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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. Gun damage can mean a great many things, not just actual damage to the gun itself. Something as minor as knocking out the gunner's viewport, while leaving everything else (including crew) intact can be enough to render a tank useless in a fight.
  2. AFAIK, Palm and Pine trees provide equal cover, concealment and obstruction to LOS. In effect, they are the same tile but with different graphics. The graphics do change with the seasons, just like wheat and trees. Not sure about LOS, concealment and cover.
  3. Not 100% sure, but I believe the rate of ammo usage would be less when the bow gun is blocked, since ammo usage is tied to firepower. Just like a squad's ammo usage drops when a squad is firing at extreme range, since the squad's SMG does not contribute to the overall FP.
  4. Ask, and ye shall receive... Kanonier Reichmann - 1.45 / .54 / -.11 - .63 Combined Arms - 1.14 / -.97 / .11 - .09 Spanish Bombs - -1.14 / -.54 / 1.13 - -.18 Stoneage - -1.45 / .97 / -1.13 - -.54
  5. Excellent. Thank you Jon. You are first on the list to test it. Please make sure to include your last name in the e-mail, so that I can put you in the scenario. Your choice of unit.
  6. Excellent. Thank you Jon. You are first on the list to test it. Please make sure to include your last name in the e-mail, so that I can put you in the scenario. Your choice of unit.
  7. Sod, A definete yes for the second question. I'll look into the first when I get a chance.
  8. But of course... First off, let me put up some numbers and explain as I go: The Petroskov River Bridge Wellsonian - 39 (-.027)(-.13) / Lt Bull - 61 (0.27)(.13) Juha - 66 (.243)(1.14) / Holien - 34 (-.243)(-1.14) Bryce Baker - 29 (-.127)(-.60) / Frunze - 71 (.127)(.60) mPisi - 41 (-.007)(-.03) / Pacestick - 59 (.007)(.03) Shock Trooper - 8 (-.337)(-1.59) / Deadly 88 - 92 (.337)(1.59) MikeyDz - 51 (.093)(.44) / JPS - 49 (-.093)(-.44) Wade - 65 (.233)(1.10) / jjelinek - 35 (-.233)(-1.10) Stoneage - 11 (-.307)(-1.45) / Kanonier Reichmann - 89 (.307)(1.45) Tweety - 41 (-.007)(-.03) / tabpub - 59 (.007)(.03) Combined arms - 66 (.243)(1.14) / Spanish Bombs - 34 (-.243)(-1.14) Median allied - .417 / axis - .583 Standard Deviation allied - .2123 / axis - .2123 The Koltov Corridor Holien - 32 (-.124)(-.54) / Pacestick - 68 (.124)(.54) Lt Bull - 18 (-.264)(-1.14) / Shock Trooper - 82 (.264)(1.14) Deadly 88 - 85 (.406)(1.75) / Wellsonian - 15 (-.406)(-1.75) Juha - 28 (-.164)(-.71) / mPisi - 72 (.164)(.71) Frunze - 81 (.366)(1.58) / MikeyDz - 19 (-.366)(-1.58) JPS - 42 (-.024)(-.10) / Bryce - 58 (.024)(.10) Flammenwerfer - 42 (-.024)(-.10) / Tabpub - 58 (.024)(.10) jjelinek - 37 (-.074)(-.032) / Ted - 61 (.024)(.10) Combined arms - 22 (-.224)(.97) / Stoneage - 78 (.224)(.97) Kanonier Reichmann - 57 (.126)(.54) / Spanish Bombs - 43 (-.126)(-.54) Median allied - .444 / axis - .556 Standard Deviation allied - .2318 / axis - .2318 The High Road Shock Trooper - 65 (.081)(.46) / Wellsonian - 35 (-.081)(-.46) Pacestick - 62 (.051)(.29) / Juha - 38 (-.051)(-.29) Frunze - 54 (-.029)(-.16) / JPS - 46 (.029)(.16) mPisi - 77 (.201)(1.13) / Holien - 23 (-.203)(-1.13) Lt Bull - 19 (-.379)(-2.14) / Deadly 88 - 81 (.379)(2.14) MikeyDz - 44 (-.129)(-.73) / Bryce Baker - 56 (.129)(.73) Tweety - 59 (.021)(.12) / Flammenwerfer - 41 (-.021)(-.12) Kanonier Reichmann - 55 (-.019)(-.11) / Combined arms - 45 (.019)(.11) Spanish bombs - 77 (.201)(1.13) / Stoneage - 23 (-.201)(-1.13) Median allied - .569 / axis - .431 Standard Deviation allied - .1774 / axis - .1774 The first number to the right of each name is the players scenario score. The next number to the right is the difference between the players scenario score and the median for his side The final number is the normalized difference from the median. This number is derived by dividing the difference from the median by the standard deviation. If you go here and scroll down to section 3.4 you will see that I have completed steps 1-5. Steps 6 requires that the normalized difference be inserted into the Nabla program in order to get a Nabla score. Here is where we run into a small problem. To date only Nabla (Jarmo Hurri) and Treeburst 155 have this program. Jarmo has responded to my e-mails (I've given up on TB155), but he is extremely busy at the moment and can't get the program codes to me right away. So, to complete the scoring with the Nabla system we will have to wait. However, as I have