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Wild Bill Wilder

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Everything posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. It's impressive and a testimony to the editor in CMBO the quantity of scenarios that have appeared from all sides. A lot of you have let your creative juices flow. I'm delighted to see that. Nothing like looking over a piece of work you've sweated blood to do. In the next couple of months I hope to have at least a half-dozen new scenario and hopefully one small operation to offer to the avid players of Combat Mission. Keep watching. They will begin appearing any day now. We'll include French, Poles, Canadiana, British and the good old GI. They are coming!
  2. It's one I have enjoyed playing also, SBombs! One of the things that gives it a little replayability is the chance to use different tactics for attack (and defense, may I add - ) I truly hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the kind words. And a lot more coming guys! My blood is up and scenarios, maybe an operation are on the way! Wild Bill
  3. Thanks Toad. Two scenarios, one in the open and another in city, small, quick play and challenging as 2 player games are on the CD. They are, as Toad mentioned, "Wiltz" and also "Aachen." Both of these will give you a good introduction to the mechanics of the game and are not overwhelming. The tutorial scenario is pretty good too for starters.
  4. Well Spanish Bombs, let me recommend a few more to you. On the CD itself is the smaller in-city scenario called Aachen. It is short, and a direct attack by US troops against holed up Jerries. OR... You can try "A Second Job - Vossenack." Personally, I think this is an ideal scenario for 2 players. It is a meeting engagement, historical, with Germans and US troops charging each other from either end of town. You can get the Vossenack scenario at a number of sites. I think Manx has it onhand and it is also available at the new Boots N' Tracks Depot. A quick easy download. http://www.militarygamer.net/combatmission/scenarios.asp You'll actually find a rather large selection of good quality scenarios here. Thanks Kingfish, Peterk and Agua. Vossburg is not mine, but Vossenack is. Could these be the same?
  5. Here are a couple of points worthy of thought today. On this date in 1942 the "Battle of Midway" had come to an end. The tide of war in the Pacific shifted completely. No longer would the Japanese Navy run rampant throughout the Pacific. Nearly one-half of the Japanese carrier force was eliminated in one day (June 4th). No more would the warriors of the Rising Sun control the course of the war in the east. And 57 years ago today, The "Great Crusade" was in full swing as 8 Allied Divisions (5 seaborne, 3 airborne) swarmed into Normandy. Omaha Beach (and others) was painted scarlet with the blood of so many fine young soldiers who under great duress and suffering took the beach. Up until that time it was the greatest amphibious assault ever undertaken, though nearly a year later it would be overshadowed by the invasion of Okinawa. Momentous times, momentous memories. It is worthy of reflection. Even as a small child living at that time I remember the jubilation of the free world at these turning points in the war. Wild Bill
  6. I think you'll be pleased to know that Kevin Kinscherf, who is leading the Raider Combat Mission Boots N' Tracks Team is posting new material every few days now. He is doing a great job. Thanks, Kinch! Check it often. Two new scenarios are there for your enjoyment, plus another three or four that have been posted in the last week. Scenarios are everywhere today, and I am glad. I think you will find, however, some challienging and worthwhile material with a historical flavor and background at the Raider site. Authors include Kevin Kinscherf, Ted Quincey, Tim "Rune" Orosz and yours truly. We are building a scenario archive which is currently accessible with all of the Raider CM scenarios produced since the game was published. http://www.militarygameronline.com/combatmission/ I personally invite you to try your hand at two of my latest, "Death of the Titans" and "Blood and Bocage." ...painful situations for both Allied and German warriors! They have been well tested and they are at the CM Boots N'Tracks site waiting for your visit. Wild Bill
  7. I think you'll be pleased to know that Kevin Kinscherf, who is leading the Raider Combat Mission Boots N' Tracks Team is posting new material every few days now. He is doing a great job. Thanks, Kinch! Check it often. Two new scenarios are there for your enjoyment, plus another three or four that have been posted in the last week. Scenarios are everywhere today, and I am glad. I think you will find, however, some challienging and worthwhile material with a historical flavor and background at the Raider site. Authors include Kevin Kinscherf, Ted Quincey, Tim "Rune" Orosz and yours truly. We are building a scenario archive which is currently accessible with all of the Raider CM scenarios produced since the game was published. http://www.militarygameronline.com/combatmission/ I personally invite you to try your hand at two of my latest, "Death of the Titans" and "Blood and Bocage." ...painful situations for both Allied and German warriors! They have been well tested and they are at the CM Boots N'Tracks site waiting for your visit. Wild Bill
  8. Indeed I did, CA! But it was worth to get the operation as it should be for more playability and enjoyment. I hope to do another soon on the fighting for Schmidt (2nd Battle) in early November. I'd like to see some river crossing battles too. Wild Bill
  9. Here is one that took place on March 3rd, 1945. I have wanted to model it in CM, but alas, I can't use German vehicles with US control. Too bad. I was able to do it with scenarios for the old Panzer Commander and for the Steel Panthers World at War game. Quite unique... -------------- All along the Allied lines in Western Europe, American soldiers are seeking a quick move across the Rhine River. The almost impossible hope is to capture a bridge spanning the mighty waterway intact. Units of the US 83rd Division, known as the "Rag Tag Circus," dress in German uniforms and use commandered German and disguised American vehicles to sneak into the town of Oberkassel just before dawn. A number of the GIs in the 83rd are of German descent and speak the language fluently. Their plan is to sneak into the town and capture the bridge there before the Germans can react. American armor and infantry hide nearby hide nearby in case they are discovered. If that happens they will rush the town and try to overpower the enemy soldiers before the bridge can be blown. They almost make it. They successfully pass a couple of guard posts but suddenly a German soldier in the town figures out what is happening and shouts an alarm. "Amis!" In "hell bent for leather" fashion, the Americans charge for the bridge. It would end up being in vain. Just as the first men of the 83rd reach the edge of the river, the bridge shatters in a violent explosion, crashing into the water below. It would be another two weeks before the Rhine River would be beaten.
