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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. With 4 out of 10 going to Germanboy one would think he'd be inspired to get off his lazy ass and design some more
  2. I suggest you try 'Worthington force'. Can't remember where I got it, but if you're interested just drop me a line.
  3. Just guessing here, but I believe the difference of the live vehicles horsepower vs the dead vehicles weight is a determining factor. I would believe a Tiger pushing a dead HT off to the side, but not the other way around.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Specterx: Only the Americans have VT artillery. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Americans and Free French get 105 and 155 VT, the British get 25lbr and 5.5in VT.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: In CM it would be neat to be able to have FOOs who have expended all their ammo be able to put infantry of a specific platoon or company under command and control, in the absence of the other officers in that subunit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why stop there. Why not have leaderless squads revert to control of other platoon HQs as well. Granted, might not be feasible in a half hour firefight, but could be used in Ops. I've had platoons lose their HQs in the first battle of Ops, then have to mate up with a company HQ for the rest of the Op (which lasts several days).
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape: Regards (while I twiddle my thumbs in Namibia awaiting Saturday's match) b]Charl Theron -------------- You can't be a wine snob. You have to keep your mind open. You have no idea where the next great wine you drink will come from! -- Francis Ford Coppola, American film director<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Charl, As you can see in the turn I've sent you, I've begun my victory parade into town. It's time to store the grape juice in the cellar. You should have fine wine by the time the last flag shows the Union jack.
  7. Mensch, When the BBS was updated alot of the old member numbers were changed to '0'. I've seen threads resurrected with everyone having the number 0.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Olle Petersson: One unit I actually picked myself (for fun) that proved to be useless was a German conscript 75mm arty spotter. Seven minutes ETA of something comparable to a 81mm mortar... Cheers Olle<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I believe the lag time represents the spotter running back to the battery and chiseling out the firing coordinates on a piece of granite.
  9. Here is a quote from Von Lucke in the 'overrated / underrated' thread: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Underrated: The Wolverine. (Qualifier: This applies to the first few game months only). In case you haven't noticed, American TD's don't get tungsten rounds until August (Sept?), the British version of the M10 however comes well equiped with "t" rounds from the beginning. This can be a nasty suprise to any Panther or Tiger wielding chappy in June - July.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know, we are comparing American TDs. Still, the combo of Fireflies and 'T' equipped Wolverines do give the Brits a mean one-two punch, don't you think? [ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  10. Treeburst, Delete the briefing from the scenario and replace it with a side-specific word doc.(or equivalent). You can then e-mail it along with the scenario.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Third, greetings to my esteemed and eternal foe Kingfish, who by his mere presence in this section guarantees a knock down, drag out fight. Mark me well, all ye in Section II, this guy is clever as a fox, speedy as a gazelle, and ferocious as a cornered wolverine, on speed, with rabies. Whatever the outcome, you'll know you've been in a fight. Your task is to make sure he has the same awareness when the game's over. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, there went my chance of pulling a “Hi, I’m a newbie and this is my first time playing CM” trick. The tourney hasn’t even begun and John is already playing head games with the other section 2 opponents, shifting the focus onto me while he silently waits in the shadows, like a Pak43 in ambush (Hmm…Pak43…Lion sur Mer…Churchill AVRE slowly rolling into the crosshairs…Ahhh, sweet memories). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Fourth, do DARs count for bonus points? I find them much easier to do than AARs, since I can do tem incrementally, don't have to clog my computer with all the previous game files, go back and review them, etc <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I’ll make it easy for you. Just write “I’m being overrun!!!” and e-mail it to Treeburst155. That should take care of our game, and free up some HD space