explained to the 12 finalists in a previous e-mail, I believe we can announce the winners without having to use the Nabla program. Here are the averages of each players normalized differences: Juha - 1.14 / -.71 / -.29 = .05 Holien - -1.14 / -.054 / -1.13 = -.94 Pacestick - .03 / .54 / .29 = .29 mPisi - -.03 / .71 / 1.13 = .60 Bryce Baker - -.6 / .1 / .73 = .08 Frunze - .6 / 1.58 / -.16 = .67 MickeyDz - .44 / -1.58 / -.73 = -.62 JPS - -.44 / -.1 / .16 = -.13 Wellsonian - -.13 / -1.75 / -.46 = -.78 Lt Bull - .13 / -1.14 / -2.14 = -1.05 Shock Trooper - -1.59 / 1.14 / .46 = 0.00 Deadly 88 - 1.59 / 1.75 / 2.14 = 1.83 As you can see the 3 top finalists are Deadly 88 with 1.83, Frunze with .68 and mPisi with .60. The next runner up is Pacestick with .29. Even taking into account his three AARs (which I appreciate BTW) he won't be able to raise his score enough to overtake mPisi and gain the number 3 slot. Therefore, unless someone objects, I would like to wrap this up and officially announce the winners of ROW III as Deadly 88, Frunze and John Kettl...er, mPisi. Each of you will receive 12 bottles of fine South African wine from our most generous sponser, Winecape. Guys, Please e-mail me the address you would like the wine shipped to and I will pass it on to Winecape. Everyone, I would like to thank you very much for participating, and for your patience and understanding during those slight 'bumps' in the road
  9. Thanks Jon, I had that one already saved in my favorites. Unfortunately, it mostly covers the 22nd & 23rd battalions battles west of Platamon. Still, it's a great read, especially the sections covering the battles in NA.
  10. Looking for any information on the battle for Platamon ridge, Greece, April 16 '41. This battle pitted the NZ 21st Battalion against elements of the 2nd Panzer Division. Mainly looking for a good map of the area, and NZ deployments if possible. So far I've found this and this. Thanks in advance
  11. Must...learn...to...read...the...entire...post... It is, but not the one pictured here. This one is a Mark II variant (note torpedo tubes. These were taken out in the Mark IIIS, and replaced with a bomb bay large enough to hold a Grand Slam). the one in the game is the Mark IX, which swaps the wing mounted 20mm Hispanos with Quad 40mm Bofors mounted in underwing pods Wrong! The B-Hurrichurchill infantry cruiser anti-aircraft bomber tripod bren mortar carrier was equipped with a unique adjustable telescopic main gun barrel that allowed it to fire all rounds then produced by the UK from 7.62mm up to and including 14 inch. Clearly this is a Mark II which can only go as high as 183mm, and that is with the muzzle brake removed. Wrong again! (what is this, grog-lite night?) One model was sent to North Africa, but another 4 were built under license by the Bolivian goverment prior to WW2. These were used to guard against possible Italian amphibious assaults.
  12. Constantly blowing that annoying whistle and waving red cards at every unit that creeps along the map edge
  13. It is, but not the one pictured here. This one is a Mark II variant (note torpedo tubes. These were taken out in the Mark IIIS, and replaced with a bomb bay large enough to hold a Grand Slam). I could be wrong, but I think the one in the game is the Mark IX, which swaps the wing mounted 20mm Hispanos with Quad 40mm Bofors mounted in underwing pods. I think the airframe was beefed up as well due to this upgrade.
  14. Finalists, I have sent you all an e-mail with attached spreadsheet and a question. Please take a moment to respond, as I would like to hear from each of you on this.
  15. IIRC, the first use of the PzIV longs was at Alam Halfa. By then the allies had plenty of Grants and towed 6pdrs, while the Shermans were just around the corner.
  16. One advantage is their loadouts of shaped charges, which retain the same penetration value regardless of range. Thus, a 57mm RR will still be able to kill tanks at distances too far for a regular 57mm gun firing AP shells. The flip side is the huge plume of smoke that is generated whenever the RR fires. It is the equivilent to the crew holding up a flashing neon sign that reads "I'm here, shoot me"
  17. Make sure that the spotter and truck are in the same scenario. This is important.
  18. Easy there, Sod, easy Here, this will help you take your mind off of the game
  19. Used as a SP gun, possibly for long range AT work. I don't see it being used for AA defense, as it appears the superstructure can not pivot.
