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Everything posted by thewood

  1. It is not really fair to be bashing someone who is banned and can't respond.
  2. In CM it was called assault move and I agree that having it here would make trench assaults more effective.
  3. Hold on...you've missed the most important thing in this thread. Did he say 2-3 hours a day of leisure time??? Obviously, real life has yet to make an appearence.
  4. One of the most simplistic, yet creative posts I have ever seen on these forums. Very much like your art.
  5. Except things like grass are abstracted, correct? Is it really WYSIWYG? Is each leaf detailed? To have a true WYSIWYG, you'd need a supercomputer.
  6. Yeah, it took 3 or 4 times of making this mistake before I figured it out. Anyone who says they issue orders at the squad-level with no micromanagment must lose a lot of organic squad support.
  7. If 300 is the case, the OOB is no bigger than CC's. Not sure I could handle the management of 300 guys in this game and still remain sane, but it is still interesting hitting that limit.
  8. thewood

    ToW v2

    Now I'm confused again. After patch and addon, will the english version be equal to the Russian v2 version?
  9. Are we reading the same posts. Reread mine. That is exactly what I am asking. Will a unit give itself an order to remove itself from danger without being fired on. No human intervention. Not just refuse an order, but countermand an order because it puts the unit in danger.
  10. Can the AI assess and determine that a threat is too great and move into cover or backup? I have yet to see this in the dozen or so missions I have played. This is not the same as retreat under fire, but like a T-26 coming over a crest and seeing a Pak40 and then determing that the best thing is to back over the ridge, without human intervention.
  11. One of the things you gotta look at is that the reviews have been fairly consistent. They come in fair to good. What is interesting is that RTS oriented reveiwers give it mediocre scores and wargame reviewers give it mediocre scores. It says to me what I have thought all along and that is TOW falls between the two genres and does not really hook hardcores on either side. While SimHQ hasn't given its review yet, posts from the guy reviewing it lead to the same thing.
  12. Is there some kind of time limit on the hold order? It seems that if I leave them on hold and go something else, whan I come back later, some have wandered away from the squad.
  13. But will he pick it up automatically. That type of micromanagement is sucking the enjoyment out of the game for me. btw, can you imagine being the assistant MG guy. MG runs out of ammo and the gunner pulls a pistol turns around and shoots you so he can get more ammo. Not many volunteers for that job.
  14. Boy, I gotta twell ya', mission building is sounding scarier and scarier. Variables, loops, triggers, functions, I feel like I am back in a programming class back in college, not playing a game. Whatever happened to simply building a map, building an OOB, doing a setup, and playing it. When did this become a programming exercise?
  15. I think the point you missed is that they are turning towards an infantry target when you are trying to keep them facing an armor threat you know is coming down a road. It has not been a frequent occurence for me, but I think it has happened a few times. With no replay feature, I am missing it in real scenarios, but I suspect its happening from the results.
  16. Hey, get back to reviewing games and stop playing them!
  17. That is absolutely the best post I've seen on these boards in a couple years. Made me laugh out load.
  18. It still is a pretty fair review. But I agree that they have given pretty good reviews to Matrix games that not many people mention any more (Squad Assault actually reads very similar to TOW). I really can't think of the opposite right now.
  19. That may be the divider between the "fanboys" and the "loonies". Fanboys bought a system with potential, Loonies bought a game that has flaws compared to existing games.
  20. The problem is that if word gets around that a game isn't worth the money, and the publisher doesn't drop the price, it will stagnate.
  21. I think that is how the majority of people feel, with extremes on both ends. TOW has a lot of potential, but needs to nursed a little to be considered more than a flash in pan. I comes down to perspective. Some people flip out if a game isn't close to perfect out of te box. Some people by a game system and hope that the developers grow into the potential. I think Jim's review is pretty fair. He left out both glaring issues, as well as some good aspects. Overall he obviously played the game and has a lot of experience with wargames.
  22. http://www.wargamer.com/reviews/theater_of_war/
  23. If I remember correctly he was banned for personal insults.
  24. Robot behavior is not what I am looking for. Why is always extermes? Having a couple of guys wander almost 200 meters from where they were supposed to stop while the rest of the squad wanders around a 25 meter radius is not what I want. Until someone developes an AI that we can trust, robot behavior is probably better than the other option.
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