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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Saints be praised<hr></blockquote> Thank you very much.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: Legal Notice: I am no longer a "wanker" <hr></blockquote> No.....you're still and always will be a wanker.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: So, it was an Australian. Figures, I have long suspected you chaps from down under of leaning that way<hr></blockquote> If he was an Aussie, wouldn't the name be Brice, not Bruce?
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: [QB The above shows a slight glimmering (just slight now, don't get carried away and I reserve the right to alter my opinion at any time and for any reason) ... of promise. GAWD I CAN'T BELIEVE I SAID THAT! Gimme another shot, dear, I think I need to wash my mouth out with soap again. [/QB]<hr></blockquote> The problem he has Joe is that he takes one step forward in a post like this and then proceeds to take two steps backwards in his later posts. The git just doesn't know when to shut the feck up. Until that day the simp will never be elevated to the level of squire. And Goanna, I thought you started calling Berli, Berli because it was you little pet name for him. Any one noticed how defiled their stockings were this morning? It was Mace, I told him not to do it....but noooooooo, he had to have a little sumpin sumpin to kick off his holiday cheer. Gives new meaning to the term stocking stuffer.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: I can't hold my tongue any longer...MrSpanker is an idiot..a moron...a numbskull..a mook...a chooch..a hammerhead..a brainless twit..a coward...I guess you get my point.<hr></blockquote> No, could you clarify a little more. Not quite sure what you're trying to say. And Merry Christmas ya wankers, but I still hate each and every one of you. May disgusting things be done to your stockings as they hang by the chimney with care.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: The setup is in the mail, unfortunately I chose, without looking too carefully, some abortion slapped together by Andreas. Hell, we may be fighting Nazgul together for all I know. Joe<hr></blockquote> A setup from Andreas? We are royally screwing the pooch. And let me remind you, the game in which you won was a gamey little setup from the Evil One. I stand little chance in winning to begin with, but when the Evil One decides to put in one snow covered road and give me Tigers to boot. Tigers that decide to immobilise on the one and only road I can cross on......gamey bastich! You are a lowly excuse for a Senior Kannnnniget.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Ponder that, Sir Seniour Knigget, AJ<hr></blockquote> He's an Olde Oneyou two bit convict. Never dishonor an Olde Onewith such a lowly title. And making excuses before you play? Why not just surrender now and save yourself the humiliation? Coffee......it's such good food.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba: Turkey. <hr></blockquote> Simp! Do you not know the difference between a turkey and a gnome? You have got to be cartoonin' me.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: You should have seen the four games I've won against Berli (out of 6). You can't begin to understand pain until you've seen what he's had to endure.<hr></blockquote> I don't know. Losing to me once and drawing twice is pretty painful. Especially since I can't beat Berli and he can't beat you. Then again, you manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in all of our games(or somefink like that). You may be an olde one, but you are still a losing gnome of a pillock. (Sorry coffee is kicking in, that's why so many posts in a row).
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: Perhaps the Herald should do an in-depth study of rural bushfire brigades that they could find someone of experience to cover. Oh, and be sure to bring along a photograhper. [ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]<hr></blockquote> Nipple rubber!
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: [QB(oh for the love of Pete, it's BATTLE hardened you Ozzie goof), Joe[/QB]<hr></blockquote> Ozzie goof? Hope you're not referring to me.....I made the mistake of letting an Ozzie goof stay at my house once.....still fumigating. Now if you're referring to Mace, Ozzie goof is correct. I live in the southern most parts of Wisconsin according to an Uber Lizard.You git! I'll be checking my email soon....and from what I remember I believe we're tied at one game a piece. Do I need to remind you of the single greatest turn in CM history. Mr. Six pieces of armor dead in less than a minute.....'nough said.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Don't you EVER read the rules you ignorant pillock? SSNs should never expect a Knight, let alone a Seniour Knight, let alone an Olde One to listen to their pathetic whining mewls for a game! Now SOD OFF! Did you forget your earlier encounter with us? SOD OFF while you can lad or you'll be the second to be Sent to Coventry! SOD OFF! <hr></blockquote> Alright you giant build up of flatulance. While I appreciate the defense and the truth that you tell, I feel it's time to get your butt in gear and get me that battle byte that you challenged me to decades ago. Here let me taunt ye the way the SUPs are accustomed to.....are you yellow? Your mother wears army boots (though we all know it's really your mormon wives) Now get your mormon wife underwear sniffing, hampster humping, gnome licking ass in gear and get me the set up. And Flossy, those in the know, understand I am also a Heraldite and the useless group that we are reside in the Windiest of all Cities. Do not ever ever question a Senior Knight's status. That is reserved for the vile members of the pool. I hate you all.....piss off.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: who was it again that accused me of acting like beavis and butthead??<hr></blockquote> Edited because I didn't see the previous ruling of the olde ones. [ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: oh, and i assume this is from your own persoanl case study from where you studied on the gallapagos islands? instead of sounding smart, like how your intending to, all thats happening is that your portraying yourself as a bad gameshow host with all your weak catch phrases. let me know when your capable of stringing an actual sentence together ok rainman?<hr></blockquote> We like bad gameshow hosts. And do we need to break your sentence structure apart, oh king of the noncapital letter? And persoanlly (your spelling, not mine), the only thing I'm giving you an ounce of credit for, is your no quit attitude. You just keep coming in and takin' a lickin'. You are the Timex watch of the MBT. Either that or you're just plain dense. Shall we vote on that? I say............dense. [ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: this thread is still going? and it's point is what again? it's ironic that alot of the people who post in this thread think of themselves as intelligent. i won't be wasting my time playing anyone here, i'd rather go to rugged defense where the people there are not socialy retarded. now that i think about it, almost everyone on this thread sounds like the comic book store guy on the simpsons.....wurst epeisode ever<hr></blockquote> then friggin' leave......and don't come back.......to any of the MBT's. Pissant.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: ...rectify ...<hr></blockquote> Hehehehehehe.....you said rectify.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: He was kind of cute. That is if you're into sheep. Persephone<hr></blockquote> Evil.....just evil.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Oh I don't know. I thought all my Christmases came at once when I saw you in that sheep costume! Mace<hr></blockquote> I feel like such a piece of meat. Well, actually I am when I'm dressed like a sheep in your presence. Why did that picture remind me of a bad porn movie.?
