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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. I'll second the reccomendation of Firepower. Definitely a fun game.
  2. You guys are harsh. Thanks for posting all this war related trivia, even if some of it is exagerrated I found it enjoyable
  3. He only half got it, I got a concilatory GG instead
  4. I've had that tactic fail miserably and I've had it kind of work. When it kind of worked I slaughtered 2 platoons of Americans and a bunch of support for nary a loss only to get caught in a massive barage with complately shattered my forces there (2 platoons, 1 shreck). I eventually lost the game anyways
  5. Nice gooblygook But confusing, yes it does mean rice but no it doesn't have anything to do with production? I understand the use of kanji's phonetically but it still seems odd to me. I've noticed when studying history a lot of the material is manipulated to reflect well (or bad depending) on the state. This is purely conjecture on my part but I could easily see the official decree on this as being tied to state image. Rice is big in Japan, For the US to be "rice country" we would in essence be more powerful image wise. I don't see it as too much of a stretch for them to deny that implication of the word.
  6. Literally translates as rice country devil but the meaning is American devil. Funny they would refer to the US as rice country. Makes sense though as their economy was based on rice and the US's agricultural capability is rather huge.
  7. I am most looking forward to beating up on all the beta testers fionn, moon, rune, wild bill, etc. After that maybe Steve and Charles Seriously though, I am looking forward to having an acceptable engine for my wargaming habit. With the editor CM will easily become the vehicle of choice for years of tactical wargaming. A toast to BTS
  8. SD Baby, Darwin representin over here Foobar, where's my file? you wanna hold off and do a blind one when the release is out? I'll save ya one
  9. I've seen that, it's from the 50's remake of Butch Cassidy and Sundance just before they drove their mounts over the cliff into the ravine to escape the Pinkerton's
  10. Shijndel Road for kicks I see a bright future full of constantly changing battlefields. I think it's the raiders site that has the framwork set up for the "scenario depot" which looks to be a cool way of getting the scenarios out.
  11. I remember reading on the IR searchlights used with equiptment on panthers. I am curious, was this a technology used otherwise in the field at the time?
  12. How about getting caught on a flank maneuver as germans with 2 platoons and a shreck and losing the bunch of 'em plus the 75 bunker at the beginning of the game to minimal enemy casualties including no tanks
  13. Nice Juju, 20 minutes or so to find that piece? well done Isn't this stuff just amazing. From the prewar Freikorps (sic) and political situation to their manufacturing and enginering, military personalities, propaganda and command structure etc Germany just blows me away. Not that the Allies don't have good stories too
  14. Berli is on the bunny hunt Try Titan, I think he's new at this too
  15. Thanks Robert Update on "glitching" file. I recieved the return file (just video) and am still getting these mini-lockups when I try to select the one unit (tank). When I have that unit selected video goes in 6 to 7 second jumps from 02 to 09 to 16 to 22 etc until done. I've read the problems others were having and this could very well be the same bug. But I dont believed anyone mentioned the "freezing". Perhaps this is something more? I have the files saved if BTS would like them.
  16. First thing I did once able was to quit the scenario, shut down everything and reboot. When file was reloaded same problem, and it was only when I was trying to select a particular unit that I could tell.
  17. Ran into trouble tonight with demo. First around turn 14 or so I couldn't give orders to some of my tanks. I could select them but when I would try to give them an order it would ding as if they were a panicked or routed squad (not the case) oh, and there previously given move orders were not displayed with all the others (show all move paths was on) yet during playback they followed these unseen orders anyways. Next turn I was able to access and give orders to all the problem tanks but one which would cause momentary game lockups when selected. While frozen I hit the + key several times to try to get to something I could work with and although I could at first see no responce after a short pause game came unstuck having cycled to a different unit. Once again I tried to access this tank with same locking up occurring. While Locked up, it seemed as though nothing was working but when it would unfreeze whatever commands it had been given during that time were in fact being carried out. I run an AMD k6 3 with a voodoo banshee 16 in it 128 ram, CM runs great generally.
  18. I have yet to take out a cement pillbox with arty, I've spent 3 turns straight dropping 105 with excellent LOS to target and nothing... it seems like a waste of good ammo considering all the other methods avaliable to destroy the bunkers.
  19. Pretty soon we'll have the whole crew back duking in out FireflyAT, Soldaten, SpitfireCA, Ghost52nd you out there? Juno's bound to make an appearence soon too
  20. Popfreak Lokesa from CC2 centre here, good to see you've found CM
  21. Germans have to pull something off to win vs humans. Once it's been played a few times seasoned players can be really dominant as Americans IMO. Will have to play with 25% and check it out
  22. Back to work Strider, I'm jonseing for my file
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