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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Steve, There is a "follow" command that is in the works. It will allow us to convoy an armored column along a road, i.e. follow the lead vehicle, all the while maintaining the same speed and distance. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW I sometimes don't see that my units are paused, but when it comes to the action phase- they pause for up to 30 seconds, why!?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Anytime you add new movement lines to an existing movement order the vehicle will pause at the completion of the old orders before resuming the new ones. This pause will not show up if you had added the new lines while the vehicle still had old lines to complete. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Also, if I want a vehicle to go from point A to B- how can I assure that the vehicle will do that without engaging in a gunfight, and thus pausing to engage the enemy-<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The vehicles number one priority is self preservation, so if it feels threatened it will stop to engage. The level of the threat will determine if the vehicle will stop or not. It might continue rolling if it encounters a sniper, but will surely stop if it encounters a Tiger. This is a realistic reaction. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>With little planning, the lemming leader simply orders all his units to march together decimating and overrunning anything in their path without regard to any real tactics.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That is until the 155mm VT rounds start falling. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  3. Just to be sure I ran a test last night. I loaded the "Saar" scenario (small, snow on the ground) and then Carentan (huge, bocage). Carentan came in faster although it is easily 3 times the size. Snow seems to have an effect on load time. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  4. I'm sure this suggestion has been brought up before. May I suggest you do a search ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've also seen some wierd behavior where units will end up with bizarre movement orders that I did not give them. This is usually after I have watched a playback then brought up the next orders phase. When I look at some of the units they have movement orders with 10 or more waypoints which I'm sure I did not give them<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Chances are you plotted them over terrain which they couldn't cross, so when they come up to it the AI took over and re-plotted a way around it. You'll see that most often with vehicles, but some of the less mobile infantry units (Mortars, MG teams, etc...) will also get re-plotted if need be. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  6. What were the parameters of the game? What type of force (comb. arms, Mech, etc...) Did both of you field? What type of battle (probe, assault, etc...) did you play? How many points did you as the defender have to purchase with? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In more precise CM manual terms, the "spotting level" never goes down for an individual unit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've seen numerous instances of sound contacts that disappear, wouldn't that be an example of spotting level going down? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm just about broke, but I think I can just barely get the full version.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Cut some grass, wash some cars, pull some tricks, do what you have to do, but get the game! ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>During the Bulge, Sepp Detriech was stalled infront of Bastogne<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I may be wrong on this, but I always thought the 6th ss Pz army wasn't anywhere near Bastonge during the battle of the bulge. All the stories I've read put them in the Elsenborn-Stavelot-Manhay area. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  10. I've noticed that myself and found a feature common with the slow-loading scenarios: snow. Elsdorf, Merry x-mas at Herm(?), One long cold day, all have snowy landscapes and are very slow in loading. I found other huge (non-snow) scenarios load just fine for their size. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  11. nevermind [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 09-08-2000).] [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 09-08-2000).] [This message has been edited by Kingfish (edited 09-08-2000).]
  12. Wow, that was 3 minutes of bliss ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What's the best way for a newbie to pbem like me to find a good opponent?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're doing it now by posting here. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  14. Once, my 7 month old beat Freyland in a PBEM game. I was concerned about what impact the knowledge of being soundly thrashed by an infant would have on Jon's self-esteem, so i kept it to myself. To this day he still doesn't know ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  15. Iggi, Picture this scene in your head: You are the allied TC, buttoned up, peering thru your vision slit, watching rounds from a Tiger richochet off your tank. Your rounds in turn bounce off him with no apparent result. This goes on for a few exchanges (imagine the state of your crew as each round clangs off). Suddenly, thru the smoke, you see him slowly back up. At precisly the same time your commander calls in on the radio "It looks like you damaged his gun...ignore him and start shooting at those guys with rifles over there. Don't worry about the Tiger, I'm pretty sure he's harmless now." What would you do? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  16. Hello Wild Bill, I played "Son" the other night as the Amis. Fun scenario, at least for my opponent My question is, how did you determine the OOB for the allies? The reason I ask is, given the importance of the Son bridge to Market Garden, I was surprised to see no units of XXX corp aiding in it's defense. Just curious ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  17. There still seems to be some problems with "advance" Ops, whether they are being worked on I don't know. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It seems kindof' wierd that flanking the town would equal total victory<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The way I understand it, the amis are supposed to defend the town and lines of communications leading to their map edge. In my game as the Germans I had made it all the way to the map edge, so there is no question that I had severed the LOC, therby achieving the objective. I'm not sure how far a German unit has to be to be considered flanking the town. I do remember a couple of threads on this one, so a search might answer those questions you have. IIRC, Wild Bill did answer one of the threads, if anyone should know about the victory conditions, It is he. Good luck ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  18. The scenario you are talking about is "Team Desorby" and yes, people (myself included)have experienced that same result. I think (not sure) once the Germans have flanked the town they have achieved their objective, so the game ends there. I got as far as the second game of that Op. In the first my opponent stopped me cold, but in the second I avoided the town entirely and went for the map edge. The computer ended the Op after that, giving me the win. Did you get to see the map at the end of game 1? If so, where were the German units? Were their any units flanking the town? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  19. I'm confused. Are we talking about AT teams on a recon mission or setting ambushes forward of the FLOT? ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If I recall correctly the bazooka is suppose to be vastly inferior to the panzershriek.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Perhaps in killing power, but as to accuracy that depends on many other factors (crew experience, state of crew, range, luck, etc...) I think the last factor I listed accounted for the hit/miss you described. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  21. Warren, I bet you advanced the Poles alot faster than the AI, which accounted for both the inacitvity of the trucks in the first game, and their escape in the second. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  22. IIRC, Pillboxes are concrete structures, and will have either a MG or AT gun located within. Bunkers are wooden structures are have only MGs. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think the best advice is to just not play again with someone who you feel has used "gamey" tactics. To me (and I recognize that some people strongly disagree) such tactics are akin to cheating<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> When making the decision not to play someone based on gamey tactics, one should consider several things: 1) In all the countless threads discussing gamey tactic one thing was evident: There is no clear cut consensus as to what is gamey or what isn't. Use of crews as guards for prisoners, edge hugging, AT teams as scouts, etc...opinions run from A to Z. Therefore... 2)When you play someone that is using tactics you deem gamey, that person might not be aware he is violating your particular code of ethics. You should at least cut that person some slack the first time around. Better to clear up any misunderstanding than to walk away and leave the guy wondering. Just my $2.00 (pre-tax)
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes, I know there’s an unofficial second version of this scenario somewhere but IMHO BTS must correct it with an official second version<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sure, with a topic like that I'm sure that Wild Bill will drop everything and rush over to fix it. May I suggest an apology post. ------------------ Charlie don't surf!
  25. Cueball, Are you saying that battle #2 starts over exactly where you declared the CF?
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