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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. I don't think so. I read previously that the battles that come with the demo are different. You can, however, install the demo yourself. Both the demo and full game can reside on your machine, just make sure the install directories are different.
  2. The best way to do this is to play WEGO. Hopefully they will find a way to implement playback in real time mode. Still, even in WEGO playback, it is hard sometimes to determine what KO'd your unit depending on, as Wildman has stated, the difficulty setting.
  3. Got mine too. Very nicely done. Now I have something to read on the head.
  4. The hunt command is too fast. It's supposed to be a command that gives the crew a chance to spot enemies easily and stop quickly to fire. However, the vehicle moves so fast that I wonder if it's really degrading the crew's spotting ability. Also, when it does spot an enemy it comes to such a quick halt that the tanks rocks back and forth several times. It's kind of hard to get off a quick accurate shot when this happens.
  5. Wrong there. I just read this morning about paras using Gammons to take a out a tank. I was going to post something about not noticing them in the equipment for para squads until I saw Adam's post. I haven't played the game all that much, let alone with paras, so I was going to wait until I had more evidence. As for the 3" AT gun only taking out 6 tanks in all of normandy, I seriously doubt that's correct. However, only some of the divisions in Normandy had 3" AT battalions as they were rapidly being replaced by M10s. I could probably dig up the info if I cared that much about it.
  6. I just chose automatic but I'm not sure about the quality of troops. I can't remember if I set that or not. Yes I prefer WEGO although this action was small enough that I could have played it real time. I played only a little bit of CMSF but never really got hang of the camera controls, so I'm still learning in that regard, which is one reason why I still prefer WEGO. Glad you liked the AAR. I had not intended on writing anything but the Panther pull such a disappearing act that I felt I had to share it.
  7. My First Quick Battle: small battle, armor only, automatic chosen forces for both sides. My forces: M10 x 4 M8 x 4 1 x M4A3 75mm 2 or 3 scout cars 2 half tracks with HQs 1 x 81mm spotter My orders are to Assault a farm and take it over. I use my HQ and spotter to probe the hedgerows. It pays off, and I spot 2 Marder IIIs very close to each other behind a stone wall. After getting the spotter in position, I call in a medium barrage. While waiting for the barrage I position M10s and M8s and Sherman at various flanking points to the right and straight on. I plan to shoot them through the gaps in the hedgerows once the barrage is about finished. Even if the mortars don't get them, then they should be pretty stunned and wont put up much of a fight. Before the barrage falls I spot a cat (early panther) not far away from the Marders but not close enough for the barrage to do any damage. Finally the barrage falls and the fire is accurate and deadly. It turns out that there was also a Stug III next to the Marders - triple bonus! At the end of the barrage, I press my vehicles forward through the gaps. The Marders and Stug don't respond to my vehicles who take some pop shots at them because we can't tell if they're dead or not. The Panther is quick to respond. It takes out an M10 pressing the right flank, then swings the barrel closer to the middle where I have an M10 rhino shoot through a hedge to try to ambush it. Another M10 down in flames. A couple of turns later the Sherman is also toast. I've scored a couple of hits on the cat but it has a tough hide. I use my scout cars and M8s to get closer to the farm and distract the cat while my remaining M10s close in for the kill. The Panther takes a couple of more his on the gun but he fires back to let us know that it still works. However, one of the hits is a partial penetration that rattles his crew. He pops copious amounts of smoke and reverses behind the homestead at the farm. I close in with all my vehicles that have a shot of killing the cat. A few turns are spent closing in carefully while the smoke slowly drifts and dissipates. However, when I spring the final trap and close in the last 100 meters with all my vehicles the cat is nowhere to be found! It simply has vanished, using the smoke to stealthily back away. My objective is secure but I can't let the Panther get away after he's killed several of my armored units. He must be hiding behind one of the two farm buildings. I decide to use an M8 as a scout to find the cat. The M8 finds another Marder but it's already been KO'd, I'm not sure how. I don't remember seeing it before. It's not long before an AP round rips through my M8. The cat had somehow moved behind the second farm without me seeing it. It backs up some more but it's in full view of my two remaining M8s. Not the best choice to kill a cat, so I order my M10 to flank through a gap in the hedgerows to help out. The M8s get at least a couple of hits with HEAT ammo and when my M10 finally is in position to get a flank shot, the game is over - Sgt Biner in his M8 gets credit for taking out the Panther with a HEAT round at over 100 meters distance. Pure joy! Thanks BFC.
