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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Thanks for the reply, Steve. I appreciate it. Always the gentleman...well, whenever folks will let you . I agree with your thinking completely. Neither game needs defending (or attacking). Choose one or both. Both are fun for me. In fact, I think I'll quit writing now and go play a little of both. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. Scout, if it isn't too much bother, I'd be greatful if you would send both articles to me. We might find even another home for them. Thanks, either way... billw@matrixgames.com ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. Steve, I don't often disagree with you, but on this occasion, I will. Your evaluation of SP is based on the original game five years ago. SPWAW is a far cry from that. I'm sure from the content of your post you have not yet tried Steel Panthers World at War. With stunning graphics, realistic and varied sounds, tons of new features like dropping paras from transports, glider landings, Partiaan and special forces with special attributes, reinforcements, varying victory conditions, a campaign and a scenario editor, both made much more user friendly, a completely reworked armor and combat system, and finally converting into a Windows compatible game have made it a classic for this century. This last modification mentioned has brought the old dos game into the windows generation and kept it alive and well. And the price is nothing to sneeze at (Free, just download it). It was a work that has gone on for 18 months and only now coming to a conclusion. Now on the point of being very different, yes they are. Having been deeply involved in the testing and production of both games, I can see clearly the advantages to both of them. You know my loyalty to CM, BTS and its ongoing work. I love Combat Mission. I also love Steel Panthers World at War. I think they are both great games. Nor would I for a moment minimize the quality of COmbat Mission. Without a doubt it has set the wargaming trend for the 21st century. Beauriful graphics, fantastic sounds, great AI and easy to use editor. And one can own both and play both. I do, all the time. On the SPWAW I strongly recommend Combat Mission. So now on this forum I will strongly recommend to SPii that he own both of them, especially if he is a game collector. You can find it at http://www.matrixcames.com . Then click on "Our Games" and follow the signs. You might take a look and see what you think. Or if you can get the December issue of Computer Gaming, you'll find the CD version of the game included with the magazine on the newstand. Enjoy them both. They each have a different approach to warfare. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. I like Panzer Commander. It is simple to play and fun. I miss it having no infantry. Scenarios are a major nightmare to design in the game. But for a simple tank sim to get in a tank and kill other tanks, it's a lot of fun. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Thanks Pat, and thanks to Los for doing such a good job on the campaign. It is one of my favorites too. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. Phil, you can open the game yourself in the editor, click on units and make a list of what is there. You'll want to click on reinforcement turns to see what other units enter later in the battle. I don't have a written detailed list on hand and it make take me a few days to do it. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. You'll find it at Madmatts CMHQ Scenario Depot or at Colin's Steel Panthers site, but I sent you a copy Tony to your e-mail address. The original scenario was on the CD, but it has been revised and the revisions are on the above mentioned sites. Thanks Panther, Limbo, and WWB_99 for your kind words of encouragement. I'm really delighted you had fun with it. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. Sounds good, KRM. I'm glad to see you using your talents to create these battles and operations. Nice going! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. Whacky indeed, but kinda cool too. Love the maze. Reminds me of "The Shining." I guess we need some snow, though ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. Sorry, Mike! Thanks for dropping me that personal note. You know now where the latest ones are. Good to have you back! http://cm4mac.tripod.com/ http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/ http://wbr.thegamers.net/boots_tracks/index.asp Thanks for asking! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. For a small unorthodox quick play, try Bruneval-A Quick Visit, British commandos stealing German radar and trying to get back to the coast ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. No problem, Colin. We'll just surprise 'em ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Nice list Harv. That helps all of us to make sure we have bookmarked all of these sites just in case they are not in the CM Webring. Have you checked it? You can find it usually at the end of any CM site connected to it, including Boots N' Tracks. http://wbr.thegamers.net/boots_tracks/index.asp ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. In my personal opinion, your victory is nothing to sneeze at, my friend. It is not "easy pickings," by any means. Thanks for the update... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. Happy to have you here, Eightball! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. Welcome, Jess! There are a number of smaller quick playing scenarios to give you a feel for the game. As stated, Wiltz and the tutorial (Vire) are some good ones to begin you odyssey with CM> A few others are - Aachen (good in-city fighting), Son is another. Both of the above are on the game CD. For others, how about... Combat - Hills are for Heroes, Ramelle - Saving Private Ryan, Bruneval - A Quick Visit, Maastricht - Tough Tanker, Keep Nimtz Alive, are all smaller, easier to play battles. These last ones you'll find at Madmatt's CMHQ site in the Scenario Depot. By the time you've played these, you'll either be headed for the looney bin, or a hard-core WW2 Warrior! Good hunting! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. Thank you, Manx, for being kind enough to post it on your prestigious site...It was my pleasure! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. Thank you gentlemen! I'm glad you have checked these out. Now if I may join in with a couple of more, Elsdorf - Tanks Only is an interesting encounter between Pershings and Tigers. Herrlieheim - Cut Off is another tank heavy one, this one an operation. The above are also at CMHQ - The scenario depot. On Madmatt's webpage (not in the depot, but on his web page), you'll find Maastricht-tanks only also. The other version has infantry added and is available at the same location. And I am sure that there are many others out there. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. I intend to do that, Griffin, eventually. It is a good suggestion. I just wanted to show support for the guys who have worked hard to provide these excellent support sites for CM. The CMHQ Depot is sometimes inaccesible to gamers (though certainly not the fault of good old Madmatt. No one busts his butt more in support of the game than he!). And we have a pretty good pile of upcoming scenarios lined up for Boots N'Tracks, even without these. I will be posting a new one there too when the new web page comes out in about a week. Again, thanks for the suggestion...
  20. Hey Buckeye! Thank you for the clarification on the Mac-PC thing and also thank you for the endorsement. You were a big help on that one. Good to hear from you! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. Great going, Groundpounder. Let us know when and where when you get it done. Sounds good! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. Just sent it to you again, Colin. Let me know if you get it this time. Sorry for the problems...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. I sent it twice last night, Colin. Can't imagine what happened. I just sent it one more time to you. Sorry. My friend Colin in Aust. You did some fine work on testing this one, my friend. It's on the way to you now via private e-mail. Thank you. Mr.Clark, I got you covered too, till Colin is able to get it up on his site... Thanks, Guys! WB [This message has been edited by Wild Bill Wilder (edited 11-27-2000).]
  24. I just wanted to advise you that both a new operation and a new scenario have been posted for your pleasure. The Operation, "Montelimar - Task Force Butler" can be found on Manx's web site. http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/ Colin will soon have one of my newest scenarios, "To the Last Man" posted on his site. http://cm4mac.tripod.com/scenario.html Remember, Colin's site has both PC and Mac scenarios, so if you are a PC user, there is something there for you. I hope you will enjoy both of these latest additions to the "Wild Bill" collection. Good hunting... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  25. I just wanted to advise you that both a new operation and a new scenario have been posted for your pleasure. The Operation, "Montelimar - Task Force Butler" can be found on Manx's web site. http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/ Colin will soon have one of my newest scenarios, "To the Last Man" posted on his site. http://cm4mac.tripod.com/scenario.html Remember, Colin's site has both PC and Mac scenarios, so if you are a PC user, there is something there for you. I hope you will enjoy both of these latest additions to the "Wild Bill" collection. Good hunting... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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