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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Buckeye, you old Warhorse! Still in the fight I see! Keep me posted! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  2. I hope you enjoy them, my friend. I encourage folks to visit your site and grab the goodies Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  3. My pleasure, Frank! I enjoy scenarios of this quality. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  4. I don't know if you could do both, Mace, keep Rocky in line and playtest Nothing on the list to be done right now, but drop me a personal note. We can always use good help, believe me! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  5. Manx, the last I heard you were shutting down. I'm so glad you didn't! Just visited the site again. It has really grown. Nice job! ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  6. Colin, your site is looking great! That list is really growing. Its a pleasure to have my scenarios there. And Harold, my man! Did you do all those ASL conversions? I see a lot of titles I recognize. Very impressive indeed. I intend to download a few and check them out. Moonpie,we have four new ones up this month at the Boots N' Tracks site on the Wild Bill's Raiders page. You may want to grab those too. No waiting, by the way. http://wbr.thegamers.net (Then click on Boots N' Tracks section in menu to the left). ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  7. Since I've done a few, Gunnersman , I think I'm eligible to answer and return the thanks to you (and many others) who have expressed gratitude for our efforts. As many know, scenario and mod design is no "quick fix." Quality material takes time, a good bit of it, liberally sprinkled with the spice of patience. But then when good people like you let us know that it is appreciated, I personally consider it time well-invested. Like you, I am a wargamer. I like to have fun. If I can share that with the like-minded, I am having even more fun. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  8. I appreciate that "vote" of confidence, Martyr. I have not seen anything of a revision of Reckless Abandon. Let me check with Kinch on that. Or he may read this post and answer directly. The criticism is always appreciated. It continues to be a learning process.... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  9. No laughs, Engy...maybe a few moans WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  10. Thanks Lewis. I certainly respect your expertise in the game and a positive report from you is much appreciated. I would definitely be interested in how you come out in this fierce battle with old Pete! Keep me posted, please!...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  11. I do hope you gentlemen will give "Bridgehead at Benicourt" a try. It is the latest scenario I have published and it can be downloaded from our own Raider website and Boots N' Tracks. There are three others for your enjoyment too. The Combat Mission WB Raider teams tests these quite thoroughly before we send them out to you. The team includes some names you know well, including Dan "Kwazydog" Olding, Brian Rock Tim "Rune" Orosz (all of these gentlemen were on the original CM beta test team), Kevin "Kinch" Kerschef (who also sets up our web page), Tom Hagman, Joe "Carentan" Newell and our newest member, Ted Quincy. We do our best to give you some top-notch battles. I hope you have fun with them. http://wbr.thegamers.net (Then click on Boots N' Tracks in the menu to the left of the title) Come to see us! As always, feedback is appreciated by the designers. You guys are pretty good testers yourselves ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  12. Frank is a top-notch scenario designer. I think you all will be pleased with his work. Nice to see Desert Fox collaborating in this effort! We'll be checking it out... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  13. Frank is a top-notch scenario designer. I think you all will be pleased with his work. Nice to see you in the water, Desert Fox! We'll be checking it out... ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  14. I do hope you gentlemen will give "Bridgehead at Benicourt" a try. It is the latest scenario I have published and it can be downloaded from our own Raider website and Boots N' Tracks. There are three others for your enjoyment too. The Combat Mission WB Raider teams tests these quite thoroughly before we send them out to you. The team includes some names you know well, including Dan "Kwazydog" Olding, Brian Rock Tim "Rune" Orosz (all of these gentlemen were on the original CM beta test team), Kevin "Kinch" Kerschef (who also sets up our web page), Tom Hagman, Joe "Carentan" Newell and our newest member, Ted Quincy. We do our best to give you some top-notch battles. I hope you have fun with them. http://wbr.thegamers.net (Then click on Boots N' Tracks in the menu to the left of the title) Come to see us! As always, feedback is appreciated by the designers. You guys are pretty good testers yourselves ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  15. I do hope you gentlemen will give "Bridgehead at Benicourt" a try. It is the latest scenario I have published and it can be downloaded from our own Raider website and Boots N' Tracks. There