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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Correction - the unit listed in the after the battle magazine is the 5th Grenadier Guards, not the 6th.
  2. While you are at it, drop me a line. I have Hasselt converted to CMAK.
  3. The South African military History Society Feldgrau.com Axis History.com 6th South African Division OOB Military Archives Depot, Pretoria and of course 'After the battle Magazine', but they only have a very brief mention. I should add that "Grenadier Ridge" is not an actual location per se, but just a series of lower peaks somewhere around Monte Dominici(sp?).
  4. Thanks, but by late July that OOB list was juggled quite a bit. For instance, I Parachute Corp was defending the southern approaches to Florence, but only one of the divisions listed in the May list was still there.
  5. My God! Its the missing Typhoon!!! Quick, everyone, lets debate this again for the 500th time!!!!!
  6. According to 'Steel Inferno' by Michael Reynolds, the following German units were involved in the counterattack: 39x Mark IVs of II Bn./12th SS Pz 8x Mark VIE of 101st SS Schewere Pz Abt. 27x JgPz IVs of 1st SS PzJr Bn. I Bn./26th Pzgr Regt. 12th SS Escort Kompanie 1st SS Pz Corp Escort Kompanie 12th SS Pz Artillery Regiment (minus 1 Wespe battery) 12th SS Flak Bn. Part of III Luftwaffe Flak Corp 83rd Werfer Regiment
  7. Go to the website listed above Click the "join" tab Click on either long or short form Fill out form Once you create an account you can add to the site Now click on the "admin" tab Click on "upload new map" Fill in the fields click proceed click on browse button to find map click on map click upload button Your map is now added to the scenario depot
  8. I doubt they could have extended their lines that far out and not get cut off. As I said earlier, the VG divisions could not have kept up with the the advance. Note that 7th army, whose job it was to protect 5th Pz army's southern flank, only made it as far as Bastogne. Everything west of that was the responsibility of Pz Lehr, and they were busy themselves pushing for the Meuse as well as containing the Bastogne garrison. They could have committed part of the OKW reserves, but that would have weakened the final push into Bruxelles and Antwerp.
  9. Have been bitten by the "big maps of Tuscany" bug again, and would like to do two new scenarios depicting the fighting there in late July / August '44. All this is inspired by my copy of 'After the battle magazine', which is a treasure trove of info for CM-sized scenarios. Anyway, the two scenarios I am wanting to do are 'Romola' and 'Grenadier Ridge'. The first is fairly easy to get info on, since it is the battle for the town of the same name and involved the Kiwis of 22nd battalion. The latter is a different story, and here is where I am hoping someone can lend a hand. All I know is that the allied unit involved was the 6th Grenadier Guards of 24th Guards Brigade, itself attached to 6th South African Division. The name 'Grenadier Ridge' was given to a series of peaks just south of the town of Greve in Chianti, on route 222 midway between Florence and Siena. Does anyone have any more info on this battle? As best I can determine the German unit was 356th ID.
  10. This site says they were part of Nebelwerfer Abteilung 84. Zett shows the 84th as being part of 7th Werfer brigade, but that unit not showing up until June 10/11, and then in the Caen/Orne bridgehead sector. Edit: sorry, I may not be reading Zett's info correctly. He has the 84th regiment as being part of 7th Werfer Brigade, while the Omaha site says it was an Abteilung. Could be one and the same, but then again...
  11. Is it possible to remove the last contact markers from the game so as to increase the FOW?
  12. Thanks to everyone for sending me the breifings. Sly, If you are interested I can convert the map for you. Takes all of 2 minutes. Send me the map if you are.
  13. One of the reasons the Ardennes was chosen as the site for Op Wacht am Rhine was the ratio of allied forces to the front line. No where else were the allies spread so far to cover so much territory. Not so in the north, where the British 2nd and US 9th armies enjoyed a greater concentration. There is also the terrain in the area east Eindhoven to consider. Here you have the Peel marshes, which is even less suitable for a large scale offensive than the Ardennes. Ironically enough, the Germans did launch an attack in that very area in late September, using the same divisions which became the OKW reserves for Op Wacht am Rhine. Their opponent - the US 7th armored division, the defenders of St. Vith. The lead up and attack closely resembled the much larger Ardennes offensive 2 months later. An American unit spread very thin to cover a wide front, in terrain assumed (incorrectly) to be unsitable for any enemy attack, was taken by surprise by the strong German offensive. The signs for the attack were all there, including an increase in German patrolling and raids in the area, cross-border informants telling of large concentrations of German tanks and bridging equipment, and even the burgomeister of a village sitting square in the path of the upcoming assault telling his citizens to evacuate the town. Still, with all that the Americans got caught flat-footed. It was only the infusion of reserves, including British units, that eventually turned the tide and pushed the Germans back, but only after several days of intense action. The whole tihng reads like a mini-script for the battle of the Bulge.
  14. Treebeard will be right pissed if that were to happen. The last thing you want in the middle of a pbem is to have the Ents emerge out of the forest to step on your men.
  15. It'll cost you a beer, but yeah, go ahead... AFAIK, OKW reserves were 9th Panzer and 15th PzGr divisions. The Fuhrer's Grenadier Brigade and 79th VG division may have been included as well. Oops, two beers and counting... Guards Armored was assigned the defense of the Meuse river line from Namur to Huy, and maybe even as far up as Liege, although I remember seeing a map way back when that showed the 51st Highland division being responsible for the city's defense. BTW, Wavre is on the E411, the main highway connecting Namur to Bruxelles, and as such would have been in the hypothetical area of operations for 5th Pz Army. Therefore, it would have most likely been OKW reserves (as opposed to II SS Pz Corp) that would have seen action there. See this map
  16. Not really. It would make the AI perform better at attacking the objective it chooses, but won't make a difference in getting the AI to choose both objectives.
  17. My guess would be the II SS Pz Corp, or maybe OKW reserves. The initial assaulting divisions would have been diverted to cover the flanks of the penetration, since the Volksgrenadier divisions would not have been able to keep up with the advance. So 1st SS Pz Corp would have held the northern shoulder from Elsenborn to Liege, and 47th Pz Corp the southern flank from Bastogne to Namur.
  18. Something I noted in the website you listed that doesn't make sense: Tiger's first showed up in Tunisia on November 28th, 1943 (their first field test of 4 tanks) Obviously a typo with regards to the year, but is the author also saying that Tunisia was the combat debut of the Tiger? IIRC, schwere Pz Abt.502 was the first unit to take the Tiger into combat just outside of Leningrad in Sept '42.
  19. Send me the scenario and I'll take a look.
  20. Thanks, but that still leaves the question of what unit used StuGs at Gazala and Tobruk? The site you listed has the F/8s being shipped to 10th Panzer, who never saw action at either of these two locations.
  21. AFAIK, a unit that retreats off the map does not award the opposing side any points. That said, one thing it does do is lower the global morale of the retreating side, so it does have an effect on the game.
  22. IIRC, the side that is not required to exit units will receive the purchase value of whatever units did not exit (but not killed) towards his total. So, in other words if your opponent had to exit a unit worth 100 points, but you prevented him from doing so, but didn't kill the unit, then you get those 100 points added to your score. Now, if in the same situation you did kill the unit then you get a double bonus - the purchase cost x2 (one for killing the unit and one for preventing it from exiting).
  23. I refuse to participate in any tournament that would have me as a member
  24. FYI, I converted this classic to CMAK a good while back, but only now have I released it to The Scenario Depot. Go grab it and enjoy! BTW, isn't it about time Richie released another scenario?
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