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Everything posted by Darwin

  1. My title is captain but really just a smancy waiter in a fine ass hotel. It's ok, I get paid big bucks to smooze with guests and drink their wine with an occasional flambe thrown in
  2. Yeah, I thought the demo was to be based gold code meaning CD on my doorstep very very soon. It seems however that BTS is not yet willing to release it and is as yet polishing. I would love to hear that I am incorrect and that it is being duplicated and shipped but...
  3. I believe that during operations between battles you can have scouting done giving you limited (and possibly wrong?) information related to you opponents set up or OOB. Perhaps someone more knowledgable could inform us.
  4. This was answered in another thread. "dig in" is an option the scenario designer can allow which lets the player begin with his tanks buried up to their turrets as a sort of bunker.
  5. Ack! WAIT! I just tried to use hypersnap and CM and I locked up It worked with the beta demo but then again I just upgraded to hypersnaps newer version. Anyone else use it for captures having problems with CM?
  6. I haven't played them either, let me download the demo and you can play me
  7. I would suggest using hypersnap which you can use free from http://www.hyperionics.com/ to capture and then photoshop to help the image show you in the best light posible
  8. http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001055.html and http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001648.html have a good number of us
  9. I recently had a unit get torched, immediately the tac-ai took over throwing my men to the ground turning them around and running them back through the trees to deeper cover. Steve if your interested in the details I can email you otherwise it's in a pbem game no info allowed yet
  10. I know, you guys are buds, but I had to get in a compliment on his work somehow
  11. Give him a break, it was definitely the best article I've seen about CM.
  12. I've had some successes with my shermans but then again perhaps it is merely a perception issue. I dont expect for my shermans to do very well in a straight head on shootout as they are somewhat vulnerable. What I am to suggest is nothing new, but just basic tactics. supress your enemy, use smoke and terrain to isolate enemy units and concentrate fire on them while exposing yourself to minimal return fire. there are lots of trees and hills in VoT giving ample places from which to hide from enemy threats while still being able to target threats to your infantry such as Hmg's or the mg bunkers. Use your tanks to support your infantry and vice versa. You dont have to destroy all the enemy's emplacements oftentimes they are more easily avoided than confronted. And finally play Pbem's and when you get your ass kicked pay attentiion to how they did it Doh, sorry didn't realize this was CE specific. [This message has been edited by Darwin (edited 05-17-2000).]
  13. Mail is back online. Jim, file inroute shortly
  14. My email server is down for now. I might need for pbem's to be resent later. Sorry, Darwin
  15. I must comment For myself most turns take less than 10 minutes. The initial set up takes a long time, but once the game is rolling most turns go quickly. Of course there are some turns or some players that demand more attention thus more time but for the most part I'm only modifying previous set out order strings. Turns per day is tough, when I'm online playing at same time as my nemesi we'll do about 2 turns per hour without feeling rushed. But some of my games have gone as slow as 1 to 2 transfers a week.
  16. the little men on your screen are an abstract representation only. Just because you graphically see that the weapon is going right through your dudes it doesn't necesarally mean any of your guys are getting hit.
  17. Shops open, bring on the files. lokesa@home.com
  18. Thanks for the responses, I'm good now
  19. Remember all the advice given to you have counters as well, many human players can tear apart what is generally sound. Read the AAR's on Matt's site, Fionn is an excellent player and does a tremendous job explaining what he's thinking, his options, why he chose to do what he did, etc. There's a variety of articles there relating to cm that are good reading as well
  20. his pbem situation must be bad if he's sending his wife to make excuses for him Get well soon
  21. it's 2:00am here in San Diego, maybe some of you across the sea are up. If anyone is short on pbem opponents drop me a line lokesa@home.com
  22. A Toast my friends to their excellence, long live BTS
  23. Just finished playing the valley blind as amer vs a hotseat opponent final score after 17 turns 83 amer to 17 german, major american victory. Very fun game isolating and destroying him piecemeal, that last bunker with the 75 must have taken 15 to 20 hits before going down A neat moment happened when I forgot to call off the 2 mortars and charged a platoon and two shermans in to close assault the remaining defenders around the last pillbox while the other 4 shermans moved up to bring fire on the pillbox from the front. Lots of explosions that turn
  24. We got DEMO I would love to comment on it but haven't opened it yet. I'm going blind so I might not be around for a few. See you's lata's
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