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  1. Thanks. Guess I read the other review too fast.
  2. First, when you're attacking the flags usually show "?" when you start but change as you get closer. I've checked and many times enemy units start in these positions. What are the conditions for knowing who holds the flags? Do you have to spot the enemy units? I guess this is part of "Fog of War" but I couldn't find it there. Second (and completely unrelated), there's another game called Combat Mission 2: Desert Rats Review. From what I read here, this is not related to CMBB. How can there be games from different companies with names so much alike?
  3. Another Newbie Here I searched but didn't find this one- Sometimes vehicles just plow into and stack up on destroyed vehicles. In other cases I've seen an active AFV "nudge" one out of the way. What's the difference? In the first case are the vehicles "knocked out" and in the second are they only "abandoned"? This is a great game! Sorry it took me so long to find it!
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