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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: yes the orange peel sauce looked very good, and you are correct, Iron CHef is an international contest where chefs from around the world try to defeat the IRON CHEF!!!! be-gin<hr></blockquote> You friggin' SUP. You're not related to FlossyJeff by any chance?
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: I didn't post on the first 10 pages? Are you sure?<hr></blockquote> Well, we'd have to count to find out and since you're not a fan of numbering..........sorry.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Bauhaus, whilst preoccupied with his thingy, triple posts (he should have just stayed seated). <hr></blockquote> I was drunk, at work.....still am.....always will be.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: (transmission starts) WHAT have I DONE!!! My dear, dear friends of the 'pool...... do they not love me, poor little AussieJeff ..... anymore?? (transmission ends)<hr></blockquote> We never loved you. Worthless git!!! I say nay to serf and you bet yer sweet buttocks to sup status for Flossie.
  5. AAAAARG! Wouldn't let me post this message and then double posted me! Nothing to see here you lookie-loos.
  6. Nothing like posting a post when you meant to edit the post...........dohhhhh! [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Btw, Bauhaus I noted with interest that the IL-2 Forum has a character named JG27 - Bauhaus. Now this JG27 outfit is currently whining and crying about the flight model of the BF-109 in a manner that would make Losername or Heidman look like reasoned and calm scholars and they seem to have put the entire board up in arms against them just on general principle so I wondered ... any relation? Joe<hr></blockquote> None at all. I haven't even visited the Sturmovik forum at all. Though the game is pretty nice. Maybe we should come up with a title lower than SSN.......I've got it, we'll call them FJN's. FlossyJeff Newbies. The lowest form of newbie.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: FlossyJeff is a slimy and rank SSN and should HE become a fixture I fear for the CessPool. Joe<hr></blockquote> Joe- FlossyJeff can't even qualify as an SSN. That is a title too high for him to hold. FlossyJeff's title is: Idiot! You should thank him Joe, you no longer hold that title........for now.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Alas, poor lad ........ you just have to GROW OUT OF IT! In time that is ... in your case LOTS OF TIME. [thinks]Funny how a BIG % of th' 'poolers snapping at th' bait seem to be th' lower ranked members of the HOAX Award. Is there a message in that??? [/thinks] Oh, and HANNSIEBABY be a good chap and SEND YA' FECKIN' LAST JAB!oh TURN ........ is there SOME REASON (apart from molesting Unca Joe's Mormon Wives that is) why you don't want me to see the results??? Tosser. Yours WithamoderatethoughnotinsignificantamountofdisrepectforyourchurlisherchildishremarksaboutmyUncleJack AJ<hr></blockquote> Idiot
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Having spent DAYS trolling thru the last few stinking OFFICIALPENG MBT's conducting INTENSE and MEANINGFUL research, as of 11am Perth Time, I have pleasure in announcing the WINNER of this year's All BTS Forums' HOAX Award (HOt Air Xtreme): ]<hr></blockquote> Geez, it's back. Somebody shoot me.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by phil stanbridge: This is my first *ever* reply to a Peng thread. I simply do not understand anything about it.<hr></blockquote> Here, let us help you through the process. Sod off!!!! There, hope that helped.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace: Bauhaus sit down! When Hacking Achoo said hold 'it' against him he didn't mean .... IT!!!! {edited because...well, just because} [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote> Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Anyone with eyes saw this long ago. Now Joe, answer me these questions three: 14) Did you send Peng a file? iv) When you sent it was it now? BB) Is that Bauhaus stalking Mace's sheep?<hr></blockquote> I would never touch an Aussie's sheep. Never know where they've been. Stinkin' pommies.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: Your threat doesn't scare me because first of all, I am married to Berli, so that means I already live in hell and secondly, I don't care if I ever get a turn from you since I really don't know how to play CM. Persephone<hr></blockquote> Sucks to be you! I like the Joe version much better. Be nice....I have photos of you Patch and I know how to use them.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Peng has his reasons, and I have mine. All that matters is that, in this instance, Peng and I are in agreement. As to your claim that it is the fault of others, poppycock! If you had kept the drains cleared, some of the floaters would have flushed long ago [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]<hr></blockquote> Berli- Instead of deleting his title, we could just change it to :Justaidiot of the MTB. He has absolutley no trouble living up to that.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Uh oh, 'poodlians! Time to head for the ol' concrete bunker - looks like a serious RIFT in the POOLUS CONTINUUM is about to occur!! RUMBLE........BLURTTTT.......SPLUTT..TTT!...........PHHHH-H-T-T!!!!!! Awwwww ......... shoot!! What a fizzer ...... is that all??? And I thought we were all going to witness a veritable CLASH of TITANS (sic). Instead, we see a [sneer]limp "POOF...!"[/sneer] and an afterthought [scoff]"WHIMPER....." [/scoff] . Ho-hum ......... I guess now I can get back to whipping Hannsie into some sort of shape ... again! The Fez<hr></blockquote> Why don't you head for the bunker, lock it and never come out you worthless piece of git! Could you be any more annoying? Probably! Why don't you just post smiley's with your posts, couldn't be any less imaginative. POOF! WHIMPER! PISS........OFF!!
