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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: uh, excuse me gents, but what does 'peng' mean? i've wondered that for a long time. thanks for your answers in advance. god bless, --Rett oh, and if anyone would like to get spanked in a tcp/ip game right now, load details of the setup in a post at opp. finder. sorry sorry... [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ] [ 07-25-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Peng is English for, "Go away, you annoy me." Now Peng off!
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: I owe St. Bauhaus a setup from months ago, but whenever I get around to it, someone in my household - be it person or pet - starts crapping uncontrollably. I think I shall wait a bit more on this one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And last thing I want to play is a crappy scenario.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 That's as high as I can count.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What kind of animal are you? I didn't know you had 40 fingers and toes that you could count.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis: After careful consideration I am taking a more militant stance on something I feel very strongly about and have had enough of. From this point on I will not play anyone who insists on numbering turns (the only exception being CMMC battles because they represent the only real reason I can think of to number turns at all). When a game begins with one of you cretins I will remind you of this and if the return file I receive is numbered I will not even give the curtouesy of letting you know why I am stopping the game I will just delete the file and not answer questions as to where the file is. Any curent games that I have going that people are numbering (I never number mine I just send back the same file name that was sent to me) will continue and you may do as you see fit with regard to numbering. I wish I knew who started this whole numbering thing because it is the only truely stupid thing that people do. There is only one real reason that someone might want to number turns and that is if they are writing an AAR.. Any other reason I have ever heard has been answered by and shown to be silly. I do not wish to debate this issue any more than I already have with some of you (jd and Markymark4 come quickly to mind). I doubt this will stop any of you hat want a shot at the unbeatable Elvis from challanging me. If it does Idon't care because I usually have more games going than I can handle anyway ya yellow cowards. I will allow a brief bit of debate but it will most likely jus involve me copy/pasting emails sent to jd and Mark69 as they seemed pretty much to sum it up and answer any weak reasons you hammerheads try to come up with. Since I am on typing roll here I will cover the major bases. 1) "you can keep track ofwhose turn it is" ARE YOU NUTS!!! If you are not sureif it is your turn try to open the file..if it asks for your password then it is your turn...if it doesn't then it is your opponants turn. 2)"But if I have it numbered I don't have do that". What takes up more time....doing what I stated above the very few occations you wll have to do it or cleaning out all the piles of game files in your PBEM folder. I don't know about you but I don't lose track of wose turn it isvery often but I do find myself cleaning out my cluttered PBEM folder pretty often. 3) It is not a problem for me at this point but those files eat up a decent amount of drive space. 4) And another thing about "it lets me know if it's my turn or not" What if you numbered the file like a good little conformist but forgot to email it? You don't know that anymore if you number it than if you don't. I have many many more reasons but I am at work and duty calls.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think the real reason is that you can't count higher than 3.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: I say everybody should get a breath test before posting to prevent this sort of sewage backing up the drain on the Cesspool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stone cold sober, how frightening is that? [ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  6. Gentleman- In my absence I've noticed a bad made for t.v. movie has broken out. For that reason Seanachai must die. I hate made for t.v. movies. There are too many unoriginal punishments being thrown about though. I mean this IS the MBT so we should come up with a MBT punishment. So I hereby suggest either we turn the hamsters loose and have Seanachai feltched to death or we strap the simp down and let the sheep sod him to death. Turn about is fair play. And I say we let the very sheep he hath soddeded (?) sod him back. So what say ye? Or is that Say what ye? [ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore: Much as I hate to admit it I was waiting for some neurally challanged Chipmunk from my outer board victories to surface in the MBT. Bau-hahahahahahaha, I believe at last count your number of victories against me is what? THE BIG O (Sit down, it's not that big O dammit!) Now from my extensive readings of the MBT I know that this is a record to be expected against you provided one has either passed kindergarten or can recognize three items of the color green. Some individual in the past best described the situation when he said that "nobody like Bauhaus can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory". Our sweet Lord must have been drained to the very limits of his powers when your name finally appeared on the creation list. If you'd like another brutal slapdown and once again be reminded of your place, then by all means send me a setup.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You stand corrected ole Claymore. I do believe I defeated you in the RD tournament, the first game we played. Since then, well, I sucked. At least I believe it was you I defeated......