  8. Well, it certainly wasn't the "fibre" spelling. Maybe it was the McTasty handle. Can you get more American than that?
  9. Guys, if the US link is less than 568 MB, then it's corrupted. When I tried the US link it said something like 385 MB. I just cancelled it at that point and used the German link. German link in Firefox says 571 MB which is the correct size.
  10. The link is live on the Battlefront.com Demo page. It's legit.
  11. CMBN vs PCO view count: Although only created this afternoon, this thread already has over 11,600 hits. The "Demo First Impressions" thread on the PC:Ostfront forum at Matrix has less than 5000 views despite being released several days ago.
  12. Basically it boils down to your discipline. Someone came up with some "hardcore" rules for CMx1 that basically limited you to ground level. The rules were developed partly for the experience of playing in that fashion but also because humans were so much better than the computer AI. Playing at ground level evened out playing field, so to speak, because now the human player plays by the same rules as the computer AI. ie, you can't see the entire battlefield as a whole.
  13. I'd sure like to tinker around with the editor. Does anyone know if it will be functional - without the ability to save or some other crutch. I can't recall Steve mentioning anything about it.
  14. Actually it is Friday by now in some parts of the world. So WHERE'S the DEMO ALREADY!!!?
  15. As a former avid paintballer, I have a few questions about Airsoft myself: 1. I just don't understand how you can tell if someone is hit. There's no paint mark as evidence. Are people just super honest or is getting hit so painful that you're going to want to declare yourself hit? There's already a fair amount of wiping in paintball and I can see honesty being a huge issue with airsoft. 2. Are the guns absurdly fast firing like some of the paintball guns (or faster) and do they hold an absurd amount of ammo like the paintball hoppers? Paintball unfortunately has devolved into a sport where battle tactics takes a backdoor to gun technology. With nearly everyone using fast firing guns with huge hoppers of ammo, there's a LOT of paint flying around. Big firefights often boil down to battles of attrition rather than tactical teamwork, usually because it's suicide to to leave cover to attempt to flank or gain ground. I kind of yearn for playing scenario games which mimic real world gun capabilities. Something like 1 automatic gun with a big hopper per squad. The rest of the squad would have semi-auto or auto guns with 50 round hoppers, maybe even one specialized sniper gun. I just don't know any fields that play this style.
  16. And Maradona was on steroids...and coke, and heroin.. What an ironic thing to say. But you're right, 52 goals this season, nothing "real" about that.
  17. Used to be. Now all you need is a 40 Billion dollar super tank and an A-10. Those two units alone could take out a battalion of armor.
  18. More likely the loss of leaves is from intense artillery barrages. Photo titled "AFTER THE COUNTERATTACK" after page 29 seems to suggest this. Besides, the fighting was over before any cold weather cold have come to this area. It was still dead of summer when allies captured St. Lo.
  19. Since there was usually only one tank destroyer battalion per Infantry or Armored Division, they were almost always dished out piecemeal to wherever they were needed. As for the security and HQ, from accounts that I've read, when they arrived at the scene of a battle they would scout ahead on foot to get a grasp of the situation. Then go back and instruct the TDs as of the plan of action. Charging head in was usually not their style because their weaker armor could not stand up to some tank duel. At times they even seem to behave as tank snipers. Popping out when needed or directed by the HQ or scouting elements that were on foot in front of them.
  20. lol, Shrapnel Games must be doing the 90-90-90-90 Rule of Software Development with their All American game.
  21. Actually, didn't the regular infantry have a heavy weapons platoon within the rifle company also? If I recall, the heavy weapons platoon has three 60mm mortars, two .30 cals, one .50, and three bazookas. Seems like most company commanders dished these out where they were needed as opposed to keeping the platoon as a single fighting force. The mortars however were typically grouped because their combined fire was more effective than singularly placing them with a squad.
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