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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Hey Def! Yes, I'd be happy to look at what you have there and also go to some reference works and see what I can find. The spelling is KOLN, which is the German name for Cologne? I want to be sure I'm looking for the right town or city. You can click above and get my e-mail address. Send it on. We might just get a good one out of this. OR, send me what you have done if you wish to continue and I'll see if I can help you with it a bit. Standing by...Wild Bill
  2. Thank you, SS Pieper! It was kind of you to say that. This has been a nice experience for me. Michael and I have communicated personally and I have found another new friend in the wargaming community. I'm greatful for that. He is a true gentleman. Let me encourage all of you to download and try Michael's masterpiece. He is a good designer and has a very fresh approach to the battle. If you enjoyed the movie SPR, or just like a small quick play battle, with a slightly different twist, it is worth your while. You'll find a download link in the first letter at the top of this topic. Good job, Michael! Wild Bill
  3. The note was fine, Michael and no apology was needed. I enjoy viewing the work of others and always learn from it. And I still have a lot to learn I will drop you an e-mail at once because I would be delighted to look over your scenario. I am sure it is a fine piece of work. When I was leading the Scenario Design Team for CMBO we ended up with three different representations of Wittman's encounters at Villers Bocage. All of them were very good and rather challenging. It was interesting to see how the scenario designers approached the battle. I'm sure the same is true here. That was a very gentlemanly reply and I certainly appreciate it. Note on the way...WB
  4. The SPR scenario I did in the Combat Mission format has been well received and downloaded about 3,000 times from various sites. I have received hundreds of personal e-mails and seen quite a few here on the forum saying how much people enjoyed it. Yes, it is to be played from the US side and yes, it is only a movie. The scenario is nothing more than a piece of entertainment. It was never intended to be on the level of Bridgehead at Benicourt or some of the other more than 40 scenarios and operations I have done in the game. I'm sorry you feel it "isn't very good," Michael, but of course you are entitled to that opinion. And I am not contemplating suicide because you don't like it Of course I would be very interested in seeing your version and how you have portrayed the battle. Thanks for the comments. Wild Bill
  5. My pleasure, Manx. Thanks go to you for posting these efforts. Let me say that this one may not seem as challenging vs the AI but it is a very good two player game for those who want a short quick tank fight in online or PBEM play. Enjoy! Wild Bill
  6. Let me recommend a few for you, Pierce. For an intro to in-city fighting on a low level, try Aachen. For an intro to outdoor fighting, give Wiltz a try. For a nice little tank battle, I'll send you With tanks only, I'm sending two directly two you. One of them is only now about to be posted for public consumption so you get to be first. Maastricht - Tanks Only Elsdorf-The Encounter - tanks only Enjoy. These should get you into the details of the game. Let me know if they help please. Wild Bill
  7. Let's bump again. For those who missed it... Thanks Manx for the continual updates! WB ------------------
  8. Very kind offer on your part, Craig! But then you are a true gentleman, as seen by your hurculean efforts to keep us with an updated database of existing scenarios and their locations. Thank you! Wild Bill
  9. Indeed, gentlemen! That sums it up well. Are we having fun, win or lose? If so, then our hobbying desires are fulfilled. Someone asks, "Are we having fun yet?" My answer, " I surely am!" And I am delighted that you are too! Thank you for the kind thoughts about the battle. Wild Bill
  10. Yep, a game, but it still makes you fidget in that chair and your palms sweat when one of those monsters suddenly appears, doesn't it, Lynn? Wild Bill
  11. My pleasure CJ! Knowing that is reward enough and a great incentive to continue. Can't wait to get my hands on a T-34 and rock and roll! WB ------------------
  12. Just like the "Remo" in the movie..."The Adventure Begins!" Congratulations. If you are a whooper and a hollerer as I am, I'm sure the portals shook with shouts of triumph! They surely do at my house...along with the moans of defeat Wild Bill ------------------
  13. Understood! Most of us have been down that road of occasional opposition, "What, you playing that game again? " ) The moment will arrive. Enjoy. I still occasionally play it just for a quickie Plus I get to relive the movie! Wild Bill ------------------
  14. Impressive, Bimmer! Very! You are quite the tactician in this one. My congratulations to you and Sgt.Coward (Bet they won't make fun of his name anymore!) Wild Bill ------------------
  15. CJ, first of all thanks. It's one I have enjoyed numerous times and still do...from both sides. I've never fully comprehended the scoring system in CM. I'm ashamed to admit that, but it is true. But then as is sometimes the case, I don't think a game (speaking in generalties here)always gives a score that is an accurate presentation of what has been accomplished by the human player. Having done all that you did and stopping the retreating Germans and the attacks of the 11th Panzher Division, you have accomplished your mission...and well done, may I add. When this happens I wish there were some way to award bonus points for the strategic victory of a smaller tactical conflict. But please know that by doing what you have done you have slowed down the German retreat northward from Southern France and given the American and French Divisions a golden opportunity to help in cutting off a large group of Germans who may have escaped otherwise. I think you got a decisive victory here. I think you should feel that way too! Wild Bill
  16. Got your message, Buckeye! I'm on it Wild Bill ------------------
  17. I think I can safely speak for Frank and Manx when I say it has been our pleasure, gentlemen. We hope you find them challenging and FUN! Wild Bill
  18. Just wanted to let you know that one of my new ones is up and running. More hedgerow hell for you. Good hunting. Manx has it on his fine site!..Wild Bill ------------------
  19. I missed your post, Dave. Glad Clubfoot came to the rescue. Let us know what you think. Feedback always appreciated, even if painful sometimes. Wild Bill
  20. Just catching my breath, my friend. Old fingers move slow Thanks for the encouragement! Wild Bill
  21. Our pleasure Chris. I hope it is an enjoyable experience...well as enjoyable as war can be WB
  22. Me too! Well, I already have mine, but I'll be out get Frank's! WB
  23. I could be wrong, if so correct me guys. When you call a cease-fire, it ends the campaign. If you choose to continue, you go back to where you were. In others words a cease fire is just that. The war (or operation) is over. A possibility of skipping might be a nice feature. Wild Bill
  24. I had fun with it too, and it took a few battles before Wittmann could survive the entire battle. But then you would expect me to say that, wouldn't you? Wild Bill ------------------
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