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Everything posted by mensch

  1. Hey Henri tell me this kids name.. and make sure I don't play him. (email me) Off topic but this little snot sounds like he hopped in from the Starcraft Battle Net, for a dumb game I have never ever in my life seen a bunch of cheeting people in my life, (ie saying no attacking for the first 10 minutes - just build. Only to have the snot attack you in 5 minutes and says "well I thought it was dumb so I am attacking you") Anyhow, next time use the 75 rule or somefink.
  2. no not realy. Hell is empty and all the devils are here. ------------- What such fellows as I do, crawling between earth and heaven? We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  3. gentler Cess??? GENTLER CESS!!!!!??? WTF IS THIS? Feck that, this scheit of a political corectness is a North Fecking American Fetish to keep everyone happy. Buy Guns, take drugs say "man" not Post"person", cheat, lie! Don't be afraid to say "shut up you dolt, I'm surfing for PORN!"... damn fecking americans all thier political correctness causes more trouble then a Prostate infection! we need a leader who has a pair! and does not submit to "ooh did I hurt your widdle feewings?" we need a leader that is so mean that instead of using deodorant he gargles disinfectant and licks his armpits, not some guy who is so innocent he thinks bollocks are young cows! If this thread gets gentle it will be as dull as a pacifists pistol! sure sell out, take the easy why! It is easy to be brave from a safe distance... so lets all be good boys and girls and be Subtle as a gynaecologist wearing a gas mask so on to further news: there is none so go sit down shut up and be quiet... feck It is so quiet now you could hear a gnat fart
  4. alright you git.. after you come out of the bathe room, don't forget to take your Hooters magazine with you. And while your at it Pengkomon, SEND ME MY TURN YOU GENETIC ALTERED INBRED PRANTING SHAG-EARED MANIKIN! --------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  5. First board game: "1940" I think I was the only one on this planet that bought the thing.. *sigh* 1984 First computer war game: "ancient art of war" mac 1986? First table top: Warhammer Fantasy Battle GW 1988 First live renactment: Soldiers/capture the flag, with my friends in Edmonton, Alberta.. god that was fun, man I miss those guys running around the place shouting "budda budda budda"... 1978 First real War game: Manouvers with my unit in summer training GGHG. late 1989 First battle of the minds and wit: my wife (but shes winning, you can't win against your wife - for all those who are married will know this, how? well lets see you get out of this question... "honey do I look fat?" - check and mate!) ----------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-22-2001).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: You can stop worrying for a bit as I have to wait until I get home to do the setup. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> take your time Berlikoon, I be home at 22:00 which will be what 17:00 hours by you.. see you on icq. die lots now.. ps. tell your mom she looks good in red... ANYONE WANT PICTURES?? ------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-22-2001).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty: Well yes and no. Anyone who's played me has seen me call artillery in on an area where the enemy is when my own men occupy the same space. They've seen me make futile headlong infantry charges across open ground vs. numerically superior forces. They've witnessed my ineptness at getting flamethrowers to kill the enemy whereupon I use them to target any of my own nearby units. They've seen my summary execution of units whose performance I found lacking via tanks or artillery . . . but it's not done out of frustration. I do it 'cause it's fun!!! =D Kitty <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> wow.. and I thought I only did that.. *grin*
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Ripley.. I'm scared!..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ripley: It's ok Berli, you die anyhow in the sequel. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> jerk... packer, lugnut... Frauen Versteher, Weich Ei, Oberhelftebrotchenesser, Brainless Flat head... I slap your inner Croda and feed it rat poison.. die lots now. ------------ www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  9. I do that all the time.. for kicks.. my 150mm Rickets always find my troops and not the enemy..hehe.. *giggle* fun those 150mm Foosh foosh thingies ---------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  10. he's all grumpy cuz his Rubber doll sprung a leek!.. much like a pool leek.. ------------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: Pawbroon: He's French, what'd'ya expect? Meeks: VICTORY!!!!!!!! Meeks <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> anyone can beat Marcel.. hes not only frensch heh yes the "s" is just to piss him off... but as I was saying, he's Frensch and worse yet a NSYNC fan!! By the way Meeks did you get things *cough* ironed out with the Hiram Soodie? You two realy make a pair! like Adolf and Stalin... two more minutes and the Frenschie and his Schnugglehase and I would have to find another room to let you two love bugs alone. Which reminds me of bugs, where does Madmoot get the gonads to post fecking smilies on this board!! think of the PENGSTER you git! he is alergic to those things!!!! ok to my fellow jerks of the pool, update: Jerkboy: bugger off, you git! jeez as if your troops could have done that!!! i suspect code hacking on his part.. or his code hacking is better then mine! Hiram Snoodie: big board lots of places to hide but wait! Senachoo scream my name what is it I like MOST!!! SAY IT! Mmmase: I forgot what we were playing?, I sent a file to him and asked for a confermation but no responce from him... all I heard on the Answering machine was his wife talking and moaning in the background with snippets of "baah!" and "Hold still my sweet!" Stuka: back on track with the snoot.. I wish he would surrender my tiger is getting real good at shooting your infantry in the open.. *yawn* Senachoo: WHO'S YOUR DADDY! *foosh foosh* rickets are falling on your head! Pengkomon: I think hes dead... he has enough time to post on this stupid board but no time to do a pbem round!.. good boy your learning from the profi of not getting pbems done on time! good boy Puddy Kat: me finks she has power problems with the blackouts and brownouts... no return file for weeks now. anyone I forgot? ahh who cares.. your not important. ------- www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-22-2001).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ales Dvorak: Partisans=terrorists? Germans burn down your house, kill your family and you became a terrorist! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yup thats history or definition from the people occupying your country, to them you are Terrorists.. to your country men/women you are freedom fighters life sux don't it.
