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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. Oh yes, I was going to mention the Patriot. I just taped a widescreen version of it over satellite PPV. Last of the Mohicans is good too.
  2. Expansion Pack = CM2 East Front Folks, if BTS can't get started on CM2, we'll never see it. CM1 is fine as it is. The vehicle list was originally larger, but it was shortened because of pratical reasons concerning actual use of the AFVs in question. The sIG 33 Bison was originally going to be in CM, but was pulled because of CM's relatively short battlefields. Same goes for the Brummbar, and a few others like that.
  3. Steve, For a modern version, a Gulf War theater is a must. Let's see what the Iraqis could have done under someone's command other than dumb-assed Saddam. Of course a Warsaw Pact and NATO conflict would be a must also. But just a question though on the CMII engine though.......what kind of major changes *would* you make to the engine? Inclusion of 3D aircraft? 1:1 unit ratio concerning infantry each showing individual weapons including AT-assets? ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  4. "Out of action, become a bunker. Out of ammo, become a pillbox. Out of time, become heroes." Best line in the movie.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22: Have to say same problem with the Nashorn mod!!! Someone fix it!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They can start by throwing away those Macs! Mac Weirdos, who needs them? LOL! ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  6. Hi there guys, I know this topic has come up several times before, but the same ol' titles keep coming up, ie. SPR, Stalingrad, Das Boot, etc. I just thought that there are several more obscure war flicks that are just as good as those. Some of these flicks are not even WWII, by golly! Here's a list of some flicks that I think rate right up there. 1) Rough Riders - A TNT Original featuring Teddy Roosevelt's group of Cavalry Infantry in the Spanish-American War of 1898. Great movie, with a lot of raw emotion. It's available on video. 2) Trenches of Hell - Chapter 8 in the Young Indiana Jones series detailing young Indy as a Corporal in the Belgian Army down in the trenches. Includes well done briefings and maps concerning a batte plan to take a chatteu. Features gas attacks, flamethrowers, mortar attacks, etc. Use of CGI in certain scenes. 3) Phantom Train of Doom - Chapter 10 in the Young Indiana Jones series featuring young Indy joining forces with a group of old war veterans into taking out a large railway gun on a train that seems to disappear. 4) Attack of the Hawkmen - Chapter 12 in the Yound Indiana Jones series featuring awesome aerial dogfights using both newly built replicas and CGI for accurate WWI aircraft including Albatroses, Fokker Dr.I, Fokker D.VIII, Neiport 17s, and Two-Seater Reconnaissance planes. 5) Daredevils of the Desert - Chapter 15 of the Young Indiana Jones series detailing the Charge of the Light Brigade on Beersheba that puts an Indy twist to the story. Uses some footage from the original movie. Probably one of the best in the series. A note about the Young Indiana Jones series: The series was probably the most under-rated series ever. Excellent historical plots, use of CGI, really smart acting (not Hollywood style), great casting using some of today's well known actors, well placed- thinking-man's humor. Every episode was shot ON LOCATION, not on Hollywood back-lots. Episodes link together, things that happen in earlier episodes are mentioned in later episodes. Really cool, IMHO. Out of the 22 (2-hour) episodes, 12 have been released on video. The other 10 will be released sometime soon I hope. If you have any interest in history around WWI, then this series is worth watching. The videos are available at Amazon.com for like $13.95 USD each. OK, so there's my list. Any body know of any other obscure titles and why? [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-09-2001).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-10-2001).]
  7. Ok, here's how you do it. While within a orders phase, save the game. Then upgrade to new Beta patch on both machines. Re-open the saved game and continue playing. This will work within only the Beta patches. PBEM games between v1.05 and ANY Beta Patch aren't compatible. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  8. Well you heard the man, he needs a hand... Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. Well seriously Rob, what do you need help with?
  9. I think Benny, aka Capt. M, aka gay*lover, aka Leshawn Campell needs to go back to playing his FPS fragfests and leave us wargamers alone. IIRC, the very first gay*lover post was just as outrageous as some of this **** lately. I mean did you check out gay*lover's profile? Interior Decorator from San Francisco? GEEZ you couldn't get any more stereo-typed than that. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hilltopper: Sorry to be so stupid...but what can we expect from CM2? New scenarios, etc?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Boy, that question is definately out of the loop. CM2 will be the East Front. Russians, Stalingrad and all that. (1941-1945). BTS is also planning CM3 and CM4. CM3 will be Mediterranean Theater including North Africa, Italy, Greece/Crete (1941-1943). CM4 will be Early War-Poland, France (1939-1940).
