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Everything posted by Kingfish

  1. I just sent out a mass e-mail. If you did not recieve it then let me know asap. Otherwise, if you did then consider that as your confirmation. Edit: I just received an error message from my ISP about the e-mail being too big to send out, but I also received several confirmations from players saying they got it. So...hang tight, I'm working on it. I may send out another in smaller chunks. Disregard if you got it already. [ February 08, 2004, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  2. Ok, here we go... Group 1 ***Section 1*** mPisi Elmar Bijlsma redwolf Steve McClaire 12907 jbertles ***Section 2*** The_Capt Wellsonian Vadr Breakthrough Sgt_Kelly michal ***Section 3*** Enoch Thumpre Legend42 overkill Tychus PHLguy ***Section 4*** a1steaks Cpt T Sripe Nolloff Determinant Michael Greiss Group 2 ***Section 1*** Kanonier Reichmann Londoner John Kettler Shocktrooper Ace Pilot lindan ***Section 2*** JPS CuznJG14 Malakovski Slicerw Melnibone GreenAsJade ***Section 3*** Mick_Oz Michael Dorosh Victor Charlie flammenwerfer Scheer CaptainMike ***Section 4*** Pacestick Heavy Drop Ted KARNAK Jaws gator6 Group 3 ***Section 1*** DEADLY 88 MrSpkr Strider Brent Pollock Panther Commander PittPanther31 ***Section 2*** CombinedArms Bbaker Deathdealer Chaos49 dalem Direwolf11 ***Section 3*** Walpurgis night jjelinek von Lucke Capitano_Gino Alsatian dangerousdave ***Section 4*** wadepm EMIG OWL Nidan1 Larsen SpineRipper As you can see we went with a balanced arrangement, with each section having a few vets and a like number of newer players. This should make for some really interesting games. Spanish Bombs will be announcing the replacement list shortly. He will be your go-to-guy for all matters concerning no shows, dropouts and replacements. I will start sending out section e-mails in a bit. These will have a short intro, some rules and procedures for the newer players, as well as the e-mail addresses of your opponents. This will be a good time to do an e-mail check, as well as let your opponents know when, and how often, you can return pbem files. Which reminds me... Group 2 / section 2, JPS will be unavailible for the first few weeks of the tourney, but has promised to finish all his games by the 120 deadline. Just a heads up. [ February 09, 2004, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  3. Here are the e-mail addresses that I have in my records. If this is identical to the one you plan on using in the tourney then you're all set to go. Jaws - vdzwaan@planet.nl AC - aalestal@niksula.hut.fi Michael Dorosh - madorosh@shaw.ca Nolloff - Nolloff@t-online.de If it is different then e-mail me the correct one
  4. Confirmed Same for you The one I have is different. Check your inbox Everyone else, If you have doubts as to whether I have the correct e-mail address then please e-mail me directly at: sc112265@bellsouth.net If you did receive an e-mail confirmation then you're set. This is only for those who did not get a confirmation.
  5. Our goal is to have the matchups completed by this weekend. We will then post the groupings here, as well as send out an e-mail to each section. These will have the e-mail addresses of your 5 opponents, so you can check to make sure everyone can communicate. I have asked the designers to send me their finished scenarios a couple of days before the launch date. When I get the last one I will announce it here. As for the groupings, we are kicking around a few ideas. Mine (which may not be the one we choose) is to balance out each section with 2-3 vets and a like number of newer players. We may go with an all vet / all noob groupings, or totally random.
  6. No, the regular tournament will be organized exactly as was ROW II & III, that of 72 players divided into 3 groups of 24, and then further subdivided into 4 sections of 6 players each. The extra players will go into a replacement pool organized and maintained by Spanish Bombs. I will send you several examples from previous ROWS to reference, but there is no one standard format. There are some guidelines that the AAR must follow, such as size of AAR, what type of programs to use, etc. All that is spelled out in the tournament manual which you can find here
  7. The signup sheet's flawless reputation is still intact Kingfish's ability to transfer names from said sheet onto BBS needs improvement
  8. Unless I misunderstood Sgian Dubh's post, I think he is referring to the much larger Italian guns, such as the 90mm (or something like that).
