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Everything posted by guachi

  1. What I've done in the few QBs I've played is keep hitting 'suggestion' until I get something that looks reasonable and then do the same for the AI forces. Sure, it lets me see what the AI has, but I only do a quick glance. I consider it recon.
  2. Nevermind on my original comments. I wasn't getting what the screenshots were showing. I will say that it looks like the first waypoint might have taken the tank into a hedgerow and the AI made a poor choice of routing around it. What happens if you put one waypoint on the near side and one on the far side and have the line perpendicular to the hedgerow?
  3. I'm running 11.3 and haven't encountered any repeatable problems (an occasional random hiccup). On the other hand, updating video card drivers takes less effort than it did to type this response.
  4. I think the fact there are no constraints on how many points you put into one type of unit as long as that type is available may be causing the problem. Perhaps having AI logic that says, if game is mixed, no more than (just picking a number) 60% of points from units on the Infantry Formations tab (and 60% from the Armor tab). This wouldn't constrain the player and wouldn't necessitate an interface change as currently the points allocated to they type of unit isn't displayed (like in CMx1)
  5. The Hide command reduces spotting ability of the unit.
  6. I've largely given up on issuing targeting orders. Saves much time in the orders phase. The few times I'll issue them are - when I need to area fire because a unit can't see a particular target but can see the location, artillery (both direct and indirect), having infantry not target armor.
  7. No. The first iterations of CM had this information. Highlight a vehicle, hit enter, up pops stats. There are some UI mods that add some functionality similar to what you are looking for. I think the relevant mod is Marco Bergman's "Alternative Vehicle and Weapon Silhouettes" available in the Repository (via the Community link on the main page). The other option is to hunt down some books or online resources. If I feel adventurous, I'll remake my Excel spreadsheet that had selectable drop down menus (with pictures!) of the units in CM:BO. It was never completed as it only included Vehicles and Infantry (no Guns or Off Board Artillery) but I thought it was pretty awesome for what it displayed. There are fewer hard numbers in CN:BN and fewer units, so hopefully it isn't a total pain to do. CM:BO had 124 vehicles with up to 134 pieces of information per vehicle and 46 infantry units with up to 84 pieces of information per unit. It was a lot to keep track of.
  8. Currently, your only real possibility is to use fraps. If you are playing turn-based, I think your only hope is to use fraps and concatenate each one minute turn file to produce one long movie.
  9. Your posting privileges have been revoked for a week.
  10. I didn't realize the US dollar had fallen so much.
  11. Some artillery (generally larger) requires an FO. Play around with the unit selection screens and you'll see which ones.
  12. I made a video of a brave surviving member of a panzerschreck team with the only remaining AT round in my entire German force destroy a Sherman and gun down 3 escaping crew members with his pistol. Other than that, I'd say any unit of off-map artillery.
  13. My 3x24" set up was in portrait mode using 1920x1200 monitors for a 3600x1920 screen. It was the equivalent of a (i believe) 42" screen and had 6.9 MP resolution. The screen ratio limited distortion, but meant that I had no free monitors to do other stuff on (wish CM could be played windowed mode) and I hated the bezels. Hated them. The view was awesome, though, if a bit overwhelming sitting so close. Also, too many games pin information to the corners of the screen and it was a pain to use. I spent hours changing the UI of WoW and Dragon Age to get it useable. 30" is awesome with all the uninterrupted screen real estate and 4 MP resolution and I have a 24" as an overflow screen or to use as a TV. If you have $1000 to spend on computer upgrades, get a 30" monitor. It's worth it and should last you at least 10 years. $100/yr doesn't seem so bad for something you are using 100% of time you use your computer (unless, I suppose, you use your CPU in the downtime to do calculations, or something)
  14. I made a mention of it when I saw it happen in the demo. One of the comments by the beta testers was, basically, "I thought this had been fixed." I don't know if the powers-that-be saw that it was still happening, but hopefully it's something that gets fixed in 1.01.
  15. The pile of dirty dishes/food containers I've accumulated in only one day? Is that the kind of amazing things you are talking about?
  16. The QB system is rather daunting. I don't think it's in an entirely bad way as it's pretty obvious that it grants great flexibility. My first two thoughts were - Scenarios should be awesome with the choices designers have. QBs aren't really going to be 'quick' with how difficult force selection could be. This really puts a burden on quality AI selection of forces if one just wants to jump right into a battle.
  17. Like you will really be checking your mail box, anyway. It could contain things like... bills that might distract you from playing.
  18. Wonder if someone will make Riesberg or Chance Encounter. Guess I could fire up my CM:BO beta demo and play it that way. I actually spent more time playing the CM:BO demos than I did the actual game.
  19. I've started poking around with the Scenario Editor and was looking at the TOE and noting the changes from previous CM versions. A few questions about the German Infantry (Grenadier) Battalion. I can't say my sources are accurate, but they don't indicate that panzerschrecks were official TOE of an Infantry Battalion (and none were in an Infantry Battalion in CM:BO). But they do show 2 panzerschreck platoons in the AT company of the Regiment, each with 18 panzerschrecks. Conveniently, there are 2 Infantry Battalions in each Regiment. This gives 18 per battalion, 6 for each of the three companies in the battalion, and 2 for each of the three platoons in the company. And that's exactly what CM:BN has. Is this a coincidence or was it planned? Also, my source indicates 6x81mm mortars in the Heavy Weapons Company of a battalion. The Infantry Battalion in CM:BN shows this: 1 Squad (Medium Mortar) 2 Squad (Medium Mortar) 2 x 81 mm Mortar (sGrW 34) 2 x 81 mm Mortar (sGrW 34) Does this indicate 2 of the mortars are on-map and the other 4 are off map, divided into two 2 mortar batteries?
  20. I basically agree with everything you stated. The game is not particularly easy to get into regarding controls. etc. However, it has one of the best user bases out there and, since you are posting here, you certainly have access to it. I played CMx1 games but I never bought CM:SF based on the CMx2 engine. But I did play the CM:SF demo while waiting for CM:BN to come out. I didn't particularly like the camera controls. They seem basically the same in CM:BN and I didn't like them in the CM:BN demo. But someone pointed out that you can hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse (move camera) or the right mouse button and move the mouse (rotate camera). I don't bother with the keyboard (I'm left-handed and it isn't smooth) or moving the mouse to the edge of the screen (too much waving around on a 30" monitor). The sensitivity might need to be tweaked, but I think it's the best way to move the camera. I also love the WEGO system. Perfect for those who play a little slower. And the fact that you don't have complete control means you can enjoy the turn replays. Can't think of many games that allow you to play and rewind the game over and over and over.
  21. The solution is to get rid of Norton. CM:BN wouldn't be the first program Norton screwed up.
  22. I was getting 3.5 MB/sec and I also started downloading as fast as I could click the link so that is about 6.5 minutes for me. Awesomely fast.
  23. Okay. Makes sense. I doubt I was even doing it correctly anyway.
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