are three others for your enjoyment too. The Combat Mission WB Raider teams tests these quite thoroughly before we send them out to you. The team includes some names you know well, including Dan "Kwazydog" Olding, Brian Rock Tim "Rune" Orosz (all of these gentlemen were on the original CM beta test team), Kevin "Kinch" Kerschef (who also sets up our web page), Tom Hagman, Joe "Carentan" Newell and our newest member, Ted Quincy. We do our best to give you some top-notch battles. I hope you have fun with them. http://wbr.thegamers.net (Then click on Boots N' Tracks in the menu to the left of the title) Come to see us! As always, feedback is appreciated by the designers. You guys are pretty good testers yourselves ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  16. I've found critics, fdevassey, especially amateur ones, to not always be as accurate as they should be on reports. Anyone who tells you this game is just "eye candy," has really not taken the time to play it. No wargame has a 100% following. Different strokes as they say. I will say this. If you like small unit, tactical combat, with great sound, spectacular 3D graphics (I like "eye candy") and an AI that will challenge you, plus a wide selection of well over 100 scenarios and operations, you can't do better than Combat Mission. There are dozens of wargames on which I have wasted hard-earned money. CM does not fit into that category. It is a good investment. The game is different, very different. The system of play is different from what you have seen before. It takes some practice and experience to get acquainted with the nuances of the game. It is worth it, believe me. Big Time Software has sold their stock out completely twice. That should say something in itself. And thanks, Kiwi ! I'll have my wife read your post. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  17. I guess I am one of the few scenarios designers who has done a scenario on African Americans in WW2, called "Buffalo Soldiers." It was done for SPWAW. It is about the 92 Infantry Division during its service in Italy. I have not been able to do it in CM, though I wanted to do it. I'm somewhat stunned by some of these posts. I shouldn't be. I've been around these halls long enough to expect these sort of reactions. Black men served well generally speaking in the war, when they were given opportunity and had proper leadership. And I think I saw a name here I recognize. Theron, are you the same young man who visited my home during the old SSI Tanks and Novastar days, when SP was still a beta disk? That was over six years ago. If so, I'm thrilled to see you involved in CM and still involved in gaming. You know, I still wonder about folks on a forum who threaten all sort of violence, such as beating someone's face in. Some of you have some real problems, lack of maturity being one of them. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  18. Scenarios are like women, it takes all kinds. I like to see a variety of them all, impossible, hard, fairly easy, historical, fictional, a mix of both. This way there is something for everyone. Just make sure they are fun to play. That is the vital key. Otherwise, they just gather dust. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  19. A commentary from Tom Hanks on the WW2 memorial states that about 1,000 WW2 vets from all over the world are dying each day. They're going fast. I lost my father (USAAF) 3 years ago. We will miss these warriors more than folks will know. When I was a tiny tot, I met three Confederate veterans of the Civil War (about 1948 - I was 11). That was burned into my childish memory and still burns there today. Each of them was over 100 years old. What an honor for a kid like me, like I was, that is...and that was a long time ago, 52 years and counting. ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  20. NO ,but it is in the Game Depot. I'll just send you a copy. On the way...WB ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  21. Thank, Napoleon! I look forward to your comments... as always ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  22. I can indeed, Steve. Excellent site and material. I think that was what Mr. Brown really intended to say, some of VII Army was shifted northward to fill in the gaps left by Patton's 3rd. Thanks for the response, Gentlemen! Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  23. Not yet, Nap! I have had some good chats with some sons of vets. They proved to be highly illuminating. It's always a special moment for me to share with those who have "been there." ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  24. Thanks Otto! Enjoy that time with your Dad. It all passes too fast! I'll try to check with Mr. Brown and see if he could do that for you. If I can help, I am at your orders, sir. Drop me a note. Wild Bill ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
  25. Descriptions of scenario battles and how they developed. This can spoil the play of the scenario for you later if you have not played it yet, Jackson. And welcome to this madhouse! Keep your hand on your wallet and don't take any medication offered to you ------------------ Wild Bill Lead Tester Scenario Design Team Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord billw@matrixgames.com
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