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ASL Veteran

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Everything posted by ASL Veteran

  1. You are wasting your time because he is a 'feature' guy. The only thing that matters to him are new features. He would happily continue playing the CMBN base game without any additional scenarios, campaigns, nations, formations, terrain, or weather conditions as long as he continued to get new features because none of the other stuff counts as 'value' to him. Fortunately, the way things are structured now he now has the option to simply play the CMBN base game and just buy the upgrades when they become available and patch his game as the patches are released. With this strategy he won't have to feel ripped off when he actually has to pay for scenarios, new TO&E, or a couple of bridges and windmills since he can just opt out and stick with the CMBN base game.
  2. Well you know, getting those three things that he listed into the game is his life long "Struggle". Like the original author of that book though, I think that his suggestions would not turn out as well as he hoped since they would add some layers of micromanagement that the majority of players would be annoyed by. Maybe having a command to tell your guys to throw grenades would be useful once or twice, but then how about all those times they don't throw anything because you forgot to command them to throw them? As you can see, that could get very old very quickly. It's the same with the Acquire command for looting the wounded and the dead. Do we all really want a command box to pop up with Acquire EVERY TIME any of our truppen provides first aid to EVERY wounded or dead soldier on the battlefield? Seriously .... I guess superwoz is so super that he only has one or two wounded soldiers all game. For most players I think it would get annoying and ridiculous very quickly.
  3. I generally play WeGo, but I have played Real Time once or twice a while back, and without any pausing the game can be very fast and even overwhelming. I have to guess that most RealTime players probably play at a higher camera altitude than your average WeGo player and from a Real Time perspective I can see where things could be more streamlined or improved. I do agree that for newer players or players who aren't familiar with this game category the Real Time aspect is very important since it's probable that the vast majority of other games out there are played in Real Time so that's the mode that a new player would probably prefer to start out in. So when players are discussing the UI, I'm thinking that the majority of those players are Real Time players and that if you play We Go everything is fine. Of course a We Go player doesn't have the time component of needing to do things quickly and efficiently with good situational awareness. I believe Steve himself has said on a few occasions that he prefers to play the game Real Time. I'm sure he is aware of the UI needs of Real Time players so you guys shouldn't form the opinion that BFC doesn't care about the UI issues that are being raised. I'm sure if Steve could wave a magic wand and create the perfect UI for Real Time play he would have waved it already.
  4. IIRC the game only uses one core, so if you have 8 cores then only one of your 8 cores is being used by the game.
  5. Pixeltruppen will not stay inside one of the new ditches if the ditch is deeper than 1 meter. I would guess that they don't go into the ditch for LOS purposes because they can't see out of the ditch if it is 2 meters or deeper. The way to avoid that is for the designer to restrict their ditches to 1 meter depth. If the designer made the ditches deeper than 1 meter then only a patch can alter that.
  6. A is AI Group, not AI plan. All units will start in default group A1, and then as you add them to different groups the number will change to A2, A3, etc up to A16 (there are 16 AI groups). There is no AI plan designation assigned to the units themselves. The only way to know what AI plan you are working on is to see which one is selected in the UI over on the upper left side of the screen.
  7. First, I wasn't addressing your proposed solution but rather the post that I quoted in my response. Second, you are making an assumption that a piece of a model can be made to be 'invisible' and not look foolish when the wheels are detached. Maybe it would be better for you to first demonstrate this invisibility on a current model using your modding prowess because models in the game begin life as a solid grey as far as I know. Third, as I said in my initial response about the anticipated chorus of 'I know that you just said it isn't going to change but we still want it changed anyway.' it's definitely not going to change in a patch and Steve has already said its not on the list or even planned for inclusion on any list. I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish here by pretending that we are not capable of understanding your proposed solution to a non problem. We get it. We understand it. At this point, your proposal has been rejected. I can't make it any simpler than that unless you want me to scan a picture and post it here (right back at you bud).
  8. Current AT guns don't split into two separate pieces when you unlimber them. You do understand how big of an issue that is with regards to the in game models right? An AA gun has one model, then all of a sudden after you unlimber it your one single model splits into two models in the middle of the turn on the fly. There isn't a single item in the game currently that splits into separate models ... not one. So assuming that its even possible for the game to split one model into two on the fly in the manner of a bacteria, the code would have to be written from scratch to allow it to take place in game. How much time and effort would that take (assuming its possible to do at all?). Who knows. All this for one single FLAK gun that was largely obsolete by 1944 anyway.
