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Everything posted by bauhaus

  1. Did somebody actually say please and thank you on this thread? Sod off now!
  2. Let me put my finger on it for you. You hate me because you can't defeat me. I'm in your head haunting your every movement (sit down Bauhaus, not that type of movement!). Your men have become puddy in my hands and you've become as brave as a school girl on prom night.
  3. Well, Fairygone, enough about your sex life! Call us when you actually grow the cajones to properly challenge The Pool™. Until then, mount your steed bull-legged.
  4. Now that was truly cruel...I think my feelings are hurt. Putting me in the same class with Moriarty....c'mon!
  5. Forgotten it? If I forgot it there's a chance I might remember it. I did more than forget it.......I think I typed it in a language I do not know as of yet. Thankfully it was only on turn 2 of the game.
  6. You should realize by now that it will take me longer than a week to post anything remotely amusing. Hold it, maybe I can post a movie file from one of my many loses. That should provide a buttload of amusement. Moriarty, you lost to Peng? Oh the shame.
  7. mensch you simp, who here hasn't defeated Peng.......ooops, other than Seanachai. So call us when you defeat someone of a high caliber.
  8. After a long absence from the board I felt it necessary to aks this question. Why do I suddenly feel the urge to drink a Molson and warm my hands in the freshly exposed intestinal tract of Seanachai? Back to work now, nothing to see here you looky loos.
  9. It's with great pleasure that I announce that Herr Seniletea has lost to none other that......me. Granted, it was only a minor victory, 59-41, but he held ZERO victory locations....yep, ZERO. So not only has he lost to Mr. Peng......now he has lost to me....the holder of the worse defeat at the hands of Snoriarty. The shame.
  10. Ahhhh, time for the retort. I actually have nothing clever to say .......imagine that. It is true, after being out of town for the last few days, it was either check email or play PS2. What was I thinking? I chose to play SSX snowboarding (a fine game if I do say). And I also chose bonding with my 10 year-old son....ahhhhh, isn't that nice. So I apologize for nothing. I fart in Berli's general direction and stand guilty as charged. Sentence me to work with Berli, that would be a punishment worse than death. Actually, it would be like working with Death himself. Germanboy, as for my arty tactics. I may have stolen a word or two from you, but I really stole the entire chapter on using 210's from Berli. I like the big boom, makes a bigger hole in the ground.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Oh and by the way, my new Athlon system arrives tomorrow, so Herr Bauhaus and Herr Oberst, the wait for your impending topplement is nigh. Beware your in-box gentlemen, for something wicked this way comes....... Muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *shivers with terror*
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Originally posted by bauhaus: Hiram, shut the hell up. You are nothing more than the crud beneath my shoes when I walk through cow patties. If I truly wanted your opinion I would watch the children's shows you love so much. We all know that's how you get your stupid little jokes. And furthermore, you are not funny. Either taunt or get the hell out of this thread. Perhaps you should start your own Thread that says "Stupid Pet Tricks" So, when you get the urge to post, do us all a favor and don't. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Call me stupid and slow (pauses for everyone to do just that), but when did I say this? Cause I didn't I tell you, I didn't. So Hiram, please, keep posting all the boring, useless, humorless crap that you do. Nothing to see here you looky loo's. Move on. ------------------ Just call me Bruce.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai: Uh, Mr. Bauhaus, telling you to kneel would have its own connotation if ya catch my drift. say no more <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Uhhhhh, as if!
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty: As to the listings, it pains Bauhaus for me to mention again his 98-2 loss to the valiant, albeit decrepit forces of Moriarty. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, hurts alot. Hey Moriarty.....YOU SUCK! And another thing.....With all this sitting and standing I feel like I'm at mass. Would somebody tell me to kneel? [This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 12-13-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: And that is why I punish you by inflicting my personality on you here. I forgive you, Bauhaus. You are a poor, weak person, and there is a special place for you in my heart. How about a great big 'in touch with our inner Croda' hug? Hmmm? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *sniff, sniff* I'm almost near tears. Instead of a hug, how about I just defeat you in a game of CM? Oooops, already happening! Now, get your hands away from my thingy and prepare to die even more you......you.......Canuck. ------------------ Just call me Bruce.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: Sorry, Joffrey, but we're moving into that fun filled Holiday season, when large numbers of people who do not,in fact, like me very much (you know, friends, family and such) insist on my presence at various functions and get togethers to punish me for having inflicted my presence on their lives. Tonight is not 'on', I'm afraid, but if it should change I will check to see if you're still standing around the chat room with your hand out asking for change... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're acting as if we like you. We loathe you and despise you.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem: I'm at work and don't have time for any real insults, so I decided I'd just be offensive instead. I love you guys. Reading your pathetic attempts at witty repartee makes me feel so superior and centered that I hardly feel bothered at all by the fact that I have to actually exchange turns with the likes of you folk. You really know how to perk a guy up. Thanks!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Did you know in his interests, he listed dogs before girls? What's wrong with that picture. ruff,ruff!
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Well, at least I have more words in my vocabulary than 'suck'. Look at my signature. Witty, no? While this thread is full of reprobates, I am MASTER bates. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I probably wouldn't use the term witty and M.Bates in the same phrase. It's kind of an oxymoron (how's that for vocabulary?). So at this point why don't you take a jar full of jelly in one hand, a porno mag in the other and BEAT IT. ------------------ Just call me Bruce.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Are you using Illustrator or Freehand?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Master Bates, I assume you just work in Freehand (think about it.....1.....2.....3) ------------------ Just call me Bruce.
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