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: talk about a clicky thread.....i don't think anyone here is very good at cm anyway.<hr></blockquote> Now that's how to be noticed. Insult our ability to play CM. Yep we suck, can't play, don't even own the game. It was taken away from me by the pool because I'm so bad. There isn't a grog in the pool, well, there is just one. So I guess you taught us something...we are just a bunch of untalented pillocks that don't know an Jabo from a pimple on our ass.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: ............sputter......crackle ........ fzzzt!! (transmission starts) "Wha...?? What happened? Sheesh ........ that was one WEIRD dream I had! Must have been that strange green goo that Uncle Jack injected coz' I was feeling a leetle depressed over the state of my ongoing SLAUGHTERFEST battle with NOBA. Phew! I feel MUCH better now though. The guys at the 'pool will be really, REALLY glad that it was all JUST A DREAM that I had carked it ....... heh heh! Lucky for them I guess...... Oh well, better check the e-mail ...... Hey! What's this?? An e-mail with attachment from Herr Oberst! It says - "Here's a nice little scenario for you to try out - you fleabitten, scum-sucking, pile of Floosie ****e!" Hehe ........ thanks, Mr Oberst ....... you are a real nice guy and a close pal! I like your touch of erudite class. Ok, I'll just click on the attachment and ....... "PING"!!! Huh?? What now...?? A ruddy [horror]VIRUS[/horror] or what????? The screen just flashed hot pink and returned to....... normal? ........ hmmmmmmmm, I wonder....?? Oh well, what to post at my favorite stinking meeting place?? Errk??? My keyboard has suddenly gone all crazy .... HEY! When I press the 'L' key it comes up with 'L' and when I press the 'R' key it comes up with 'R'! WOW - now that IS weild!!! Hope I'm not on anothel one of those tlips........ uh oh ..... hish ish geing wolse now ....... he damn '' is missing!! Oh no ...... now he "CH" key comes up as "CH" and he ch's appeal as 'J'!! Damn i! Broody Hell Obels - nohing fol i bu o pless on dea leadels..... Ligh, realned genlemens..... prease accep my aporogies fol no posing ovel he pas few days. I have been vely busy ossing rovery sprody bis arr ovel a nasy CM map inhabied by he ledoubabre pseudoSelf NOBA - and rikewise he in my dilecion. Afte hining he had ovellun my Klau scum, he has discoveled my cache of Ubelweapons!! Muhahaha...... mole o come hele ...... in good ime. I mus say I was mos preased o rose o yon Squile HANNS at he Bare of Jabo - I learise i would have been mos inapplopliae o bea him senseress whire I go boh hands ied behind my back!! I, Frossie Cheff am ploud of my ross!! So hele... BW HANNS, Uncle Chack is sending a pack of his pirrs fol you o ly a youl UBELDANCENCRUB! Hope you rike hem!! Daln i Hell Obels!! His is vely confusing!! sigh ....... can you chump o i and send he fix plono??? OK ...... ow o business - any of you chorry japs who wourd rike o boo my bu prease send youl seup ASAP. Do you dale, Seanaji?? I need a ligh lashing lear bad!! Any ord bare wirr do! Youls [gasp]lury[/gasp], AussieCheff spluer........fzzz.....it.......zittt!!!! (lansmission ends) [Hoolay!! No ediing his ime!!]<hr></blockquote> Oh bloody hell!!!!! There is no Santa Claus.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: Seachai, it sounds like someone needs some midol, and i'll give you a hint, it's not your inflata-mate. <hr></blockquote> Go away.......you annoy us. (Edited because I am a bloody pillock) [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: And now for a quick ÜberLizard Update! SK bauhaus has managed to break Cesspool Commandment ¥§.(¼) Thou shalt not park park German assault guns in the open for six turns machine-gunning Yankee dogs when there are allied tank destroyers about. <hr></blockquote> Umm, he was drunk and naturally thought he was hidden beneath the bridge. Imagine his and my surprise when his drunkeness got him killed. No schnapps for you! I'm turning into the Schnapps Nazi.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon: ...yer hamsters, get yer hamsters 'ere, gerbils, fine young gerbils, get yer gerbiiiiils, ere... comon yer aristo hard knights, cough up and buy some rodents.... these fine rats n' mice n' voles.. down with the kingdom, comon yer peasants, down with the feudal fopish, dilitante, fattened aristos.... Yeknod<hr></blockquote> did someone speaketh? Mace, did you leave your fly open again. Quit exposing yourself, gnats keep flying out.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka: Doesn't Bauhaus look so.....innocent, ..... and vulnerable?<hr></blockquote> Stop, you're scaring me. That almost sounds like I turn you on. Maybe you and your "wife" should rent a sheep costume.
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: And now, a Christmas song for Mace: The First Noel <hr></blockquote> Now Patch, you know I have photos of you. When you least expect it. Mace, you stay away from me you pillock.
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