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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

phil stanbridge

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Everything posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Yeah I concur. RTM is a pretty good campaign too, but it builds up slowly. I enjoyed it for the most part. I just wished parts of it were larger with more forces. It can feel a little dis-jointed due to its size, in my opinion anyway. Some of my favourite moments were dropping 60mm into the crew compartment of a MKIV (a VERY lucky shot), watching the crew bail and getting hosed by my infantry squad. Dropping 60mm into the crew compartment of a Marder and watching it explode. HMG's taking out pillboxes. Scouts detecting enemy platoons without being seen.
  2. Interesting! Just using some logic, if it wasn't modelled why would two different launchers be in the game? Do airborne get a more 'mobile' version than regular troops?
  3. I was just about to bite the bullet and pre-order but that S&H cost is ridiculous guys. £13 to stick a cd in a jiffy bag and post it from Germany? It should be half that. I'll be download only unfortunately
  4. Undecided here. I might just wait for the download only option this time round.
  5. It looks like AA has been turned on and perhaps a heavy AF applied? I didn't think Normandy supported Anti-Aliasing however.
  6. It's great that BFC included air support and I hope to see it much more in the commonwealth campaigns, along with heavier artillery. But I think there are a number of reasons why designers omit the inclusion in their scenarios. Firstly, it has a tendency to unbalance. Secondly, the maps are generally too small. Sure there are scenarios that seem to fit the bill perfectly, but these also omit air support, I'm guessing for unbalancing issues.
  7. There certainly is a learning curve to a successful outcome playing this game, but it is achievable if you stick at it. It took me a fair while and I was used to playing Shock Force. A few things to consider in your approach. I'm not teaching you to suck eggs by the way, just a few little things I have discovered along the way. Do you play WEGO or RT, and what level do you play? Try WEGO and lowering the difficulty to begin with. -If you can see the enemy they can potentially see you. The AI doesn't cheat. -Play the game slowly. Very slowly. Slow it down if you can even just to practice. Your infantry will spot providing they are not hidden and they are facing the potential target. They also need time to spot. A couple of minutes usually in a prone position. -Keep command over all your units where possible. Split your teams by all means but make sure the HQ has overall control. Units under effective command will spot more efficiently. -Use combined arms where possible. Always keep a MMG or a HMG team with your infantry squad covering and a 60mm mortar in the direct fire role is suppression hell for the enemy. -Buildings do offer suitable cover and protection BUT it is important to realise how they 'group' in the buildings. If you have a 12 man team on the same floor, they are going to get shot up pretty quickly. Your men will look for the windows. Split your team on different levels. -Use cover arcs all the time. -If you can't spot AT guns (and they can be difficult to spot) then you are not using recon effectively. Get some scouts up front and probe the areas of interest prior to sending your armour in. These are just a few things. I'm still learning the ropes myself.
  8. Courage & Fortitude is much, much harder in my opinion and also bigger. I love the scale of that campaign but the maps are too challenging to be fun. I've played that through a couple of times now but I won't be playing it again. There are three missions in C&F which are a nightmare. There are quite a few threads on this forum about it. Panzer Marsch is a much smaller German campaign and reasonably good too. I played in Warrior by the way.
  9. First play all the way through. I thought it was pretty good - I suffered about 450 casualties all told, with 233 KIA. The Germans had over 1,000 killed, wounded and missing, with 6 tanks and 3 armoured vehicles destroyed. Quite a large number of casualties considering the average size of the mission, there's just a lot of them which was nice. I still prefer larger missions myself (with more choice of units) but these seemed to work well for the most part. There were a couple I didn't really enjoy that much, and one in particular I found very difficult but I can't remember what it was called. The final mission in the campaign was probably the most challenging in many ways, although those 88's didn't cause any concern whatsoever - maybe I just got lucky for a change
  10. Thanks a lot Aris! One question about the install now there are a lot of files. At the mo I have sepeate Doodads, textures and bocage folders all with relevant files. Am I better off just popping all the files into one zzz-aris folder or something like that to keep it clean and easily organised? It's all getting a bit confusing. Also, am I right in thinking there is only one paved road bmp to use but you have provided lots of options?
  11. Your HD grass makes a big difference aris, thanks a lot. Looking forward to trying these!
  12. Hmm I'm now debating whether to grab the media/download option. I said I wouldn't originally but that was because I got stung 20 notes on the tax. Shipping from Germany is a much better prospect, plus it's quicker too. It would look so much better in my steelbox Decisions!
  13. Wow! I didn't expect that. Looking good - they've 'dulled' down the greens on the armour by the looks. Nice uniforms too. Looking forward to it.
  14. So it's fast approaching Feb - I'm thinking it must be due around now any news? New screenshots etc? I can only think you're taking time to work on the campaign.