  11. Damn Major Tom, excellent post. I take back everything bad I said about you. I'm gonna have to copy and paste that into wordpad and save it for later referrence. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by scoop88: Close Combat 1 had many bocage scenarios and the manual devoted some space to the tactics the U.S. Army developed as the hedgerow fighting dragged on. If I remember correctly, the Americans would lay an artillery barrage on the German hedgerow, then move the barrage behind the hedgerow to catch any Germans moving up as reinforcements. After the barrage moved behind the hedgerow, the Americans would spray the hedgerow with suppressive MG fire and have a tank poke its nose through the hedgerow occupied by the U.S. and fire its main gun into each corner of the German hedgerow, where the Germans typically emplaced their MGs. At this point the infantry would advance, making liberal use of smoke grenades and suppressive rifle fire. Hope that helps! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes thanks, well said. I'll try that.
  13. It was the "Cabbage Patch" scenario. Fitting name actually. WARNING, the map is pretty dam flat. Hence the slaughter effect.
  14. When and how you use it? When you absolutely, positively have to kill every mother...er, opps, wrong weapon. That's was the AK-47. Actually, you use it when you're in a pinch and need some additional firepower on the enemy. Offenisve vs Defensive Either. Just use it whenever there is a grouping of enemy troops. What caliber 81mm mortar is always a good support weapon. 105's even better, but lack the quantity. Anything else they're useful for Yeah, a nice 81mm up the wazoo always gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-08-2001).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: I would not throw away my hammer because I am looking into beginning development of a nail-gun.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know man, nails themselves are becoming obsolete. My father has done several carpenter jobs in the last 2 years and he hasn't used nails in any of them, barring nailing sub-flooring. He uses Phillips screws and a cordless drill. Screws hold better.
  16. I played a scenario this morning that was heavy on boccage. In fact, the whole map was sort of a maze of boccage. Victory flags scattered throughout. The force size was about a Battalion of Fallschrimjagers vs probably a reinforced Battalion of American Airborne (I think). The AI put up a pretty good defense, they even counter-attacked which I don't even think I've seen before. ie, I took an area of brush behind a road and then at least a platoon of fresh troops counter-attacked and killed all my troops there. But anyway, what are some good tactics when boccage is in plentiful supply? This was strictly an infantry engagement, but combined arms tactics would be welcome. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  17. Regarding Mattel, well what do you expect from the company that makes Barbi dolls?
  18. Well the whole idea of the "Atlantic Wall", "Maginot Line", "Seigfried Line", "Great Wall of China" are all out-dated concepts when you can fly over them. Fortress Europe couldn't hold back the swarms of B-17s from 1943-1945. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  19. That's what you yell when a hooker gets shot, "Hoe down!" Oops, sorry, I thought you said Hoe down, not Hull down. Sorry couldn't pass that up!
  20. Let's just hope it isn't what it sounds like.
  21. GEEEZ!! It appears that there is an even more obnoxious member amongst us besides myself. It appears that Benny Manieri (he ain't the same as ol' Capt. Manieri is he?) lacks the maturity to take in what people try to calmly explain to him. Well guess what, Benny, all of us "wargamers" have grown up playing hex-based wargames. We were quite adjusted to the media. I believe you are missing the point with CM. Do not compare CM to a FPS or other 3D RTS just because CM is in 3D. CM is first and foremost, a wargame which spawned from a project of tranferring the original Avalon Hill game "Squad Leader" (ironically) to the computer. The truth of the matter is that BTS and Avalon Hill were working together in this project, but then Avalon Hill got bought up by this now wonderful <cough> company called Has-BLOW aka Hasbro. BTS then chose to continue the project in their own way and came up with CM. So do your Italian ass a favor and chill out. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 01-07-2001).]
  22. Well I guess I could speak for a lot of us that I have just one question... Who really gives a ****? That's what the CPU is for...to calculate all this crap so we don't have to. This post was meant to have a humorous tint to it, so don't get all groggy on me. ------------------ "Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"-Minsc, BGII "Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII
  23. Hmm, actually you have a good idea there and point about spotting too. Placing a smoke plume over a destroyed builing for a turn or so after the thing is destroyed would be cool. Kinda like a normal smoke screen plume.
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