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Everything posted by Compassion

  1. http://www.the-underdogs.org/ As for getting them to work under windows... well, the usual methods may help. IT's always trial and error with Windows...
  2. Three words: Zone Of Control. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what kind of special case rules are written for this kind of unit. Allowing a friendly overstack to increase combat power in a stack is one option as is allowing the AB unit to temporarily occupy the same hex as the target.
  3. How do you figure? WIth 1 week turns during 'campaign season' there's more than ample time to drop a full airborne corps (ala Overlord, Market Garden & Varsity) as was done historically by armies with enough technology & resources. Airborne missions that happened at lower scale didn't have the strategic reach to make it into a game of this scale, but there certainly were Corps level airborne ops. Airborne Smiley > On that we agree! [ April 25, 2002, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  4. Standard as in NATO symblogy, I hope. Hate to learn a whole new weird sybology for this game...
  5. Why would a game that's obviously a 4X strategy game set in some mythical 30's like universe be more 'authentic' than a historically based game of the period?
  6. Good point! I had interpreted Immer Etwas question to be about long range ballistic missiles... A case of seeing what I want, I suppose.
  7. I think that the operative word is can. They are something that you can spend you resources on to develop. It's up to you as the leader of your country to spend on what you think will do the most good (do you spend on better tactical/operatonal weapons or do you go for the economy choking startegic weapons?).
  8. Agree with Bill Macon. The scale of the hexes is big enoug that stacking limits shouldn't be a limitation. An Airborne corps unit should be able to project from an airbase up to it's flight limit (say... 6? 8? hexes? something like that?) to participate in any offensive (and suffer the consequences if it's dropped behind the lines and the ground units don't make the linkup). As to Funker Vertinox's point, The value of an Airborne Corps isn't it's intrisic combat value (though at a lower scale is impressive man for man). The valus is in the ability to disrupt the enemy on a large scale. Dropping on a battle the air unit can add it's combat power to the battle... dropping behind, it just might not only be able to add some fire power, but also maybe disrupt communicaitons and supply for the unit being attacked. Hope that Airborne units make it into an expansion as it would really spice things up.
  9. More interesting to me would be playing with either defined or random (but noted at game start) special events that give rise to certain things perhaps happening earlier than historically/not occouring... Fer instance, perhaps Von Ribbentrop came home empty handed without the Treaty of Nonaggression Between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics might cause the USSR preemptively declare war on Germany.... Similar in practice as the 3R variants (but without the need to keep a coffee cup with the chits in them for the duration of the game).
  10. DOS? What is this DOS you speak of? I learned the game on an Apple ][e way back when. Luckily, I still have the manual (discs long gone), so the releanring curve isn't much. But then I was a big time nerd and knew the ascii shortcuts to move around on a screen, so the WiR layout wasn't so hard to learn.
  11. How about the ability to spend strategic resources on intelligence to geta better picture (and the chance of having your opponent counter spend to muddy that picture) of what's going on on the other side?
  12. always nice to see another lover of fine literature...
  13. Thanks for the quick answer... I'll be keeping an eye on this for sure.+ Sorry for repeating the question. Didn't realize this forum was big enough for a second page until a minute ago... doh! [ April 21, 2002, 02:17 AM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  14. A toothy smiley? Sholdn't i be a little more... mmm... like this ? Couldn't find one with the Kermit the Frog mouth drop...
  15. When? Sorry, can't help myself, but how close are you to signing off on this bad boy? From the descriptions alone I'm spinning back to my old days with 3R and CoS and dreams of world domination. NOt asking for a release date... but are you close enough for a rough estimate? Q2? Q3? Something like that?
  16. Oh, as far as I am concerned, the supply rules comes first. Please don't feel offended but it sound a little "simplifed" to me. Can you elebrate how production and other "hardcore" factors would it be in or would it be close to "War in Russia"? But fun comes first! TIA.</font>
  17. Wow... a shiplord on the human net. [ April 21, 2002, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  18. Is this due to scale or is it just not a feature that can make it inot release (so moving an army group overthe channel will include airborne and air landing troops in abstract as well as the sea invasion)? [ April 21, 2002, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  19. They look like completely different games (except for the setting). Hearts of Iron looks like EU with tanks... and possibly economic/political systems taking place of religion in the EU engine. NOt a bad thing and something I'll be looking forward to, but it looks like a smart, fun & challenging 4x game (as EU & EU2 were) set in the 30's and 40's, but not like a recreation of the war as it was. There's plenty of room for a true Grand Strategy game of WWII as well.
  20. Oh god... Hope we don't go the way of Aintitcoolnews.com with all the "First"ers....
  21. There's no break to fix. Most games that you have played I would guess are kind of old if they support serial connects. With the ubiquitousness of NICs in newer computers and those with broadband connections, that kind of technology has fallen by the wayside (even for combo laptop/desktop users... with home networking being as common as it is with that set, there's less need for old style Laplink connections). There is a way to connect 2 computers with analog modems connected via an RJ11 connection. I can't remember how to pull this of and a cursory glance at the usual websites doesn't give a clue. But if you check carefully you might find the info.
  22. Lore says that it was to fool the Germans into thikning that the mechanism was something other than what it was... NOt that it makes much sense, recovering one dud gives away the game.
  23. The use of FAC's was still in it's infancy at the time. The were learning how to deliver CAS of the super close variety that we see in CM day by day. IT's noted in ABTF that the FAC's were lost so the Typhoons in the attempt to push out of Nijmegan didn't fire on a gun that basically doomed the link-up attempt becasue they had strict orders not to fire wihtout FAC control because of all the FF casualties in previous days in the battle wihtout FAC's. Doubler's Closing With The Enemy goes into detail about the growth (and need) of Forward Air Controllers.
  24. I don't think that's quite what he's talking about. If you are lining up a reposition and decide to opt out (Can't get a good angle, whatever), you are stuck if you had actually hit T. YOu end up being forced to do a reposision even though you had thought better of it a second later. I'm All for real live analogs, but it's silly to think that all the tubes would have gone cockeyed because you keyed your radio, ya know? [ April 11, 2002, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
  25. Phillistine... Just wait... New 'ball and chain' devices keep popping up and a bigwig somewhere keeps deciding that it's a good idea to strap on someone else. That's the ticket... wonder how I can apply for a job as a bigwig? [ April 11, 2002, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Compassion ]
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