  20. Quick update I've just received the last result from the finalists, so I can now posts the scores here for everyone to review. Please look them over and verify that everything is correct. As before the finalists are listed first, with the allied player listed on the left. The Petroskov River Bridge Wellsonian - 39 / Lt Bull - 61 Juha - 66 / Holien - 34 Bryce Baker - 29 / Frunze - 71 mPisi - 41 / Pacestick - 59 Shock Trooper - 8 / Deadly 88 - 92 MikeyDz - 51 / JPS - 49 Wade - 65 / jjelinek - 35 Stoneage - 11 / Kanonier Reichmann - 89 Tweety - 41 / tabpub - 59 Combined arms - 66 / Spanish Bombs - 34 The Koltov Corridor Holien - 32 / Pacestick - 68 Lt Bull - 18 / Shock Trooper - 82 Deadly 88 - 85 / Wellsonian - 15 Juha - 28 / mPisi - 72 Frunze - 81 / MikeyDz - 19 JPS - 42 / Bryce - 58 Flammenwerfer - 42 / Tabpub - 58 jjelinek - 37 / Ted - 61 Combined arms - 22 / Stoneage - 78 Kanonier Reichmann - 57 / Spanish Bombs - 43 The High Road Shock Trooper - 65 / Wellsonian - 35 Pacestick - 62 / Juha - 38 Frunze - 54 / JPS - 46 mPisi - 77 / Holien - 23 Lt Bull - 19 / Deadly 88 - 81 MikeyDz - 44 / Bryce Baker - 56 Tweety - 59 / Flammenwerfer - 41 Kanonier Reichmann - 55 / Combined arms - 45 Spanish bombs - 77 / Stoneage - 23 The average allied score for Petroskov is 41.7 The average axis score is 58.3 Average allied for Koltov is 44.4 Average axis for Koltov is 55.6 Average allied for High road is 56.8 Average axis for High road is 43.2 Note that these are pre-Nabla scores. Also, I will still accept scores (and AARs) up until tomorrow morning, so keep cranking away. [ November 11, 2003, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  21. Tick tock tick.....Brrrrrrinnnngggg!!!! Time is up guys. Today is the last day to get your scores submitted. Tomorrow morning before I go to work I will scan my inbox one more time, and any last minute entries will be accepted, but that's it. Here is the latest list of games completed: The Petroskov River Bridge Wellsonian vs Lt Bull Juha vs Holien Bryce Baker vs Frunze mPisi vs Pacestick Shock Trooper vs Deadly 88 MikeyDz vd JPS Wade vs jjelinek Stoneage vs Kanonier Reichmann Tweety vs tabpub Combined arms vs Spanish Bombs The Koltov Corridor Holien vs Pacestick Lt Bull vs Shock Trooper Deadly 88 vs Wellsonian Juha vs mPisi Frunze vs MikeyDz Flammenwerfer vs Tabpub jjelinek vs Ted Combined arms vs Stoneage Kanonier Reichmann vs Spanish Bombs The High Road Shock Trooper vs Wellsonian Pacestick vs Juha Frunze vs JPS mPisi vs Holien Lt Bull vs Deadly 88 MikeyDz vs Bryce Baker Tweety vs Flammenwerfer Kanonier Reichmann vs Combined arm Spanish bombs vs Stoneage Note that I now have 6 entries for both Petroskov and High Road, meaning that these scenarios are now completed and thus open for discussion. (Bryce Baker / JPS, yours is the last score I need from the finalists. Crank out those turns and get it done!) You may freely discuss the scenarios, either here or you can start a thread at the scenario forum (please hold off for one more day on Koltov so as to let the last 2 finalists complete their game in EFOW). Also, to date I have received the following AARs: The Petroskov River Bridge Pacestick The Koltov Corridor The High Road Pacestick If you have submitted a game score, or an AAR, and do not see it here, then you will need to resend it. Please send to this address: sc112265@bellsouth.net The same goes for any errors in scores, matchups, etc. If you see something that isn't right please let me know right away. [ November 02, 2003, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  22. I tested that scenario when we were putting the Stalingrad Pack together. My computer at the time - P2/233 Mhz with a TNT2. The turn calcs may take some time, but you should have no problems running the scenario on your rig (The Op is an entirely different beast altogether). BTW, that test was done via pbem against Jeff Smith, and it (still) rates as one of the top 5 pbem games I've ever played. My advice, do not waste it on the AI. Get yourself a dependable opponent and go at it.
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