  8. Claymore you wanker, stay out of the MBT. Ya gamey little bastich.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: Anyway, as to addressing Seanachai's madness, I look to Father Peng for guidance. Perhaps he has some small thoughts (the ONLY kind he has) about this issue. [ 07-03-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> With all due respect to the Father Confessor, I think Seanachai's madness is bigger than him. I think we better find the pod before it completely hatches. Who knows who will be next. Maybe we've all been hatched and Seanachai is the last.......naaaa.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: What fantasy world did you say your brain cell is inhabiting? I have no such illusions. My presence here is obviously embarrasing to many people made uncomfortable by my brilliance, wit, zany sense of humour and sparkling personality. Of course all you inadequate excuses for humanity want me to leave so you no longer are illuminated by my brilliance. However I am feeling unusually charitable this millenium, so have bought my light to this dark, damp corner of the universe. Your lives will be better for having known me, and my reward shall come in heaven, where I shall surely go once my work here is complete. For the liturgically impaired this means: why would I care about anything you have to say?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You bore me.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: WARNING! WARNING!! Squires are driven to make moon-eyes at bauhaus.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Why on earth would you subject me to be the target of moon-eyes from lowly squires? Boy, I tell ya, I get no respect. None....zip....zero....
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan: Every day I wade through this dungpile of humanity and regret wholeheartedly that BAUHAUS was the only regular I bitchslapped to hell and back. Perhaps ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh Lindan, you simp. Who hasn't done that to me. Had to say that before Berlidid. Speaking of Satan, you probably won't be seeing him for awhile. He just got his mac back and last I saw, he was straddling the thing like a two dollar whore in a room full of sailors. I think he missed his mac. It will be going in soon for another clean up however, something about the keys sticking together. And now back to our regular show.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: Also, remind me how many points I am buying and which side I have as my brain isn’t working to well in the heat here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I believe you are attacking with 100 pts and I'm defending with 5,000. Sound fair?
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: bauhaus can stop sorting through his kiddie porn collection and send me (xii) information on how many points we are supposed to be playing on the current map and whether or not I am the forces of ultimate evil or the world's policemen, and (Q) send me a map upon which I will spread Berli's entrails like so much vegemite on a freshly buttered toast. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Mr. Lizard........Give me to the weekend and I'll get you the set up and also drum up something fitting for you and Satan. I think he deserves the same treatment that he gave me in our battle. Do you want me to put VL's on our battle or go straight up?
  15. Taunt Alert! Taunt Alert! Berli is using a PC again. Let the whining (or in my case, winning) begin.
  16. Lorak Here's one more for you from the Day of the Lizard Goanna:cheated like the big girl's blouse he is (thanks to help from Berli) Bauhaus:swindled (thanks to the evil Berli) I hate them all and they all suck. Final tally: Goanna: 3-0 Bauhaus: 2-1 Berli: 1-2 (and yes, one of those losses was at my hands) Moriarty: 0-3
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Hell! I think I have a quarter here somewhere... Yes! I contribute a quarter<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'll throw in a dollar if it will shut the squire up. I didn't realize squires were allowed to sound off as much as panty liner does. Can we put him on a daily word limit? Like maybe three?
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WineCape: Dear Gentleman and not so Gentleman, Would it make your nomination task easier if we could get not one, but *TWO* nominations from the cesspool for the PBEM Invitational Tourney of "Stars"? Just let Treeburst155 know. I have not discussed it with him (have no time as I am boarding a plane in 2 hours) that it will be OK I guess to allow 2 cesspoolers on the Invitational instead of 1. But hurry up, as the invitation return deadline is closing soon. Regards, Charl Theron<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What are you some sort of sadist? The beloved pool can barely reach a concensus on one pool member and you want us to pick another? You got to be cartoonin' me! I think the pool should debate the issue for another 7 pages, it really will show the "world" what a complete bunch of idjits we are. In the words of Stuka, "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr: "BulgingBrat Sets Sail" Featuring: MrSpkr as the Announcer Phillies Phan as First Mate Spunk Bauhaus as Captain Ned Totalitarian Willie as Sailor #1 panties as Sailor # 2 PushupBra as Bosun’s Mate Lawyer as Dr. Pierce Kitty as Ruth Warrington YK2 as Madeline Warrington and BulgingBrat as himself Featuring Lorak as the corpse of Miles Cowperthwaite. Longwinded script attributed to Sir Seanachai. Announcer MrSpkr: Tonight, PBS is proud to present a dramatization of Charles Dickens' newly discovered novel, "The Raging Queen: A Tale of Manly Adventure." As many viewers are no doubt aware, this novel picks up where the previous Dickens classic, "Miles Cowperthwaite" left