  13. well I can tell you Recoiless guns, are not.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GriffinCheng+: Nazi German were one of the first to place SPA into actual combat use. Griffin. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> wow just one Nazi... wow.. he must have been busy running to each piece.
  15. ok my vote for real... stuka, remember marrage is a big step, yup even bigger then posting hot, sweaty, heated posts to the tight leathered, dark haired, flirting Kitty... *gulp* remember lad when times are tough and things seem bad (wife taking up 95% of your time compared to the 2% Sleeping and 3% CM playing)... you got the Pool to come to to feel worse.
  16. remember.. after the marrage, 50% of what you buy later is hers... if you leave her or she you.. uh.... your next purchace of CM2, she takes half of the CD. just a warning cowboy.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GI Tom: This is the 4th version of the original thread with well over 3000 posts. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> don't forget the leakage factor too!
  18. I have played Henri once in a tcp/ip game and that too was a harry battle! many times I thought I was done for or a gonner but luck shine on me my arse was saved. by reading this AAR, me finks Henri is one of those fine players one can realy have fun and a truck load of excitement to play against, he has tactics that make you think even more and witty comments durring the play that makes one feel as if you were not playing against some player who all cheezy. He chooses his units as historicaly if possible or at least in the spirit of making it seem historical, his german troops have no bloody english accent like one sees often in movies and a player I feel, I'll be looking up to battling again against. Good AAR Henri, I was cracking up with your comment: "my opponent had a US veteran infantry platoon apparently consisting of John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hanks and other supermen who cannot be killed in order for Hollywood to keep making money." I wouldn't like to run up agains that squad..LOL mensch -------------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.
  19. Un bog a maus.. hmmm interesting since it never saw combat.. but would not stop me from taking a drive around stalingrad unbog a maus.. with the help of god I guess?
  20. well I was never in combat (thank god) but was a Light Tanker in the Canadian Reserves. yes its hard to see out of those slots, yes radio chat can sometimes be harry (manouvers) when the Sh*t hits the fan. and no we had no gyroscopes to aim with the main gun its damn fecking hard to stay on target while your crazy tank driver decides to do 30km on a bumpy field. hehe.. ah memories. we got plinked so often and never knew where it came from, but at least our infantry support wacked them after (sour feeling you had to be a barbeque before they could spot the AT unit) ---------- Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission. [This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-18-2001).]
  21. actually you have me stumped, as for the grain hard call too since I see here in Europe they have a shorter stalk as to compared to our (family) farm in Canada which the Wheat is almost twice as high from what I seen here in Germany or in France. but I was never around in 1940+ so I can't say. One factor is maybe the Tiger "crew" was destracted by a Zook or other AT weapon in the nearby or hmm???, …they were arguing who gets to make the "vroom vroom" sounds next?
  22. ahh pool leakage... me loves it.. ok who found the key to the doggie door this time!??
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Feel free to set one up. I'll be happy to point out the limitations in you weak and pathetic mind<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> your on, I always wanted to beat up a berli.. as a famous quote from the evil lad Gonadboy "hey greg if you ever want a easy win and feel good about yourself play Berli, hes a push over"
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: OK. First, what kind of friggin' amateur would bring up his sister here? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't! see an you all think I am mad...insane.. well they do say the brilliantly evil are insane.. hehe.. fear me for I have won against (LORAK THIS IS YOUR CUE!) against the non posting Hiram Snoodie!!! I was bored out of my skull last night and monkey boy comes online last night, so I says to him "hey Hiram! up for a tcp/ip!?" he says "shure oh great mensch, a mentor like you I would be honoured" so the sod asks me what I want I say give me Armour, make it random weather and time of day, also moderate trees.. the rest is up to you" so the git asks "what forces do you want?" I says "suprize me o smelly one" a natural responce from this speedy butterfly for brains says "you got to tell me what forces you WANT!".. me finks.. does this boy have any synapses in his head i just said suprize me!! oh well "give me germans" I types. so he gives me the ip addy to connect and in a few minutes I am loading data... well heres what I see (screenshot to come later when I get home tonight) Battlefield description: fatsdomino could play real well on this map.. flatter then Ally McBeal and as much terrain as the suface of OGSF balding head. So I looks at me troops and awaiting TANKS (you guys remember I said I wanted ARMOUR) well I got four halftracks, two 81mm mortars, 1HMG, two Mech Platoons, 1 sharpshooter, and one 75mm FO.... "funny looking armour" I says, then monkey boy responds "you got halftracks don't ya!?" in the end the gamey sod puts one of his FO's on the map corner, in a feeble attemt to hide him behind a daisy or maybe a pebble. that was the first thing I shot at thinking only he would do that. Naturaly his FO got spooked and ran off the battlefield.. wadda git! well after a well needed beating the boy surrendered hammered my losses 11 casulites (4 KIA), men ok 65+ his losses 25+ casulites (11 KIA), 63+ captured, 3+ mortars destroyed score Mensch 97% Hiram Looser 3% (note i have put "+" symbol there cuz my stats are at home and I will officially change them when I get home tonight with the funny looking map that git set up.)
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