  10. I like the crossing of the Waal River by American 82n AB Division paratroopers at Njimegen...Amphibious Airborne. The flanking movement by US and British forces from both sides of the River has been fun for me. I've done a revision of the original that came on the CD and it plays a tad better. Anyone need it, drop me a line.
  11. All plugs should be shameless, Buckeye! I remember well. Good job, by the way! Got another one or two I'd like to run by you if you have the time. Drop me a note if you can.
  12. To my way of thinking, such a topic belongs under scenario design. None of these forums have all posts fully related to their alleged theme. Scenario Design is a good place to take it, Canuck. I think you'll find much more interest that what you might think. We are opening and offering generic maps on the Boots N Tracks site for those who want a shortcut to scenario design. I think eventually a rather simple tutorial on map making in CM should be forthcoming.
  13. Iwas there two years ago, an unforgettable experience for me.
  14. Thanks, Fast Heinz, Abbott and Actor! We are getting 'em ready right now, gentlemen! Now back to the battlfield...WB
  15. I appreciate that, Actor. The site, scenarios and page are for all of you, the die-hard CM crowd. We love the game too and want to share in the fun of the experience with all of you...
  16. Just to remind you that Boots N' Tracks, our Military Gamer web page for Combat Mission is back in full swing. It has a new look, new presentation...new everything! New scenarios and more are up and running. Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf is the Raider Team leader heading up the Boots N' Tracks team. He is doing a fine job and it is good to know this site is in capable, friendly hands. And more is on the way. Look for some powerful new scenarios with French, Polih and Canadian troops in battle to be posted before too long! http://www.militarygamer.net/combatmission/ Pay us a visit, please...Wild Bill
  17. Just to remind you that Boots N' Tracks, our Military Gamer web page for Combat Mission is back in full swing. It has a new look, new presentation...new everything! New scenarios and more are up and running. Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf is the Raider Team leader heading up the Boots N' Tracks team. He is doing a fine job and it is good to know this site is in capable, friendly hands. http://www.militarygamer.net/combatmission/ Pay us a visit, please...Wild Bill
  18. I am going to take you up on that shortly, Michael. I am yearning to do some more Canadian scenarios!...Wild Bill
  19. Oh, and one more, which is excellent! Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War, Vol.1, pages 360-386 WB
  20. Given the scale of CM, PMG, you would have to think in terms of a piece of the action. Perhaps two or three scenarios on the same theme. One could be the raids by British Commandoes on the outlying batteries, another the troop landings, and so on. Sources: In addition to the ones mentioned which are VERY good, consider: Jubilee, Tragedy to Triumph, Whitaker Jubilee of Death, Oberon Both have some good and personal insights into the fighing. Military Blunders, the 1/2 hour video on the History channel has a great tape on Dieppe. Hope this helps you. It should make for a good scenario...WB
  21. Thanks fellas. We are very enthused about this. Kevin Kinscherf is the CM Team Leader for the Raiders and he is doing a fantastic job. Nice little group of guys, including Rune, SuperTed Quincey, Brian Rock, Massimo Rocca, and of course, the old Colonel standing by Binkie, I think the Germans read the intro text and were looking for the poor Corporal :eek: I plan carefully my scenarios. It more or less breaks down as follows: Research-Planning 2-4 hours Setup-Map Making 3-5 hours Picking-Deploying Units 2-3 Hours Personal Play testing (depending here on size and length of scenario) 6-12 hours As an average, I spend around 20 hours preparing and doing preliminary testing for a medium sized scenario. Then there is a total investment of tester time of another 10-20 hours before we turn it loose. I'm probably a little slower than some, but I prefer moving at a more relaxed pace. I make less mistakes that way. "Planning" includes my thinking my way through just how I can portray a particular battle in CM format. Hope this helps... [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Wild Bill Wilder ]
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