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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer: BTW, Bauhaus has a secret life that he hides from Berli by going home and playing IL-2 on a real computer. I hear Berli spends his evening trying out iCAD version 5.2 drawing strange cubical thingies for fun. To each his own....<hr></blockquote> It's not secret, Berli knows, he just doesn't approve. I still consider my MAC to be the real computer, the PC just helps with the gaming thing. My 400 mghrtz G3 iMac is still faster at most things than my 1.3 gigahertz AMD. And the Mac doesn't have a stinking Windows memory leak. Alas, I have to play on the PC. I have been posting way too much lately. That must change.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Taunt me first, ya fairy!! Original taunting. I don't even care if it's nonsensical jibberish like what you've already shared. Berli taught me nothing about taunting. Just smoke. hehe<hr></blockquote> Fairy???Fairy you say? Well I say........Takes one to know one! And Croda, I was about to use the one-eyed fat man reference. I guess you snooze you loose. You do need to get your priorities straight however. Going to see a brand new baby or sending off a turn? C'mon man, Croda still soils himself hourly and you get to still play the game. Though I have a feeling that Croda would make an ugly child...........PATCH, can you help me on that one?
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: hehe I knew that if it sounded intelligent, then it couldn't be yours. All my stuff is original and...you're still a brainless twit. What is so funny is that Croda thinks it's really yours. I guess he traveled with you on the little bus to school.<hr></blockquote> The wheel's on the bus go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, the wheels on the bus.....that's all I've learned to far. I sir demand a game. I've been shamed and humiliated because you are such a nasty nasty man. Have you been receiving one on one lessons from Berli?
  4. Ok Hiram, this is why I chose not to taunt you. I really didn't want to hurt you more than you already are, but: MuthaBeautifulThread - A Cesspool member who was named on the Internet as the "ugliest girl" on the Combat Mission message boards, has sued Cesspool Members, claiming they did nothing to stop "the escalating pattern of sexual harassment" by other cesspoolians. Hiram Sedai quit The Mutha Beautiful Thread after "the taunting became unbearable," according to the lawsuit. Hiram Sedai was teased at first about his appearance, then accused of promiscuity, the suit alleged. After a bout of crabs, Hiram Sedai returned to the Cesspool last February to more taunting from poolians, prompting him cry like "a big girl's blouse." "People really do mean things in the CessPool," Hiram Sedai said in an interview. "I'm really surprised nobody has brought a sense of humor to that thread." Joe Shaw, "former" Justicar of the Mutha Beautiful Thread, said the Cesspool never comments on internal matters. But he said the pool has protocols that include notifying fellow taunters, and they are trained to handle such situations. "We are confident the Cesspool did everything it was required to do," he said. Hiram Sedai said he can relate to how tormented SSN's throughout the Mutha Beautiful Thread have felt. But he said he never thought of taunting anyone as a solution. "It was not cool to be different in the Cesspool," he said. At his new message board on the internet, which he declined to name, Hiram Sedai said board members are taught to respect each other and the kind of teasing he endured at the Mutha Beautiful Thread is not tolerated. His friend, known only as JD, a lawyer, said he was dissatisfied with the response of Combat Mission officials to his request for their help in ending the harassment. He rejected their suggestion that Hiram Sedai leave the Cesspool and grow a set of "new ones." "My feeling was, why does he have to stay home by himself with no internet and no socialization while the people who did this to him were still on the Mutha Beautiful Thread?" JD said. JD sued the Cesspool and Combat Mission officials, who led an internal investigation into the complaints, on Dec. 14 in the federal court of the Justicar. In Cesspoolian fashion, JD said he was never told the results of the inquiry. The lawsuit claims Hiram Sedai's civil rights were violated when he was "constructively expelled" from the Cesspool by the sexual and gender-based harassment. The suit seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages. Hiram Sedai alleged his troubles began in the summer of 2000 when he was "humiliated and embarrassed" because his name appeared on a Web site under the category of "ugliest girl" in the Cesspool, according to the lawsuit. A few weeks later, a rumor circulated around the message board that there was a videotape of Hiram Sedai having sex with several boys at a party, and Cesspoolians began calling him "git" and telling him to "sod off" the suit alleged. Last February, Hiram Sedai got crabs and was absent for two weeks. When he returned to the Mutha Beautiful Thread, one Cesspoolian, in front of others, put his shirt over his nose and mouth and said to Hiram Sedai, "Get away