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Everything posted by Maximus

  1. I'll keep you all covered with the M1919, but I warn you. I've got an itchy trigger finger. I might just let one of you have it for all the snide and tongue-in-cheek remarks some of you have made against OBGimus. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  2. KingOPork, this also isn't intended as a flame. But what we tell all new-comers is that you must "unlearn what you have learned" about all previous wargames. In CM you MUST use real-world tactics or the AI will hand your ass to you on a silver platter. Although the AI is not perfect, it's the best ever written for a wargame. Reason being is that it has THREE levels of reasoning as it responds with. There have been several discussions about the AI, you can use the Search feature to find out more. But in brief, the three levels are as follows: <LI>Operational AI--looks over the battlefield and decides what objectives to go for. <LI>Strategic AI--decides about how to go about achieving those objectives <LI>Tactical AI--Now this is the cool one. This one is what keeps your units alive. Your units will fire on their own and pick their own targets when need be, pop smoke on their own, take cover on their own, etc. The cool thing is that these AI's will always change their plans according to what is happening on the battlefield. The lower AI's will also over-ride the higher levels to better suit the current condition. If you want to play a WWII "Red Alert", go play "Sudden Strike". CM's physics and ballistics models put even other wargames to shame. I think, what made you think of "Red Alert" was the fact that CM is 3D instead of the traditional 2D HEX-grid. In fact the 3D is what makes the simulation all that much more realistic. I could go on some more, but I think others already have and others probably will. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).] [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).]
  3. The overly-sized pillbox was due to scaling it up with Shift-C so you could see it. Oh wait a minute, misunderstood your question. I thought you were referring to another one of the pictures. Whoops! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).]
  4. What??? Lewis is stealing the spotlight away from Gluteous Maximus/O'B&G??? I must protest!! ROTFL! Sorry couldn't resist. Yes, dammit, MrPeng, I lied. For the more simplistic minds on here you almost have to use smileys. Look fellas, I just get tired of all the whining and complaining about nit-picky things that grognards have a tendency to do. Look through my posts. I have never got on here bitching and complaining about some minor problem there might be in the code. I have never debated on firing rates of MG42s or some other trivial bull**** like that. The way I look at it, it's Steve's and Charles' creation of which they've done extensive research and then some grognard gets on here and screams, "Hey why can't my HMG crews sprint 500m in 2 minutes like everybody else does?" It just gets old and my personality shines through when I come upon such topics as these. BTW, my personality is actually pretty laid back, but when nit-picky stuff gets thrown into the mix is where I say, "Big Hairy Deal!!" or "What are you thinking??" ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-08-2000).]
  5. LOL! Uh-Oh! looks like armorbuff is starting to sound like me. Quick! Jump his ass! -------------- "The greatest risk.....is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: ONGixmus is correct.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's OBGimus, thank you very much. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: !!!!WAR!!!!! "WooWoWoWOWOooo, what is it good for? absolutely nothin' say it again now WWooWoWowooooo" Everybody sing along:d <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Huh? What song were you listening to? It's: WAR!! Huhh! What is it good for? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: Errr... does this mean I'll have to swap in a new texture set for winter camo'd vehicles when I want to play a winter scenario? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No. From the CMHQ thread yesterday this was answered. The release version does not include winter textures, but apparently there is an internal feature where it calls on certain texture files for the winter textures. These will be available via mods. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  9. Charles, Great work on the new explosions. Much appreciated, even though I was satisfied with what we already had. However, one question. Does HE rounds from tanks do this also?? ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  10. On the Hetzer, all I got to say is BAD!!! Damn, makes me think of CM2 already! Haven't looked at New feature yet.. Well yes I have. Now I hope this satisfies those people that want more FPS type explosions. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  11. LOL! That's some weird ****! I played a game of CE last night when I took all three StuGs and all the German infantry except one platoon of the Volks conscripts to the extreme left flank. It was a total slaughter. Killed a boatload of American infantry in their own woods. My veteran SMG squads got lots of kills. StuGs took out all 4 Shermans, panzerschreck got the first one with a great shot. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  12. You got it right KAding, the running from tree to tree is useless. Anywhere within a tree tile is considered to be just that. In it. However, the exact location you are in it, makes a difference. ie. the edge, or in the middle, etc. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: Lol you do know that Pakistan split off from India don't you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, sorry wasn't aware of that. But that exactly wasn't their fault was it? Aren't Pakistinian ethnicity different than India? They're more Persian than Indian aren't they? Let's just face it, world political boundaries are a complicated and mixed-up deal anyway. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  14. Hell yeah the Panzerfausts fly. Geez every game I play they go off like crazy. Even against infantry, they'll fire. