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ASL Veteran

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Everything posted by ASL Veteran

  1. I've never had any issues using ATGs in the game. I generally get several shots before my guns get spotted - I always have. How other people use their ATGs though I can't comment on.
  2. Generally speaking, the random individual MP44s that occasionally show up in squads will not have a resupply. In my personal opinion it would be best if those randomly appearing MP44s didn't randomly appear and that the MP 44 only showed up in formations that we know had them like the Panzer Brigades. The supply platoons are a new item added to the game. Unless there is some other reason for a designer to add a supply platoon I think it would be a little ridiculous to add one just so that one or two MP44s that randomly appear could get a few more magazines to load into their weapons.
  3. 1. Nothing has changed that I'm aware of 2. That's pretty subjective so I guess that depends on your perspective. I think some changes were made to spotting ATGs but whether it meets your standard or not is not possible to know 3. Bunkers have been dropping into the mesh since CMBN first came out so that's not something that was new to CMFI. As far as I am aware nothing was changed in that regard.
  4. Only one company was sent to Italy IIRC while the rest remained with Army Group North Ukraine. You will see them on the Eastern Front before Kursk. They were almost all destroyed or abandoned in the retreat after Army Group North Ukraine was attacked so they would only be on the Eastern Front until sometime in August if I remember correctly. Once all their Elefants were destroyed they switched to the JagdTiger IIRC. I'm going from memory though so if anyone needs specifics I can dig through my references if necessary.
  5. The only Elefants were with Army Group North Ukraine.
  6. Actually we have already been relieved of our income. It's just a matter of whether they took the right amount. As far as the game goes:
  7. Lest fellow gamers feel bad about their method of recon during a CM battle, how about this real life example from Operation Goodwood. Soviet forces from the various accounts I've read used even less sophisticated methods of recon. After a breakthrough occurred, the spearhead tank brigade might be led by a platoon of T34s with a platoon of mounted tank riders. They would then simply drive down the road a few minutes in front of the main body of the tank brigade and if they ran into anything they were to report back on what they encountered.
  8. One of the biggest areas to influence scenario time is the size of the map. This is especially true if the attacking force is primarily on foot. It takes time for infantrymen to walk across the map and you have to allow the player some time for fighting mixed in there as well. A fully mechanized attacking force can cross a lot of real estate in a relatively short time and in those cases it can be more difficult to estimate where the player will be at any given time. Different players have different playing styles too. You can have two players play the same scenario and one guy gets a total victory in thirty minutes and the next guy gets a total defeat in two hours. There are certainly cases where the designer has given the average player insufficient time to achieve the objectives. At the same time it's not really practical for the designer to give the player an unlimited time to achieve the objectives. As in all things related to scenario design it is a balancing act that has to be performed by the designer. It's not really possible for a scenario designer to create a scenario that is all things to all players. Most players will get a good feel for the way a specific designer generally operates and they can then stick to scenarios that designer creates.
  9. After the initial Soviet breakthrough in June, many of the battles on the eastern front in the Red Thunder time frame could be characterized as meeting engagements between roving battlegroups. Many Soviet units, in particular, didn't get very much intelligence at the lower levels as to the strength and disposition of enemy forces even if such intelligence was broadly known at higher levels. For the Germans there was simply too much 'terrain' to cover and too few forces to have effective recon done prior to every battalion level attack. A modern US style by the numbers doctrinally sound recon of enemy forces prior to an attack on the eastern front would be the exception rather than the rule. Once the situation stabilized somewhat towards the end of August and lines became more static then you might see more pre battle intel.
  10. If you are having trouble loading the map in 3D mode you can always go into the editor and trim it. Just be sure to rename the map something else so you don't permanently crop the original map.
  11. I'm sorry but you just aren't being accurate here. The problem, as I see it, is that you seem to view a 'scenario' in terms of a vacuum. As far as the player is concerned I suppose that might be accurate, but if you are comparing it to reality that isn't accurate. It isn't accurate because you have no idea what happens at the end of a scenario beyond the time limit that has been imposed. In real life, once the time limit expires the battle would not end. The battle would continue beyond the end point of the scenario. The only difference is that the conditions that were set to determine victory or defeat were not achieved within the amount of time that was allocated to the player to get a 'victory'. Victory in the sense of the issuance of points to each side for doing certain things. Victory or defeat in combat mission is an entirely artificial construct of the game that you are playing. However you want to slice it, if you cannot achieve the 'victory conditions' within the time constraints that have been imposed by the scenario designer then you have not completed the mission as it was designed. Why did the time limit prevent you from achieving 'victory'? Take your pick of any number of reasons as to why the time expired. An atomic bomb exploded. General Patton sacked you for not being aggressive enough. Enemy reinforcements arrived at the exact endpoint of the scenario. A bridge was destroyed. Your flank became uncovered. Your troops have nothing to eat and refuse to continue fighting. It makes no difference. It makes no difference because what happens beyond the end point of the scenario is irrelevant other than to contribute to when the scenario endpoint is reached. The only thing that you need to know is that you failed in completing the mission within the time constraints that were imposed by the designer.