off. Our previously scheduled episode of "How the West was Won for Rich Oilmen and Cattle Barons" will be seen in its entirety on PBS next Tuesday. "The Raging Queen: A Tale of Manly Adventure", as related to Nathaniel Hawthorne and Richard Simmons. BulgingBrat voiceover: "The Raging Queen: A Tale of Manly Adventure", relating the execrable childhood, abhorrent adolescence, and perverse death of Bulging Brat. Chapter 1. My sorrow is comforted. "As I stand here, I, as well as the rest of the crew of The Raging Queen, mourn yesterday’s loss of Cap’n Bauhaus’s former cabin boy, Miles Lorak Cowperthwaite. Young Miles Lorak was tragically eaten by sharks after having fallen overboard in the turbulent waters of Kingston Harbor during the fury of a calm and gentle sea. Cap’n Bauhaus, being a manly man, schooled in the ways of manliness, and a firm believer in strict discipline, corporal punishment, and Greco-Roman oil wrestling, has ordered all hands on deck at three bells on the afternoon watch for an important announcement. Fade to Deck (First Mate Fillies rings the deck bell). First Mate Fillies: All right, men! Quiet down, please. We wouldn’t want to cause a fuss, now, would we? If you are hungry, remember there is still a bit left at the salad bar, as well as some quiche from this morn’s breakfast. We also have some wine coolers and one or two of those fruity drinks with the little umbrellas in them at the bar. And now, here for an important announcement, is our own Cap’n Bauhaus. Cap’n Bauhaus: All right men, calm down. Settle people, SETTLE! Much better. Now, as you all know, the tragic loss of young Miles Lorak has left me without a cabin boy, who may shine my shoes, fetch my meals, prepare and warm my bed, and generally cater to my every whim. Now, as you all know, we are a manly ship. We sail the seven seas, with ports of call in manly ports, such as Key West, San Francisco, Seattle and Fire Island. And on a manly ship, I need a manly cabana boy. Who shall volunteer? BulgingBrat: looks around: Why, if no one else desires it, I shall be proud to serve you Cap’n Bauhaus. Cap’n Bauhaus: Excellent. I shall teach you the ways of manliness and masculinity on these long voyages. You shall learn what it means to be masculine on a manly ship. Understand me boy, I shall not tolerate any actions that may bring discredit to your manhood or manliness. Do you understand? BulgingBrat: I can’t wait to get started! Hurrah for Cap’n Bauhaus! Entire crew cheers. MrSpkr, as Announcer: That night, the level of Cap’n Bauhaus’ concern for young BulgingBrat was made apparent. BulgingBrat’s cabin, single candle lit. BulgingBrat is in his bed. A footstep is heard across the room. BulgingBrat (sitting up): Who is it? Who’s there? Cap’n Bauhaus (steps forward into the light): It is I, young Bulging. I noticed your, concern, over the loss of young Miles Lorak and thought I would come down to see if you needed any comforting. BulgingBrat: No, Cap’n, I’m quite fine, thank you. Cap’n Bauhaus: Don’t lie to me lad. I see the grief upon your face. (sits on bed) It is manly to share your emotions and feelings with your Captain, lad. BulgingBrat begins to speak, but Cap’n Bauhaus pulls Brat’s head close to his chest, muting Brat’s words) Cap’n Bauhaus: There, there lad. It is okay. Your old Cap’n Bauhaus is here to comfort you. I will always be here to comfort you, stroke your hair, massage your shoulders . . .(Cap’n Bauhaus’ eyes begin to glaze over. As BulgingBrat continues to struggle, Bauhaus snaps out of it, shoves Brat backwards, and looks at him sternly) Cap’n Bauhaus: But first, we must deal with the bit of lying you’ve been doing. Reporting problems with Totalitarian Willie and panties is one thing - I’ve read the reports lad, and you speak truly. But to stoop to lies about our dear announcer, MrSpkr, and then to lie about the depth of your grief for the loss of young Miles Lorak is inexcusable. MrSpkr has fought bravely on this ship for many moons. He participated repelling Rommel22.692, when we were almost overcome by moronic vulgarity. He has crushed panties' forces in battle, handing him a humiliating Major Defeat. He personally took to the delousing and deworming of Joe Shaw in his fits of megalomania. He also was been honorable enough to return the burnt and crunchy remains of Joe’s squire, Spitmuch, after defeating him on the field of battle. Your contributions have been limited to “Aarrghh!” or some variant thereof, with drunken rambling about cannonades and mutiny. (Cap’n Bauhaus pulls BulgingBrat’s head to his chest once more). You know lad, I blame myself for your failing. I have neglected to comfort you adequately on our long voyage. I, no we, must be punished that we do not repeat this error in the future. (Calls Kitty, YK2, and PushupBra) Cap’n Bauhaus: I have made a decision: young BulgingBrat has been caught lying to his Captain. Therefore, As I am ultimately responsible for all that goes on aboard this vessel, I am ordering that both he and I be punished, and punished severely. Bosun’s Mate, please carry out my orders. Bosun’s Mate PushupBra: Would that be a good chest hair plucking, sir, or perhaps flagellation with the stinging sea nettles? Or maybe just a good spanking? Cap’n Bauhaus: The only prudent course is to apply all three. Now snap to! Kitty and YK2 together: A spanking! A spanking! PushupBra: Aye, Cap’n. You ladies fetch the stinging nettles and the handcuffs. I'll get the tweezers and the paddle. I see that Cap'n Bauhaus has already brought the hot oil and incense. Several hours later. Cap’n Bauhaus: There now, that was as good a spankin’ as I’ve had in ages! Those stingin’ nettles were the perfect way to bring out the manly man in all of us, sweating, awaiting each blow with anticipation, the musky aroma of sweat wafting off our bodies . . .Cap’n Bauhaus’ eyes begin to glaze . . . then he snaps out of it. But see here - Dr. Lawyer, how did young BulgingBrat hold up under his punishment? Dr. Lawyer: Not well, sir. I’m afraid he is going to lose his eye. BulgingBrat (frightened): Whatever for, sir? Dr. Lawyer: Because, my son, when you were being whipped with the stingin’ nettles, a strange emission of clear fluid leaked from the corner of your eye. No, I’m afraid that we shall simply have to remove it. I will perform the surgery on the morrow. I shall expect my fee in advance. (Dr. Lawyer turns and leaves Cap’n Bauhaus and BulgingBrat alone in the cabin). BulgingBrat: Not my eye, sir! Not my eye! Cap’n Bauhaus (pulls BulgingBrat’s head close to his chest): There now lad. Be a pillar of masculinity. Be a manly man. The surgery isn’t until tomorrow morning. I shall spend tonight in your cabin, comforting you, and whilst you are recovering I shall never leave your side, not even when we dock in . . . (shudders) . . . San Francisco! No young BulgingBrat, I will be here to comfort you for as long as I feel it is necessary. (Cap’n Bauhaus slides into BulgingBrat’s bunk, turns, and blows out the candle. ) Announcer MrSpkr: Tune in next week for our next episode of “BulgingBrat Sets Sail” to see how BulgingBrat accepts his punishment and comforting in a manly way, in Chapter 2: I learn to wrestle in oil." Fade to black. [ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Your obsession with me is making me very uncomfortable. I feel like I'm being stalked in the pool.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Q: What do you get when you cross a potato with a thingy? A: A Dictator. If you check the Lorak site and look at my record you will note that I have absolutely no fear of losing. I have far too many losses to fear that particular outcome. No, what I fear from people like you is the inter-play banter, the mind-numblingly retarded idiot drivel to which I am certain I will be subjected, that has me dead set against playing this year's model of SSN. I was recently asked if I had it all to do over again would I marry my wife? To which I replied, "Certainly, right after I jam a sharp stick into my eye!" Would I play a scum sucking newbie like you? Sorry, I don't have any sharp sticks around. See you at ten if you have any cajones Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hehehehehe......You said thingy.
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ: Quite true - I certainly don't feel assaulted, or even insulted.....presuming that I'm a newbie. Rather I feel as if I've been tickled all over with a feather duster........highly appropriate from one who has chosen to name himself after a dusty and cob-web laiden relic of the Weimar Republic - a boxy, unimaginitive style which symbolses all that is putrid about peng.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually Mr. Penis my name is after the band, who named themselves after the movement. That and they thought it sounded cool.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Unfortunately, since the Mad Bald One has halted the immediate assault of newbie by Bauhaus in his usual fashion there is no deterent to them crawling in through the cracks in the walls. Not even Roach killer can stop them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't assault newbies......I have no idea where they've been and I really don't want to catch anything.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: BTW here is an interesting point on this whole Copywrite thing... An painter can take photograph, reproduce the work, and then display it for the public without needing permission from anyone. Period. It's been done, has been done time and time again. [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ok, I have to jump in here. Being a photographer and in the business for close to 20 years. My dear simple minded friend, you're dead wrong here. It's done time and again, without the photographers knowledge, that's why it's done. That doesn't make it legal. I deny reprints to artists all the time on that basis. A copywritten photo is owned by the photographer or the publication it is taken for. I'm a photo editor for a newspaper and everything that I take or any one else takes is owned by my publication. Even in my spare time. That has been supported in courts time and again. Look at the case of a Kansas City Star photographer that took a photo of Owen Hart when he died at a WWF event. It was on his own time and he sold the photo to other publications. The courts said that the art was owned by the Star and they received reembursement. But I digress. But the point of this is, No you cannot reproduce art as you please. I don't care if it's done all the time or not. And whether it's done for profit or not, makes no difference at all either. It comes down to who owns the rights to the art. Period.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Um excuse me, by why are you doddering old kaniggets wasting your little reserves of strength with these infidels, when you SHOULD be directing all your wrath and hilariously pathetic hatred towards myself?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Panty liner, you selfish little crotch dotter (?). It's not always about you....let us have a little fun with the newbies and then we'll resume the spank the panty liner show. Patience dear simp.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Thermoploppy, no-one here (with the possible exception of Mace and Bauhaus) is in the least bit interested in you or what you have to say.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ummm, did Thermopoop say something....yawn. Wake me when the talking piece of crap is done yapping through its sphincter. You smell like flowers. [ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]
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