++ lorak take my game with hiram as a win for him if you wish, if such a sad example of a person wishes to claim the win he can. All i can say if I want harrassment, I'll go find some local Neonazis here in hannover to insult me, This child needs to find out how to treat fellow human beings. ya what ever.. as for the rest of you.. what ever.. I'm so pissed off from virbal abuse you can say what you fecking want.. this guy pisses me off so much he must be this SS Pipers little brother. fecker.. ++ serious mode off++ on other side.. some people are beating me in pbems.. big deal.. and some I am slaughtering in my pbems.. again big deal... jeez makes me want to give up comming to this board. you suck I suck.. but the biggest suck is Hiram.
  24. thanks mace.? hmm is anything from you a complement? oh well.. yes that is not the directors cut... there are standards here in the pool set by the Mattster™ if that were to be shown, I'm sure I would be banned (which all you guys would be cheering) you bastards.. and I'm sure four lawyers would be slaming me with lawsuits... which would be a nice change from the search and wanted orders on my head. btw.. mace you owe me $10.50 for looking at the film.. cough up.
  25. I like to thank the pool for their fecking attention.. god knows I need it. you'll need shockwave Flash and the file is 136kb big.. hope you can choke on it. Mensch Films Presents Four Idiots and a Tank ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-16-2001).]
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