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Everything posted by Compassion

  1. NOt all partisans active fought as in the Balkans and Russia... some places had underground partisan ops that specialized in propaganda, espionage and intelligens (as in the maquis). Wonder what the brit version would be? For sure there would be some sort of resitance going... Foranother it would be a heck of alot harder to supply them.
  2. .....and why can't you fight the Japanese? I mean, yeah, it's supposed to be about Europe, but still, Asia is connected isnt it? I don't know if I can support such a half assed effort...
  3. Well huh.. You're right. THe more I thikn about it the more I think that there should be a set of special case rules for the creation of (and disbanding of) Vichy France...
  4. Hubert, I have a question about Vichy... what's the point? I haven't seen additional plunder from it and if it becomces a true neutral, then why have it? THere's no way a cojnquering Germany would let it exist if Vichy wasn't giving up extra cash and existance as a puppet only. Sholdn't there be a special rule for Vichy?
  5. Looks like you leave England open to attack (a small chance admittedly if the north sea is garrisoned properly). Also, I doubt very much that a non-computer opponent will leave the southern tip of the border open as the computer does. ...but something to think about trying... [ May 28, 2002, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  6. Units that I've had in england itself have stayed in service. Units in britsh occupied areas (Malta or Egypt) disapear.
  7. Weather effect would be a nice thing to see... At this level, I think that game turns during winter months being 4 weeks long is a great start, though. Perhaps some stiffer penalty for conducing operations in Russia during the first couple winters might be in order, though.
  8. Bomber range and quality is adjusted by research. You are right, the Germans never went for heavies, but that was a concious decision on their part (there was a Luftwaffe general who championed a 4 engine lng range bomber... alas he was killed in Spain and I can't recall hiw name). The game accurately reflects where priorities start, but there's no reason to beleive that a German player might not research long range planes or heavy bombers... Or the US or Britain abondon the concept...
  9. At this scale certain realities such as Germany being bled white aren't as well dealt with. By limiting time, you recognize that there's no way that any of the combatants could have fought on. Every combatant country was exhausted by 1945 and Europe was in ruins. How do you reconcile that reality no matter how a game goes? If any country is allowed to happily build units nad send replacement indefinately then you end up with a much more unrealistic consideration than an arbitrary end date.
  10. Between UV, & 5-8 CM PBEM turns a night, and yes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-runs and beer drinking, Getting in 12 or so games of SC is not bad!
  11. Well, wait until the game comes out and as teh Germans you get to spread your wings and base out of France (and mebby spain). Don't let them be so superior. YEs, early on one must be cautious with the Baltic fleet, but agressive use of the ITalian fleet in the Med can go a long way towards balancing things out as well as making sure that you put the hurt on the Allies early on so that they can't spend on fleet repairs/rebuilds. Aso , if you are going to stahd toe to toe in the West it would be a good thing to build up the Kriegsmarine. On the other hand, you point about sub units being lost is taken .It might have been a ggood idea to differentiate between *combat* subs and *strategic* subs (for lack of better words) and perhaps have point allocation for interdiction type convoy raiding duty... and similarily, maybe the Allied player could reduce surface combat fleets by all0cating to a convoy escort box and let the computer do a die roll each turn for effect... I know, I keep cribbing from 3R, but it's just so ingrained... even caught myself typing SR in another thread when talking about Operational movement. [ May 23, 2002, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  12. Agreed about the capital ships. SHould be able to get some kind of shore defense and a stacking limit (maybe based on harbor size?). WIth the subs, however, I don't see much of a problem with the way things are. They are very potent offensive weapons that are dead ducks when defending... as it should be. I think that the only tweak that I'd do is not let them be suprised...
  13. In the final, will there be a full on end game summary availble with full stats for both sides for the number cruncher in us all?
  14. Denying the enemy the ability to SR is nifty and when coupled with denying supply are great reasons to use start bombing... and to bleed an enemy furhter by making him defend against it. I can see it being used to make finising off an encircled enemy that much easier.
  15. Have you tried the curretn XP drivers available from Creative? THose are more current, but not certified... I've been running them since their release and ahve had no problems with sound.
  16. Check and see if your discs are running in compatability mode, maybe. Wonder if Shullencraft is around? [ May 22, 2002, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  17. Until France falls and the way is left open to be-bop across the channel...
  18. I have one too.... Will vichy be dissolved automagically by some happenstance (Torch, for example) or do the Germans have to declare war?
  19. Odd... XP-Pro & GeForce 2Pro... NO graphics issues here. PErhaps it's related to vid card drivers (I'm runing the ver28.35 set)? If it looks like the screen is in an oddball res that your monitor is throwing fits over, might see that you have the right inf for your monitor.
  20. What I've done in a couple games is if the balkans didn't declare by the time I was ready to pay attention to the east, I would invade Hungary with a huge army bent on a one turn kill... Next turn the others fell into line (meaning bulgaria & Romania both came on board and Yugoslavia went Allied [and were crushed under my boot]). The army that went into Hungary would just continue east to their start point for Barbarossa.
  21. A full 3r game with select variants? about a 15...
  22. The question, though, is what kind of symbology do you want? If you are going for realism, then I'd rather use the silhouettes. I've played games that use historical unit symbology and, especially when playing the Germans, I would end up hunting around manuals to see what's what. I'm all for using standard NATO symbology on the units... anachronistic as it is, becasue I want to see what the uits are (which is as good as any way for not using simple sihouettes especially for units with similar functions but vastly different uses) at a glance. [ May 03, 2002, 09:49 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  23. WOuld seem taht weather effect at this scale are sort of shown by the lengthening of game turns when outside of 'campaign season.'
  24. His finest moment... And then your limey bastards shot my good soldier in the back... THE BACK!!!! Don't you owe me a turn? Get to it!
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