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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Pak40

  1. Easy Co. 506 PIR - Band of Brothers http://www.nola.com/military/index.ssf/2012/02/world_war_ii_veteran_lynn_d_bu.html
  2. Hmm, no info on any new or changed features to the game. Not looking good for the inclusion of the armored arc command.
  3. First I've seen on the subject and I frequent the forums a lot. Anyway, there have been far more threads on the topic of buddy aid or acquiring ammo. I'm really getting sick of those but, hey I've kept my mouth shut... so far:D
  4. OK, I finally found some info about German 7.92 ammo. go to page 187: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:GHEr1L1-ZSgJ:www.cgsc.edu/carl/docrepository/SpecialSeriesNo14.pdf+&cd=4&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us There are lots of variants, I'm sure they all work in all 7.92mm guns. I suppose CMBN is actually modeling the difference between the AP and the ball.
  5. It's 7.92mm and I don't think there is any difference between the so called AP rounds found in half tracks and the non AP rounds carried by all infantry units. It's probably just a naming issue. The Kar98 and the MG42 fired the same round.
  6. Well, he did say in post #9 that this is a limitation of the US armored infantry... I guess he assumed you could figure out the rest. Anyway, I think one of his main points is that your platoon HQ doesn't really suffer if it isn't in C2 with the Company HQ. It's much more important for your squads to be in C2 with their platoon HQ.
  7. No, I'm talking about with infantry. Tanks are rarely out of C2 since they all have radios.
  8. Man, if you've never noticed this then you're either playing zoomed way out all the time, in real time, or have all your troops in perfect C2 all the time (or a combo of all three). I've noticed it a lot, usually in playback of WEGO when I have time to zoom in close and pay attention to the details of the action. However, I've always reasoned that it was because it was a partial contact by part of the squad. Now I know it's because my team isn't in C2.
  9. No, I suggest the "Road to Mountbourg" Campaign. It's easier to learn and sharpen your skills, although it is much longer. "Courage and Fortitude" can even kick a veteran's ass.
  10. I agree with Sarge. CMBN is far superior to CMx1. The minor annoyances with the game are just that, minor. And it seems that most people are quick to forget that CMx1 had many minor annoyances and limitations, just of a different nature than CMBN.
  11. I disagree with your disagreement. A gun can be well camouflaged within minutes after being setup. I'd say that given the local terrain/vegetation and a typical Normandy or European setting, most crews can camouflage a gun or even a fighting vehicle in less than a half hour. Obviously spending some additional time will make the camo illusion work better but I hardly think that days or weeks will make much difference beyond that.
  12. Don't even use the reinforcements. Always have the flanking group start on the map. BUT, design their startup point to where it is visually isolated from the rest of the battle. In other words, if the flanking group does not move then it will have no effect on the battle. Then develop several different plans where the flanking group does different things, for example: PLAN 1: do nothing (stay out of the battle) PLAN 2: flank right side PLAN 3: flank left side PLAN 4: attack straight Actually, you can try replacing PLAN 1 with a move order to an exit objective. That way the units will leave the map eventually without entering the battle.
  13. Don't forget that armored vehicles cannot block LOS in CMBN. So, whether the closer tank is seen or unseen, your schrek will have a clear chance to spot the other tank (as if the 1st tank doesn't exist). Another thing I noticed from your screen shots and descriptions is that your schrek is crawling in brush which severely limits LOS even in daytime, especially when prone. The brush, as shown by CMBN, is in my opinion under drawn. i.e., the shrubs are way to small and puny compared to the actual LOS that they tend to block.
  14. Well, if you beta testers would stop finding bugs then I'm sure his time tables would be correct
  15. Let me get this straight - There are at least two trees between your schrek team and the tank and it's night time?? Sounds like your "perfect ( blue line ) los" isn't so perfect after all. And apparently, the only reason the other tank was spotted is because it was moving. I agree that the muzzle flash should allow units to deduce that a tank is there but we know that CMBN doesn't take this into effect if the unit cannot be seen. So, my previous suggestion still remains: turn on your foliage and put the camera at eye level exactly where the schrek team is, then post a screen grab.
  16. Just curious. If you actually turn on your foliage and get down to eye level where your shrek team is, how much can you actually see of either tank? Give us a screen shot of that.
  17. Now that I think about it, I seem to remember there being an issue with teams with disabled guns not being able to share their ammo. You might do a search on it. It's definitely a bug if it's true.
  18. Malfuriouspete, The share wont happen until the mortar uses all 9 rounds of their current ammo supply. Just keep the two units close to each other.
  19. I think the criteria is that the ammo bearers have to be in the same platoon, at least that's how it is for MG ammo bearers. In other words, don't take mortar ammo bearers from C company and place them next to B company mortars.
  20. Well, all I can say is that you're not the first person to point this out, myself included. Hopefully they are tweaking how the AI picks it's forces.
  21. I agree with you, seeing the carnage should certainly have more of an affect on a squad. However, I don't think CM is modeled to think that way. More than likely it is some sort of global morale as others have suggested, and the 1/1 suffers more because it is their platoon that gets wiped out. Try the battle a few more times, but this time put the 1/1 squad in a remote area away from all other units (out of C2 with everyone). I think you will get the same result because it is a global morale issue - regardless of whether the 1/1 squad can see or hear about the carnage.
  22. Obviously 1/1 squad is freaking out because all of their close buddies just got wiped out. Even thought 1/1 squad is out of C2 with their platoon leader, they are right next to the company commander who has a radio C2 with the 1st platoon HQ and 3rd Plt HQ who is witnessing the slaughter. Anyway, that's my "realistic" take on why the 1/1 is panicked. Probably if you completely isolated 1/1 so that has no C2 at all, then you'd still get the same result. How many times have you run this test? It'd be interesting to see if the 1/1 squad gets panicked every time.
  23. One to add: The QB force selection by the AI has to be improved. I'm sick of combined armed forces comprising of several armored vehicles with one mg team and a panzershrek.
  24. I think the mortar bearers need to be within 8m to share the ammo that they carry. It probably wont actually transfer until the mortar runs out of it's initial ammo. The levels of ammo for mortars can fluctuate depending on how many units are near it. You'll notice two ammo counts: one count shows the actual number of rounds that the mortar team is carrying and the other shows all available rounds from nearby units(including itself) that carry the same ammo type. For instance, a 60mm mortar platoon that has 3 mortars with 30 rounds each; when you click one of the mortar teams one ammo count should say 30, the other should say 90 so long as the other two mortars are nearby. The support staff can be used to protect your HQ, give buddy aid to fallen soldiers, or if you need an extra unit to plug a whole somewhere. The XO unit I think will take over C2 duties if the original HQ is eliminated.
  25. I can relate. Many times, when I first started playing CMBN, I would get frustrated that my infantry could not put area fire on the next hedgerow. In truth the LOS from my infantry to the ground at the target hedgerow was probably blocked by crops or small difference in height. However, it defies all logic and physics that my infantry could not put area fire on a clearly visible hedgerow. Maybe CMBN needs an area fire command that can target the hedgrow itself much like you can area fire on a building facade.
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