  15. Congrats indeed. I have yet to 'properly' finish that particular mission in the campaign. I find it too damn frustrating. But what were your overall losses? If I recall I suffered around 220 KIA with pretty much the same WIA. I didn't lose that much armour to be honest, but then it's not the easiest campaign for armour is it.
  16. Yeah they are typically Tanks a lot good. Can't wait to try them.
  17. I got the same message. It suggests its just the previews, which we don't need to worry about.
  18. Got it to work eventually! Had to download 7-zip and extracted the files that way. Thanks Aris, will enjoy now!
  19. Aris, the cmmods download is corrupt apparently. Plus I've had to download zip-x to get it to unzip - is this right?
  20. Basically BFC have stated that it is easier for them to produce a game starting in 1944 due to the fact a lot of the German units etc already in exist. It should speed up development somewhat. But I also believe by the time it gets round to it, maybe in 3 years I'd say, they would require a completely new engine by then anyway.
  21. Maybe by the time BFC get around to developing the new game they would have had plenty of time to think about it. I would much prefer a game starting in 1941 personally. It makes much more sense to the consumer. But I also understand BFC's take on it. Maybe by then they will have implemented a new engine, and their reason behind releasing a 1944 game first will become invalid
  22. Aris, your mod looks FANTASTIC sir. Thanks very much.
  23. That does look good mate, look forward to trying it.
  24. I lost about 50 men, including most of the engineers on that bridge the first time I played it. Had about 200 casualties in all afterwards although I drew the battle, because I managed to get the remnants of a platoon over the bridge before sunrise. I think pace and surprise are vital in this mission. I ended up leaving some of my platoons hidden at the starting point due to the fact they got hit by accurate artillery as soon as they showed themselves. I lost a lot of men that way. I think I've had one loss, and two draws so far. Not sure I fancy another go :-)
  25. If there's one thing in particular that really floats my boat in CM Normandy, it's the scale of this game. I'm playing Hussar this time as the Germans. I haven't played this for some time and forgot how nice this mission is. It's probably one of my favourites for various reasons. What I love in particular is the scale, from the smallest little details to the huge sprawling maps. There's simply nothing else like it! You can sink yourself into enormous battalion sized engagements and throw literally hundreds of anonymous units at a single VL, or as is the case here, you can carefully position a handful of well-trained men and lie in wait.. Here I am with a single 250/1, a tank hunter team of 2 men, and a LMG team of 2 men. I couldn't remember how this game played out, so I considered the terrain. I placed my tank hunter squad by a bridge and kept a covered arc. I didn't want them hidden, as I wanted to potentially surprise whatever came over that bridge with a panzerfaust. I placed my LMG team a bit further back, concealed and with a covered arc. I kept my 250/1 out of sight hiding behind some bocage. I couldn't remember what to expect or when but I could see that this bridge was a prime position for some trouble. Within a few minutes my hunch was right - my tank hunter squad had spotted an M5A1 casually advancing towards me. Now at this point in the past all hell has kicked off, that much I could remember. But this time it was different and played out exactly as I had intended. I kept my covered arcs in place and waited. Within a turn the M5A1 had advanced into my cover arc - I followed my tank hunter squad break cover and immediately launch a faust. Wow! First hit first kill. Hit on the weak rear armour and penetration, I watched in awe as the crew bailed a few seconds later. They ran straight into the LOS of my LMG team who tore them apart with a single burst of MG42. Amazing stuff! At this point a second M5A1 was in sight, and in the confusion and smoke had crossed the bridge exposing his flank to my tank hunter squad. As he went to reverse my second faust launched and up in smoke she went! Whooooooom. Gone. 2 crew members bail but soon hit the deck. My single tank hunter squad had claimed two impressive kills within 3 minutes. My LMG team mopped up. A minute or so later this M8 appears, somewhat cautiously this time, and halts. Now I'm in trouble I thought. I had nothing to counter that 37mm and he had perfect LOS. But my men were concealed. So he advanced, very slowly, across that bridge. I could see a crew member manning the gun, I was that close. My tank hunter squad let rip once again. This time with their SMG's. KO! One crew member KIA and then I see a grenade flying through the air. My LMG team had wanted a piece of the action too and without any input from me attacked the M8 with small arms. Now my 250/1 turns the corner and starts to unleash a suppression hell. Using the 7.92mm AP round I can see shots glancing and penetrating the light armour of the M8. Chaos and confusion all round, I see the M8 reverse at full speed back over that bridge and out of LOS. He gets over the bridge, comes to a full-stop and I can just make out the crew, jumping out and running for cover. The Americans haven't even managed to get a single round off yet! Now obviously taking the AI into account, this is CM at its best. Really, really impressive stuff.
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