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ASL Veteran

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Everything posted by ASL Veteran

  1. That's very strange. I don't have the scenario open at the moment, but the houses have doors on them right? I seem to recall being able to enter them back when I played it so this would be very strange indeed.
  2. I seem to recall that there was something going on with MGs in buildings and covered arcs that was fixed in the CMBN MG module. If you have a covered arc set it won't deploy ... something like that. Otherwise, yes, normally it will take about two minutes or thereabouts.
  3. Occasionally when a unit is casualty reduced in the editor the game kills off the leader. Does the platoon in question have anyone labeled as the commander or leader or are they all just soldiers or radiomen?
  4. This is what I just said and you just quoted this from the manual For some reason you then quote the section for force wide objectives which fall under the parameters portion of the victory conditions. These have absolutely nothing to do with exit locations at all because they are a fixed percentage of an enemy force, condition, or ammunition. You then finish up with this Which seems to correspond remarkably with what I just said The only thing I left out of my paragraph was the part about parameters or 'force wide' objectives. Of course those are different from the destroy objectives that I first mentioned and don't apply to the exit locations. So really I'm not sure what you are on about unless you want exit objectives included in every QB map as a default victory condition because what you are quoting from the manual isn't any different from what both Womble and I indicated.
  5. Womble is correct. All units that have destroy points associated with them and do not exit the map before the time expires will give those destroy points to your opponent. The only way that can be avoided is if no points are assigned to enemy units. If you have no points assigned to destroying enemy units then of course no points would be awarded to the enemy for non exit. So if you prefer to play scenarios or QBs that have no victory conditions other than terrain objectives then you can indeed fire away and play with an exit zone.
  6. The simple solution to all of your issues Superwoz is to refrain from buying the game. If you don't buy Combat Mission then you don't have to suffer so much from all of BFC's incredible oversights and inexcusable failings.
  7. For every scenario, every different force mix requires a different AI plan. Essentially what you are asking for is a QB generator that has a specifically tailored AI plan that matches each variable force that may pop up. It might seem like a great idea, but aside from the impossibility of creating a specially tailored AI plan for variable forces that is something more challenging than what a QB AI can give you, the scenario itself may be depicting a very specific historical action where a variable force would be inappropriate. If you want variable forces you can always play QBs.
  8. Ha, ninja'd. Yeah, I think the accuracy is probably about right but the reaction time is the part that is probably too fast. Everything probably happens much more quickly in the game than in real life due to a variety of factors. Where an adjustment could be made would be how quickly the gunner gets on target after an enemy tank is spotted. That's been discussed before though and I'm not sure if there are any plans to revisit that.
  9. If you can obtain a copy of the book 'Freineux and Lamormenil, the Ardennes' by George Winter there is a blow by blow description of a tank battle from both sides. The tank crewmembers for the tanks for both sides were interviewed and they describe the action shot by shot in great detail. You might be surprised, but almost every shot was a first round hit with the ranges below 1000 meters as long as the enemy tank was stationary. I have also read numerous tank battle accounts from other sources that seem to indicate that first round hits below 1000 meters was fairly common as long as the gunner was well trained.
  10. My opinion is when Stalin signed the non aggression pact I seriously doubt that he had an expectation that France would be overrun in a month or two. We all know how much Stalin was pining for a second front, so I think it's reasonable to expect that with the non aggression pact in hand, Stalin probably would have sat tight until it was obvious that the western allies were going to win the war. At that point he probably would have jumped in and grabbed eastern europe as the spoils of war. He performed a similar action in the east after Germany's surrender. I can't imagine a scenario whereby Stalin declares war on Germany with the UK as Germany's only opponent and Hitler in total control of most of continental Europe and his troops sunning themselves on the beaches of France with nothing to do. That's just not Stalin's MO.