  12. Commonwealth 3" mortar. Twice the ammo of the American and German 81s.
  13. Fellow Tourney opponents, A couple of quick suggestions to help get the ball rolling and make sure she runs smooth: 1) Take advantage of the extra time we’ve been given by e-mailing your section opponents and work out any rules or parameters. Thanks to Wild Bill and co. we don’t have to worry about force purchases. Now’s the time to state your position on jeep rushes, AT scouts, edge creep, etc. This would also be a good time to work out scheduling. Let your opponents know you can’t do Mondays, but weekends are good for TCP/IP. 2) Please, please, please…avoid spoiler info at all times. This should include not only posting on the BBS but e-mails describing other games as well. I don’t want to know you toasted 3 Panthers in scenario XYZ. Let me find out about the three Panthers on my own when I play XYZ. Any AAR should be sent directly to Treeburst155. That's it for now. Thanks for your time.
  14. Rommel, The Author's name is Andy Thomas. Here is his e-mail address: manchildstein@hotmail.com Drop him a line, I'm sure he'd appreciate some feedback. Also, He has a couple of other huge scenarios in case you're interested. Ask him to e-mail you 'Caen-Putot' and 'Road to Luneville'.
  15. Wild Bill designed one called 'Midnight madness at Prum'. E-mail me if you're interested.
  16. Karl, Do you have assault boats in your scenario? If so that would explain why you can only play the allies. The A.I. cannot handle the assault boats. You can play against another human (PBEM, hotseat or TCP/IP) but not against the computer as the German player.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dogface21: Also, just for fun, If you had to be beamed back Into WWII, And you could pick any WWII era tank to drive, no matter which side you fought, what one would it be?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Crushing behemoth of steel [ 08-24-2001: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  18. Here's an old thread from the tips and tricks forum. Check out intelweenie's post about halfway down, he has links to at least 6 other threads. Convoy command
  19. Just stepped outside for a breather, beautiful blue to the east, black and ugly to the west.
  20. Control-click and jump to any part of the map. Damn, I've been playing this game for over a year and I never knew that. Thanks Leland.
  21. I've found tanks tend to bog / immobolize when doing a fast move thru scattered trees. Perhaps it's just my bad luck, but I've had it happen often enough to avoid it. Also, I've had horrible luck with Fireflies reversing down small hills or rises. Three games I've had them throw a track in dry ground conditions. Of course they only lose the track the moment they are completely behind the hill and out of LOS, making them useless. :mad:
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brewmeister: p.s. typical computer purchase discussion goes like this: wife: Why do you need to buy a new computer? me: Because this one's old and not so great to look at. wife: So just because something gets old and isn't as pretty as it used to be you want to throw it away and get a younger prettier model.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your response to that should be: I'm not throwing the old one away. I'll keep it around to do chores, while the new one will be strictly for entertainment
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Kingfish responded with very nice logic. The broader the base, the more they sell. Are you getting his point? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Was that his point? For me it just seemed that he tried to twist what I wrote. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not my intention. Just trying to point out on how you are taking two different stances on the same subject. a) Hurt sales by dumping a sizable percentage of the customer base. Don't hurt sales by keeping the PC market alive. BTW, for the record I have a P2-233, Voodoo 2, **** sound card and 160 megs of Ram.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76: And if you want to earn any mony selling games, it's a remarkable bad idea to only make a Mac version, when in fact it would have been better to only make a PC version, from an economically perspective if you had to only choose one plattform. Panzer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Interesting quote from a guy who a few posts back suggested BTS should drop the lower end system users for better graphics. Let see what it sounds like when we change it a little: And if you want to earn any mony selling games, it's a remarkable bad idea to only make a game for high end systems, when in fact it would have been better to design it to run on mid-range systems, from an economically perspective if you had to only choose one range.
  25. Here's a limited work around: Give the platoon a group-move command, then as it nears it's destination double click on the platoon HQ (to pick the entire platoon), then right click on the waypoint and drag to a new destination. While you are dragging the waypoint hit the letter 'F' to change the movements from move to run. You'll only be able to drag the waypoint a short distance from it's original destination, but there won't be any delay with the change in orders.
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