from me, I don't want to get crabs," according to the lawsuit. Other Cesspoolians also taunted him about his condition. One said, "I don't know how you got crabs. You're so ugly, no guy would ever kiss you," the suit said. About the same time, his name appeared again on a Web site identifying him as "the ugliest girl on the Mutha Beautiful Thread," the suit alleged. The Web site, used by Cesspool members to hurl insults at one another, continues to operate despite Hiram Sedai's wishes. [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Hiram, I take it that you hadn't noticed that Bauhaus is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. He is, indeed, not the sharpest knife in the drawer. When you come right down to it, I am amazed that his brain has enough power to make his heart beat.<hr></blockquote> Mean and nasty. So hateful. I'm sitting here weeping. I may have to leave work. I'm so sick and tired of you people and your evilness. Though Berli, we should expect nothing less than that. Hiram, you should be ashamed of yourself. I thought better of you. Why? Oh, why? The shame and embarrassment you brought to me and my family. I must leave town and never come back. You should remember this: Beware, never taunt someone’s misfortune because the deeds of one who taunts are thrown back on his face.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Bauhaus, you feeble minded twit. Congrats on typing the longest post ever from a twit. Did you have a 5th grader help you out with the punctuation and grammar? I’ll wait while you look up those words. Let me take this time to comment on how the average cesspooler has commented that its not safe to bare one’s hindquarters because Bauhaus has evil intent. “Sit down, Bauhaus” is the most common phrase. There has to be a reason why people fear the intrusion into the nether regions when you are around. Let me expound upon this fear a bit. When did you first display your other than hetero tendencies? I wasn’t around when you first thrust your “thingy” into the Cesspool at large, but by the time I got here, I noticed the surreptitious glances your way when anyone mentioned something sexual. It was a fear that you and your codpiece would plunder and pillage the population at large with much sweating and grunting from the effort. Even I showed a bit of trepidation at turning my back because of the infamous Bauhaus maneuver. I can only guess that you’ve only successfully used and abused one of our population thus far. The fellows at the mens only club call him “Sean” for short. (or short Sean) We know that Seanachai has fallen victim to your rabid thrusting because we hear a squeal and then there is the Bard face down with doilies all over the floor. His usual cacophony of poetic mewlings nauseates us and forces us to look the other way while we consign ourselves that this is just the way of things. So, go ahead and pretend that you have very clean junk (immaculate thingy) and hush up now or I shall taunt you a second time.<hr></blockquote> Forgive me for some of my puctuation and the misuse of it's,its....trying to work and post is not an easy thing as is chewing gum and walking. I shan't hush. What did I do to get such an outburst from you? Hit a nerve? I'd act like I care, but I really don't. Now crawl back into your hole and continue you masturbatory fantasies about me and my thingy. Am I a twit? I guess I am if you say so. Now I must go cry because I'm so hurt and offended by the mean and nasty things you said to me.
  7. Blah blah, blah, blah, feckin' blah.................That's what this thread is a bunch of. First of all, we're cursed with a duplicate thread name. It sucked the first time around and really sucks now. What a bunch of feckin' tripe. I've had it with the lot of you. Bunch of children. This is the MBT and taunting is where it's at. If you can't handle the abuse, get the feck out. My God boys......"They're making fun of my flying machine game, I can't take it." Well, I've had the game longer than the lot of you and am not going about talking about it's greatness, nor am I whining about it when someone pokes fun of the mention of it. It's an enjoyable game, so what. Get a feckin' life, this is a board not Real Life. If you believe that, get one.....a life that is. This is intended at no one in particular so if you take offense to it, oh well. I think the name of the next thread shall be: The Peng Challenge Thread has lost its Mojo or somefink like that. Now, go kill things, fly into the ground on take off or just sit there and pout.....I don't really care. Piss Off, the lot of you.
  8. I hate and loathe you Joe, but I suppose, just suppose it would be ok if you come back. But expect to be hated, you are after all the Justicar. That is your role. That would be like me without a thingy, Mace without his sheep, Berli without his 666, Peng without his Scotch.......you get the point. We all have a role, yours not-so-respected Justicar is that of a wind bag. Now piss off and get to work.
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Non Gamey Update: 3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section. Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote> Great news, you and your family are in my prayers.