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  15. Well fellas, if you haven't figured it out yet. History is written by the victors, not the losers. So the United States can talk about all the ass-kickin' it has down in the last 224 years and that's the way it's always gonna be. The 13 Colonies won the War for Independence. The Union won the Civil War. Hell, the US even kicked Mexico's ass in the Mexican-American War. Let's not even mention the Spanish-American War where the great Teddy Roosevelt led the Rough Riders up San Juan Hill. As Gen. Patton once said, "Americans love a fight." ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Formerly Babra: Oh, Lorak. Now we're in for it... Not being American, what I find humourous is that Rebellion against Great Britain was "right and good" and whose practitioners called themselves "Patriots," while Rebellion against Washington was treason. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The difference is that the 13 colonies no longer wanted to pay homage to England. The southern States were a part of the same country, they weren't colonies. Just the same as India. India was a colony which rebeled against England and won their own independence as well. The same can be said about any of the "exploratory age" colonies around the world belonging to France, Portugal, etc...If you notice, the global map changed quite a bit after WWI and WWII. Most of it was due to old British, French, (French-Indo China?) & Portuguese colonies becoming their own sovereign nations. The United States just didn't wait until the early 1900s to do so. When the southern states succeeded from the Union, then that is treason. As far as succession being legal according to the Constitution, that's the first I've heard of it.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt: I cringe when I hear it said and written that the Monitor and Merrimack fought... Madmatt <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> See, I'm not the only one that cringes at innaccuracies. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  18. Just one thing to keep in mind when playing CM, well two actually. First, forget everything you've learned from other wargames. "Gamey" tactics won't work in CM. Secondly, DO what makes sense. Think of yourself as a commander and what you need to do to win. In other words don't charge down a MG42 without supressing it first with supressing fire, artillery, or smoke screen. You may think CM is an armor combat game, well not really. It's a infantry combat game first and foremost. Always recon out with infantry first backed up by a tank in support. Well, I say always, but do what works for you. German infantry squads usually have panzerfausts and they'll let'em fly when a tank gets near. Hope this info helps. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  19. That has been posted before just like the Army jokes thread, but it's still pretty funny how it ends up there at the end. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  20. Actually I made the comment in jist of an incident in Market Garden where an American Airborne Division was waiting for XXX Corps, and an American commander rode back in a jeep and found XXX Corps hangin' out in a village sippin' tea with the locals. Basically, the whole argument stems around a sense of priority. From the film, "A Bridge Too Far" when that US Airborne commander (forgot the actor's name) went to Michael Caine's tank and said, "Must you do everything by-the-book?" That is where I get most of my setiment towards the lack of priorities of British Command. YES, it's Hollywood, but isn't it true to some degree? In war, isn't the best motivator, instinct or spur of the moment? Since battles are very fluid and dynamic situations, you can't always go "as planned" or "by-the-book". Same thing happened in Sicily if I do remember correctly. Monty was cautiously advancing while Patton had already moved across the whole island and liberated Palermo which was what Monty was after. Again, no offense, just explaining myself a bit better. Patton may have been a radical General, but he knew how to get the job done as quickly as possible. Patton, if you all haven't guessed is my role model. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  21. 1. Donna Conger (sp?) 2. FOX network's "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?" 3. A few months ago. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  22. OK, opening remark aside....Really, are there any scenarios in the Caen area in the works? I remember the great fun I had playing the Atomic game in the V for victory series called "Sword-Gold-Junu". This area would make for some great battles, especially when the SS divisions rolled up. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  23. Actually, that maybe for the better. You'll be able to keep trees on and still find your troops!!! ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one."
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KAding: Looks excellent!!!! One question though I only played the gold demo a couple of times, but the trees are seen as individual objects, right? I wonder, if you compare the 'old gfx' with the 'new mod gfx' you see that the placement of almost all trees changed?? E.g. the 3 pines next to the road have changed to one leaftree. Is this the same map?? Doesn't this influence gameplay? I don't want CC like things where you see something on the map, but it isn't really there in the game But then, I probably just missed something... KAding<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually the tree graphics aren't "one-to-one" anyway. They are just a graphical representation of what the ground tile is. Buildings, however, *are* one-to-one. WHOOPS, Madmatt beat it to me. ------------------ "The greatest risk...is not taking one." [This message has been edited by Maximus (edited 06-07-2000).]
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy: So the UK divisions were not taking any casualties? Uh, sorry Max, but maybe reading actual history books instead of fairy tales would help you come to a better understanding?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Read books?? Hell I wait for the movies or History Channel to cover them.
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