  9. Perfect. Charles was asking for it as feedback in the Deadly Mantis.
  10. Saferight, a bug report was filed for this issue but we need more information. Was this in Real Time or WeGo and do you have a Save Game available?
  11. It was obviously a choice to make them immovable. If I had to guess it would be that the additional 'stuff' like the detachable wheels and the extra crew movements required for making them movable was not worth the effort to make them movable. Fortunately if you want a FLAK gun that moves you can always use the various models of SdKfz with the FLAK mountings. Those vehicles were specifically designed as mobile FLAK, unlike the guns that are being asked about. In anticipation of the next obvious response of 'In spite of the decision to make them immovable we want them to move like AT guns even if we can't see the wheels detach etc' this is probably not something that is going to be changed or altered in any way in a patch. Perhaps it might be revisited in the distant future some day, but in the mean time you will probably have to deal with it as is and stick to the SdKfz versions of FLAK if you want to move them around.
  12. A report has been filed on this one. Thanks.
  13. It appears that sburke was generous enough to offer his assistance so you can probably pm him about your save game.
  14. I will try to file a report for this for you. Can you list your system specs for us? I don't have a drop box account but maybe one of the other testers who do might be able to get your save file from you unless you want to try e-mailing it to me (the file might be really big though so I don't know if that's viable).
  15. Thanks guys. I think its under control now.
  16. You guys who experienced the problem - other than mjkerner - did any of you have any FJ uniform mods installed? I think someone released one very quickly after the game was released.
  17. We are in the outer part of the inner sanctum. The actual paid employees are in The Inner Sanctum. Even we can't see inside the Inner Sanctum where Steve and Charles cook up their special gaming brew. It has been reported. This is probably a complicated issue though because it was tweaked several times already before you guys even saw it so its not like they just put something out there and said 'it's broken but so what, let them eat cake.'
  18. Just so you guys know, this issue has been noted and reported. Hopefully you will see a fix soon.
  19. Back on the topic - yes the way bridges connect with the ground seems to have been changed. The way to cure that is to place a normal ground tile where the bridge connects rather than a road tile. So if you swap the road tile closest to the bridge to a dirt tile you should eliminate your connection problem. If it is breaking previously made scenarios though its obviously a problem that needs to be addressed. I think its a little over the top to make a declaration that BFC produces buggy games and makes no effort to make corrections since they don't care. Especially when the game itself was only released a few days ago. I think a little less hysteria could go a long way here.
  20. No, the main lesson there is to always make sure all your passengers are out of the vehicle before you bolt from the scene and pretend nothing happened.
  21. Except that by 1944 the training period was much shorter than it was in 1939 and the regional restrictions were almost obliterated in addition to the fact that there were wholesale interservice personnel transfers and recruits were coming in at very young ages (which matters from a physical standpoint because a boy just doesn't have a man's strength and endurance). There was also a severe shortage of trained and experienced NCOs and officers by 1944. Some training units got lucky and had well trained and experienced NCOs and officers, but many units got their NCOs from the supply and administrative areas or had soldiers who were promoted too quickly beyond their actual capabilities. If you were talking about 1939 then you would have a valid point.
  22. Holland was the normal rest / recovery area for the Hermann Goring Division since its formation. Battalions would be regularly rotated in and out of Holland to refit before returning to Italy. As an aside, I sincerely doubt that rating those troops equivalent to US airborne troops in Sept 1944 is anywhere close to a reflection of reality.
  23. No, because MG is 2.10 not 2.01. You can only continue playing your opponent in 2.01 (and who doesn't have MG) if you keep a separate install that doesn't have MG. Yes, obviously if you both have MG then you can play each other. You have to have two separate installs - one with MG and one without MG in order to do what you want to do.
  24. The Panzershreks are just assigned to the squads as that was typical of how they were split up, but you as the player can 'split off' the Panzershrek team from the squad if you want to use them as a separate team. Just use the 'Split AT team' button in the Administrative section and Presto! you have a two man Panzershrek team.
  25. No. They are separate games. 2.0 was mostly a graphics upgrade, but there were numerous small changes as well. There is probably a changelog somewhere on the main website if you are curious. Without the 2.0 upgrade though you can't play the Market Garden module so it's required for that. CMFI and GL are also coded in 2.0. Only CMBN and CMBN Commonwealth module are currently in 1.0 and that will probably change before too long.
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