  17. Joe that photo gives true meaning to the phrase, "Screwing the pooch." Speaking of screwing the pooch,who keeps letting that bloody Aussie Jeff guy in? What a friggin' pest. [ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: News Flash! A rare Giant Peng Sloth (Pengus lagavulinus) was spotted in a tree in Minneapolis. <hr></blockquote> Pray for your souls....she is indeed evil.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Roborat: What the heck does knowing a lot about crappy, self rusting japanese sports cars have to do with CM ability??? And I will not even touch that other remark, it's waaay to easy, and why didn't Bauhaus jump on this one, he must be loosing his touch, or busy "initiating' SSNs<hr></blockquote> I prefer to call it a "sword fight." And Feck SSN's. They are all worthless gits that aren't worthy to sniff a pair of Berli's week old boxers. Though that could make for an interesting hazing ceremony for SSN's. Disgusting, but worth the price of a ticket to watch.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: Oh, and Goanna, when you get brave enough to come down here, I will arrange for you to ride in a real police car. Last week we broke up another fight at this bar, third time, and I am sure having you as back up would be an interesting experience. Talk about Deliverence, these guys miss that by about 18 teeth a shave and 12 baths. Spraying them with pepper spray just makes them think you hit them with cologne. [ 11-27-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<hr></blockquote> Spankdragon, You're a rental cop? When will the fun ever end.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: Oh, and just to give everyone something to measure their evening against, here in Minnesota it's: Snow Yes, around 5-6 inches so far of wet, heavy, brick consistency 'winter white', just slippery enough to slip in, and heavy and wet enough to drown in if you get knocked out in the fall. A delight to shovel, truly. So glad to see posts from The French, and the fair Emma! I'm not sure that's actually Goann posting, though. I still maintain that Berli, Bauhaus, and Moriarity had his body sent off to southern Wisconsin to be processed into 'venison steaks'. Still, if it is Goanna, welcome back, you pillock!<hr></blockquote> What's a Goanna? And why do you think we'd ever let a bloody pommie into the state of Illinois? Do you really think we'd stoop so low to allow an Aussie to be made into food for human consumption? How dare you!
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Thnak you BooHoo for your kynd komments. Y wyll always respect yoo and hug yoo accordyng to your strayng kustoms ...... xxxxxxxx Flossy<hr></blockquote> Gnat!
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Nay lad!! Thou art not alone in this matter!! I, yes I too revel in the black techno/thrash/punkicity of the mighty Bauhaus. Indeed, at this very moment I have BAUHAUS - 1979-1983 Vols 1 & 2 playing at 150db as I type ...... eh sonny?? Speak up I say!! Tell me, who could not possibly listen to DOUBLE DARE, IN THE FLAT FIELD, DARK ENTRIES, STIGMATA MARTYR, GOD IN AN ALCOVE, TELEGRAM SAM, ST VITUS DANCE, A SPY IN THE CAB, TERROR COUPLE KILL COLONEL, DANCING, HAIR OF THE DOG, THE PASSION OF LOVERS, MASK, KICK IN THE EYE, HOLLOW HILLS, IN FEAR OF FEAR, ZIGGY STARDUST, SILENT HEDGES, LAGARTIJA NICK, PARANOIA PARANOIA, SWING THE HEARTACHE, THIRD UNCLE, SPIRIT, ALL WE EVER WANTED, SLICE OF LIFE, SHES IN PARTIES, THE SANITY ASSASSIN, WHO KILLED MR MOONLIGHT, SATORI, CROWDS and as thou hast already spaken, the classic BELA LUGOSI IS DEAD without squeezing a tear from one's eye?? Just cast your eyes over that lot, ye troglodykes who have never sampled such wondrous walls of wailing industrialelectrotechnosound. Are ye so ignorant that ye cannot recognise references to yon Cesspit within?? Complete cognitive sentences may be crafted from these superlative titles by any eminent wordsmith (such as I, of course) ergo: ]<hr></blockquote> Just because you can read and write titles of Bauhaus diddies off the back of a CD does not decrease my dislike for a feckin' SSN. You sir are still a git and a git you shall always be. Now, be a good boy and go play in traffic and let us be. Wanker.
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bauhaus: Joe, do you not realize that there is a mass conspiracy against you in the pool? Do you not realize that you are truly the idiot that Berli claims you are? Yes, send me a set up, whatever you chose.....and you shall be flogged (sit down Hanns!)into submission. Please Joe, watch your back, there are many more out to get you. Kind of feel like the turkey on Thanksgiving? And here I was cutting my CM down to nothing, but I'd gladly take the chance to lose to you again. Yeah, you'll get your turns Berli, Moriarty and Goanna.....when I stinkin' feel like it. Feck off!!!! All ya All!!!<hr></blockquote> And do not worry sir Joe, I will not check my email until sometime Friday or Saturday depending on work and how much I have to entertain 14 bloody fecking people that are at my home over the next three days. So, we can still keep it as a double blind, just resend me the proper file when ready and I will disregard the first one that was sent. Make sense? probably not. Now you see why you've gotten 5 posts from me today? Only way I can escape the madness. God help me....please??!?!?! (Nothing like replying to your own bloody message....meant to edit the first one.) [ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: And what part of "Byte Battle, Double Blind" did you NOT understand? I should have guessed that Bauhaus would have to rely upon incompetents. Sir Lars can advise me and I'll determine if the battle is acceptable. {grumble, grumble, if it's not one thing, Australians, it's another, Swedes ...} Joe<hr></blockquote> Joe, do you not realize that there is a mass conspiracy against you in the pool? Do you not realize that you are truly the idiot that Berli claims you are? Yes, send me a set up, whatever you chose.....and you shall be flogged (sit down Hanns!)into submission. Please Joe, watch your back, there are many more out to get you. Kind of feel like the turkey on Thanksgiving? And here I was cutting my CM down to nothing, but I'd gladly take the chance to lose to you again. Yeah, you'll get your turns Berli, Moriarty and Goanna.....when I stinkin' feel like it. Feck off!!!! All ya All!!!
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