  11. ASL is not for the casual gamer or the faint of heart. You also need to know someone else who wants to play it or might be interested in playing it. If you don't already know someone who plays it then convincing someone else might be a tall order. Assuming you can find an opponent though, even when I was playing regularly with a reasonably large group of friends the games would devolve into 'rules fests'. We didn't have any 'rules lawyers' per se because none of us really enjoyed diving into the rule book (a very intimidatingly large white binder with all the new and updated pages in it). However, we frequently ran into situations where the players had a different understanding about how something was done in the game and when something would come up it would be 'hey, you can't do that.' and we would then have to consult the rule book. Usually we would have a designated person, a rules umpire if you will, who would look up and read the appropriate rule and then we would have in depth discussions on what it all meant. The rules umpire would then make the final interpretation. Sometimes it was simple and straightforward and sometimes not so simple and an interpretation would have to be agreed upon. So I guess I would say that yes ASL is probably as good as you can get with a board game, but you need to understand that it isn't really 'just a game' in any sense of the word. You could probably create a college level class just on learning and understanding the ASL rule book. You should not look to getting ASL as just a financial decision because if you do it would be money wasted. You have to go in thinking that this is absolutely the game you must have because nothing else comes close because playing ASL requires a very big time commitment both while playing and studying the rules in between games.
  12. Wow. It is seriously easy to find instances where the Tiger tanks inability to go offroad has a direct impact on that tank's performance in a specific battle. Instances in which the same offroad environmental conditions did not have a similar impact on other vehicles. To claim otherwise is .... well I'll leave it at that. Edited to modify my initial remarks and to add the following: That's just one I happened to find in about five minutes. The Soviets were using IS2, SU122, and T34 tanks in that particular battle. I can give you several more examples too, although I'm not sure it's worth my time doing so. However, there are plenty of examples from Anzio with Tigers and Elefants where they were stuck to the road. You can also find numerous examples from German operations around Budapest as well with Tigers stuck to the roads. Like I said, examples are easy to find. Of course you have to want to see the examples and admit to their relevance otherwise it makes no difference how many examples are quoted.
  13. There are more examples than I can count of Tigers being forced to remain on a road to avoid risking immobilization. Proving that is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel - which I believe the mythbusters actually proved is pretty easy to do.
  14. Driving offroad will increase the stress on the vehicle's moving parts and cause more mechanical failures. This would especially be true during muddy or sandy conditions. So muddy conditions could cause mechanical failures regardless of theoretical performance for floatation purposes. This can be attributed to two different things of course, but the end result is the same. An immobilized tank.
  15. I think Bil indicated that the battle was already complete.
  16. Yes I did, although I probably haven't played it in ... oh at least ten years. I never owned the game although I think I did own a copy of SL back in the day. I just played my friend's copy of ASL and he sank an endless amount of money into it trying to stay current.
  17. The CMx2 game system is still growing while the CMx1 system has ceased. There is an Eastern Front version of CMx2 scheduled to come out sometime this year which you can read about in the 'Christmas Bone' stickied threads in the CMx2 forums. It's possible that Africa could be revisited in CMx2 in the future. You just have to be patient.
  18. This has been reported already. Jeeps can cross that bridge but apparently very little else can cross it.
  19. I think most average human beings would be utterly crushed if a man 6 foot 5 inches, weighing in at 335 pounds, and who can bench press over 500 pounds ran into them at full speed. Normal sized non athletes would be hospitalized from the impact even if they are wearing the pads. NFL football players are ridiculously quick, big, and strong. I can assure you that you wouldn't want to be in a collision with anyone playing in the NFL with or without padding.
  20. I added a Sherman to the US forces and it refused to cross the canal bridge. I'll report that as a bug. Thanks.
  21. I just started a new game as the American player in 2.12 and I drove a jeep across the Bailey Bridge (canal bridge) and I drove a jeep across both Dommel River bridges. I then started a brand new game as the German and I drove a tank across the diagonal stone bridge across the creek. Every bridge seems to be working, although the diagonal bridge is a little screwy when the vehicles cross it. Ah, I see that you said tanks can't cross the bridge. I don't know why a tank wouldn't cross if a jeep can. I might add a tank to the American starting forces and see if it will cross. There is no reason a tank shouldn't cross the bridge.
  22. Was this from a game started prior to the release of the patch or is this from a new game started after the release of the patch?
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