  9. Hey, I got your list...right here Steve McClaire Brent Pollock Panther Commander 12907 Michael Dorosh Combined Arms Mick_Oz EMIG Wellsonian Bbaker Elmar Bijlsma GreenasJade John Kettler Nolloff Michal von Lucke Karnak Chaos49 Agent Orange Melnibone dangerousdave Jaws Sgt_Kelly Owl JPS Victor Charlie wadepm Pacestick Tychus Nidan1 overkill Deadly 88 Shocktrooper Kanonier Reichmann Vadr jjelinek CaptainMike Alsatian Ted flammenwerfer PHLguy Direwolf11 lindan Sripe Larsen Deerminant CuznJG14 The_Capt SlicerW Enoch Heavy Drop Thumpre Strider gator6 Capitano_Gino redwolf Ace Pilot Michael Greiss SpineRipper Legend72 Scheer dalem a1steaks Breakthrough PittPanther31 Malakovski Walpurgis night jbertles Deathdealer Platonov Cpt T Slaw Reg Nestor mPisi Levaticus John Osborne MrSpkr MG42 Londoner Vorishilov hartmn stevebalance Enqvist sandy [ February 05, 2004, 04:42 AM: Message edited by: Kingfish ]
  10. Last chance at romance... The ROW IV signups will officially end at Midnight Feb 5th (about 17 hours from now), so get in while you can. Remember, the requirments to play in this tourney are that you have to finish all 5 of your games within 120 days, and you must submit an AAR for each scenario played. As soon as the signups close we will begin work on the scheduling, and hopefully have it posted by this weekend. Keep an eye out for updates posted on this thread.
  11. Here is another excellent article, this time about the Aussie 9th at Tobruk.
  12. In case you haven't heard, the 1.01 patch has been released. The tournament will be launched in 1.01 so go get it now. BTW, this also means that we are keeping with our original schedule. Come hell or highwater the tourney officially starts on Feb 15th. Signups are still underway, so get in while you can.
  13. Check this out. Foreword by B.H. Liddel Hart, and then descriptions of the battle from the point of view of 'Pip' Roberts, CO of the British 22nd armd brigade, and Fritz Bayerlein, Rommel's Chief of Staff.
  14. I can add about 2-3 dozen ROW AARs to start things off.
  15. While in the map editor screen (not the 3-D preview screen) hold down the control key and click on the map where you want the label to go. You'll get a dialog box which you can then type in the label. Ctrl-click on the label if you want to remove or edit it.
  16. Nolloff, I still have the ROW III AARs, as well as ROW I & II. When we are able to we will post them, and yours will definetly be included.
  17. Specifically which arty regiment was part of its official TO & E for Feb '43.
  18. One quick note... If for any reason you cannot access The ROW signup page you can e-mail me directly at: sc112265@bellsouth.net I'll need your full name, e-mail address, username and which ROW tournament (if any) you have played in. Thanks, and good luck
  19. I think it may have to do with crew size + ammo load. Compared to a German or American 81mm mortar crew, the Brit 3" team has half as many men but twice as much ammo. To be honest the team shouldn't be allowed to move at all beyond a few meters from its Uni carrier. Either that or it should lose a sizeale chunk of its ammo loadout, much like a regular weapons team that takes a casualty during movement.
  20. Not a guarantee for victory, but I find this approach has worked for me... I divide my forces into 3 groups. Group 1 will consist of 1 company HQ w/ 2x 2" mortar teams, 3 platoons and 2 Bren LMG teams. They are to advance across the top of Pink hill and work their way behind Galatas. I usually give each unit a long, winding path that terminates near the group of houses behind the town. The company HQ, both mortar teams + 1 Bren team will stay atop Pink hill to form a firebase. Group 2 consist of both light tanks + one platoon as escorts. The tanks are buttoned up and given a short covered arc. This is important because they tend to fire off their ammo rather quickly, so best to preserve it until its needed. This group will advance down the main road, with the infantry keeping to the right where there is more cover. They should stop in the trees short of the stone wall, but to be prepared to withdraw once the inevitable mortar barrage falls on them. Group 3 will consists of everyone left over, and they will be ordered to swing wide-right and come into the town from the flank. Their objective is the row of houses on the far right. Once groups 1 and 3 are in position they should attack the rear and flank of the town simultaneously, with platoons leapfrogging one other to provide maximum covering fire. It is important to keep your units constantly moving because of the threat of German mortars. Group 2 and the firebase atop Pink hill should provide long range covering fire, and to prevent any German units from switching positions. With any luck groups 1 & 3 will link up near the VL. As soon as the German units realize the danger of losing the flag they will abandon their positions and try to counterattack. This is where the tanks will come in handy. Run them up to positions overlooking the main square. From there they can stop any Germans from crossing.
  21. Less than a day to go. Just so you know, the signup process will take at least several days, so there is no need to rush out on midnight Feb 1st to signup. This is especially true of the vets from previous tourneys. I will announce ahead of time when signups will end, so keep an eye out for updates on this thread. BTW, all are welcomed to join, including the poolers.
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