  10. I say ok to Peng, but I think Gates-Slut must stay too. For an SSN he's not all bad. Mind you I still hate all SSN's and for that matter the lot of you too.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff: Q: Is D in fact JOJO'S alter-ego?? Ergo, is JOE attempting to play with HIMSELF?? A: Hmmmmmm........... AJ [ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<hr></blockquote> Why are you back? And you had to edit this piss poor message? tsk....tsk.....now, go away, far far far away.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Seanachai, So, what do you think of joe our justicar and his trolling for new SSNs? At least you limited yourself to our own good board, while he goes out to the Makin' me IL/2 forum. Sad state of affairs<hr></blockquote> I'm beginning to think we really don't know who this Joe character is anymore. I'm sensing we may have to call for a trial and his traitorous groggy ways. I say, flush him, flush, flush, flush!
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna: Then last and certainly least, we have St. bauhaus. He obviously hasn’t been doing his reading or following the instructions of mentor Berli since he interpreted "defence in depth" on a large map to mean stack all the Germans that you can get a hold of vertically within 150m of the one large VL. We’ll be picking chunks of his troops out of our hair for months after my arty is through with him. He’ll be lucky to have a not-so-immaculate thingy left in a couple of turns. <hr></blockquote> Oh, you simp, if you think that's what I've done then my master plan has worked. Bwwwwwwaaaahahahahaaa. See the fact of the matter being, you won't have a bloody thing left to attack my VL at the rate you're going, except for the reenforcements that are chugging down the road of death.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Iron Chef Sakai: I have IL-2 as well, my system is a PIII 700mhz, Geforce2mx64mb (i added) 256mb sdram( i added an extra 128) and a Santa Cruz sound card (i added) the game looks great, but i have to program game commander2 into it, so that i'll have some voice controls for those hard keyboard combo commands<hr></blockquote> I know....coventry......but I can't help myself. Look what you did with your bloody IL-2 talk. The wanker is back. Should that not be lesson enough to stop talking about IL-2. It's beginning to feel very groggy in here. I have the game too, but I won't be talking about it here. By the way, if you had a real system (unfortunately it's not made for my MAC which blows my PC out of the water) it runs perfectly fine: 1.3 gigahertz P3, 256 Ram, 32 meg vid card.....etc...etc....crank all the settings to the highest setting and watch how many times you can crash the fecking plane on take off. [ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: bauhaus ]</p>
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gates-slut: Who is this Lorak guy and why are all these old farts so excited about him being back? Gates-slut<hr></blockquote> Shut up you feckin' SSN. Don't force me to turn Mace loose on you. He's a professional shodder you know and he hasn't had his shots as of late. Now, go away. By the way.....Welcome back Lorak....I still loathe and hate you.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch: wankers<hr></blockquote> Dear Elvis, Did you see what mensch did? Hate you, Bauhaus
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Patch: Moriarty, looks like Seanachai always has room for you on his dance card... (Sorry Übergnome...in order to get Moriarty, I had to take you down with him.) Persephone<hr></blockquote> Make a little love, do a little dance, get down tonight, get down tonight, baaaaabyyyyyyyyyyyy. Yuk, yuk and triple yuk.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Coventry for this SSN I say!<hr></blockquote> Burn the SSN! Burn him!!!!
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Btw, Donkey-a-thon, you should be aware that after the Olde Ones I am first of the Seniour Knights, THAT'S the important part. Joe<hr></blockquote> Blah blah blah blah.................
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ] [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote> Now that's the most intelligent post you've made in ages. Of course it follows all your other posts which make absolutely no sense, but at least this one is short.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: [ Bauhaus will likely TRY to welcome him with open arms but Lorak is too clever for THAT ploy. <hr></blockquote> Lorak was gone? (Yes stupid, I really knew he was gone, it's called sarcasm) Joe.....give me a hug you big lug.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns: yes bauhaus, it does contain the words psycho and anal but it has nothing to do with your sister) of [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Hanns ]<hr></blockquote> Leave my sister out of it you pain seeking, boot licking, spank me til I bleed git.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis: Dear Yeknodathon, P.S. Sorry for the delay in sending back the setup Mr. Stuka. Real world issues have slowed me down (my wife and I just got the 14 DVD set of every Monty Python episode ever made and a new mattress so there hasn't been much computer time at home)<hr></blockquote> So, you've been soiling the new mattress while watching the 14 Monty Python DVD's? Gives new meaning to the term, wanker.
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