  12. I see you are from Fort Bragg so I'm going to assume that you have some level of military experience. With that in mind, I don't want to come across as insulting, but generally speaking every order is issued with some sort of a time frame in mind. General Lee wouldn't tell General Hood to take Little Round Top whenever he felt like attacking. If Lee doesn't give some sort of a time frame for the attack then Hood might just sit around doing nothing as many a commander has been known to do throughout history when orders are unclear or imprecise. No my friend, success on the battlefield is intricately tied to timing and if the timing is off then that could spell defeat. Commanders of military forces can't just sit around drinking tea or smoking cigars taking their sweet time while battle swirls around them because the battlefield is a dynamic situation as opposed to a static one. No, contrary to what appears to be what you are advocating, the normal situation when orders are issued is that some form of time guidance is given to the subordinate commanders for an objective to be achieved. That's the normal situation. Unlimited time to achieve an objective is the abnormal situation. In case you are thinking that I am only referring to bridges, why don't you take a look at every invasion in WW2. Yes, I think you will find that every invasion force had objectives that were supposed to be taken by D Day, D+1, D+2 etc. Having said all that, I don't get bothered by players who want unlimited time. If they want to take 3 hours to advance across a 100 meter map then more power to them. It's just the notion that time restrictions are 'unrealistic' that just doesn't stand up to much scrutiny.
  13. You must not be trying very hard then. Let's see, what was the title of that last module that was released? You might try starting there and then expanding your horizons from that point.
  14. No, there is no way to eliminate scenario time. There are a variety of reasons for why that is the case, but suffice to say that scenario time limits will always be a part of the combat mission experience. However, you can go into the editor and extend the time of any scenario to about a maximum of 4 hours IIRC. I don't think you can alter campaign scenarios though so you are probably stuck there.
  15. I have it on good information that all the hard copies of the game were loaded onto a Malaysian Airlines aircraft for delivery.
  16. We Go is a turn based play method where you plot your moves in an orders phase and then you hit a 'Go' button and watch the action for 60 seconds. It allows for simultaneous orders plotting between opponents. Think of it as real time with mandated pauses every sixty seconds. The main thing about We Go is that you get to rewind and watch a movie sequence of the action as often as you like so you never miss anything while with Real Time if you miss it you miss it.
  17. Welcome aboard. As long as people are tossing their military experience out there: Served in the 32nd Army Air Defence Command in West Germany with a HAWK air defense missile battery in 1984. The two things I remember most was when a man with a camera drove his car onto the bare grassy spot just outside of our missile battery and blatantly took photos of the installation. I told the sergeant about it and we all went out and started waving at him until he decided to leave. The other memory was during an anti aircraft exercise vs some F4 Phantoms. I watched the Phantoms flying low and fast over the hills and I watched in horror as our tracking radar (mickey mouse ears) seemed to just point at the ground and sway back and forth in confusion. There was a West German military training installation nearby and I also had to walk past German trainees who were crawling around in the nearby trees during the summer. I was then transferred to Fort Hood Texas where I was in a Vulcan battery in the 1st Cavalry Division. I spent most of my time riding around in a Gamma Goat erecting antenna masts in 100 degree heat, only to disassemble the mast and move to another spot after sitting in place for about fifteen minutes. I think we spent more time moving than we spent set up. The back of the Gamma Goat was flat and it was too hot to leave the back door open, but if the back door was open the dust got sucked into the vehicle. It was so thick that I had to wear a gas mask and I looked like the Pillsbury dough boy. I also remember that we were driving up to the top of this big hill when all of a sudden we came to a stop. We then proceeded to start rolling backwards. With the speed increasing I started to become worried. Eventually the generator / trailer jackknifed and we thankfully came to a stop. I asked the sergeant what happened and he said that they drove up to a cliff. He then added that we could just set the antenna up where we jackknifed and came to a stop . I can only assume that the driver, upon reaching the cliff, didn't know what to do, popped it out of gear, and then lost control of the Gamma Goat as it was not on flat ground and started to roll. The military then began to downsize and I was offered an 'early out' so I took it. It's one thing to play around with pixeltruppen, but its an entirely different thing to actually be out there doing things and living within the military 'structure' and 'regimentation'.
  18. I've reported the issue, but it will probably be a while before anything makes it out to you guys. I'm guessing it will probably have to wait until a pack or module gets released for this series unfortunately.
  19. That's very strange. I don't have the scenario open at the moment, but the houses have doors on them right? I seem to recall being able to enter them back when I played it so this would be very strange indeed.
  20. I seem to recall that there was something going on with MGs in buildings and covered arcs that was fixed in the CMBN MG module. If you have a covered arc set it won't deploy ... something like that. Otherwise, yes, normally it will take about two minutes or thereabouts.
  21. Occasionally when a unit is casualty reduced in the editor the game kills off the leader. Does the platoon in question have anyone labeled as the commander or leader or are they all just soldiers or radiomen?
  22. This is what I just said and you just quoted this from the manual For some reason you then quote the section for force wide objectives which fall under the parameters portion of the victory conditions. These have absolutely nothing to do with exit locations at all because they are a fixed percentage of an enemy force, condition, or ammunition. You then finish up with this Which seems to correspond remarkably with what I just said The only thing I left out of my paragraph was the part about parameters or 'force wide' objectives. Of course those are different from the destroy objectives that I first mentioned and don't apply to the exit locations. So really I'm not sure what you are on about unless you want exit objectives included in every QB map as a default victory condition because what you are quoting from the manual isn't any different from what both Womble and I indicated.
  23. Womble is correct. All units that have destroy points associated with them and do not exit the map before the time expires will give those destroy points to your opponent. The only way that can be avoided is if no points are assigned to enemy units. If you have no points assigned to destroying enemy units then of course no points would be awarded to the enemy for non exit. So if you prefer to play scenarios or QBs that have no victory conditions other than terrain objectives then you can indeed fire away and play with an exit zone.
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