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Everything posted by Foobar

  1. Coca-Cola. The life-blood of the Supermen. Tall glass, freezer-chilled, and the precious liquid cold enough so that there are the tiniest of ice crystals in it.. Ahh good stuff..
  2. Andreas, I will be in London this December... Keep the get-togethers posted here, if you would be so kind, and perhaps you could be honored with my attendance.
  3. Any chance of a London drinks in December?
  4. 80593 Baby.... Now Im going to be all anxious for the next two weeks...
  5. Back in the day.. There were 2 bonus scenarios The original Reisberg and Last Defense, were followed by CHANCE ENCOUNTER (fanfare) and VALLEY OF TROUBLE (fanfare to a slightly lesser extent) Perhaps if we play our cards right, they will put a balanced gem like Chance Encounter up for download, to show off the play possibilities to the neophytes
  6. I have tried this suggestion, and it appears that you must hold down alt-shift WHILE pressing escape. At least on my machine, it does not "toggle" the escape button as a single function button. I am attempting to do this from the main screen. Am I doing something wrong, or does it only function as I have described?
  7. Didnt you guys read the "read-me" file? All you have to do is push alt-SHIFT-S for subtitles... Its kinda annoying though. They go by faster than I can read it all...
  8. To the whole BFC/BTS/KFC Team: Well done! THe entire time I was playing (no spoilers below) one of the demo scenarios, at had this lump in my throat, and discomfort in the pit of my stomach... I was scared, I was gleeful, I was miserable, I was shouting at the monitor, waking up my wife. It was like the old days. Thats my litmus test for whether or not the game is good. Passed with flying colors. Oh man, if I got this worked up over a single scenario, Im afraid of what an op is going to do to me... :-/ Thanks again, you guys give me more entertainment per dollar spent than any other company I have ever done business with Bottom line, this game is cool. And by cool, I mean totally sweet! [ September 01, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]
  9. Leaky, you either have a high desire for negative attention, or a death wish, or both.. Can I have your watch when you die?
  10. ASL, I think we are hitting upon that age old difference in motivations behind playing. My own opinions aside, I am not posting to demonize anyone or belittle them. But the answer to the following questions delineates the differnces. 1) Would this tactic work in real life? Would men fight this way? 2) Would I ever find myself in this situation as a ww2 commander? Some answer no, and feel disappointed by the break with reality, as the simulation in reality is what they were seeking. Some are unfazed by this, as their motivation leans more towards simply winning the computer game. Im not the first to post along these lines, and surely wont be the last. I have to concur that the skit created by The_Capt does the best job at presenting the dilemna when two worlds meet
  11. http://thforums.com/CMBO/index.php I have just taken a look at the TH community forum, and it seems that some of their members have contributed some very useful tactics articles. What I find exceptional about them, is that they all seem to have a very practical bearing on how to actually play the game. Sure, you can read Panzers Vorward! until your eyes fade out, but what we are usually lacking is practical application, and how to execute effective tactics. Now I am still not a fan of ladder play, QB's and the like, but I wanted to give credit where it is due. The articles are a real positive contribution to the overall CM community. Thanks Guys
  12. Can I take this one? OK Nahverteidigungeswaffe slap that into google, and see what it spits out....
  13. Legend, You are one who derives pleasures from dissent. Don't you get enough digital blood from your 250 games? Why do you feel the need to try to spill any here in the forum? This is a place for gentlemen, and for Lawyer. May you be doomed to an eternity of silly tournaments, using nothing but Gebirgjagers, King Tigers, and 300m Rockets...
  14. Oh, I agree, I was just really suprised to see it up over there. I actually went over there to read some other things. I agree, they went pretty easy on us, but to dicount what mods have done for us? Someone should show them some of the original screenshots, or that classic pre-alpha pic...
  15. ]http://www.somethingawful.com I warn any of our dedicated modders, that the writer of this review is umm, well I usually like these guys, but they have no business talking about wargames..
  16. Who would have thought that Combat Mission would bring people together like this. I think we need to get all the world leaders to a weekend CM-athon.. they will be having a great time, share meals, and by the end we could talk them all into settling all international disputes through quickbattles.. But I bet Arafat would try to get around Fionn's 76 rules, and then the whole thing would break down.. Oh well, it was a thought...
  17. The only actual photos I have ever seen of them were on display at the ww2 museum in La Gleize. I have to say from my recollection that McAulliffe's work is very close to the mark.
  18. Originally Posted by Michael Emrys.. Thats it.. Im calling Senechai and changing my vote. Your days are numbered you swine!!!
  19. Whoa, I actually have something useful to contribute for once! I just figured out how the ambush command has been effectively replaced by cover arcs. Picture the triangle of the arc. If you are at the one fixed point of the triangle, you set the arc be setting the other two points. All that is needed to set an ambush on a fixed spot, is to place the other two corners of the triangle at the same distance apart as an ambush marker, 5-10m apart, and at the correct distance. So instead of a single line ambush extending from the unit, you have a very acute angled triangle extending from the unit. I havent tried it, but I am certain that it will serve the purpose of the old ambushes, plus much much more.. Ta Daa!!!!!
  20. My goodness man.. How long are your play sessions?? Mad props to Mr Hardcore CM-er.. wOOt!!
  21. If Michael Emrys signs on and says he's coming to, then we will have all the contestants for that Game Show decised in Seanechai's thread. Yes, everything is going according to plan....
  22. Today we bombed a factory, just to watch it die I already posted in the original thread, so Im gonna paste it over here. Yes, Major props for the Liquid Plasma display, that was incredible! Actor, Thank you very much for your hospitality! If someone who was there knows, I think we ought to get a "guestbook" going in this thread to mention all who were present. I will try to answer specific questions if anyone has them, but to summarize, this game will definitely be worth the wait, and will stand as the definitive tactical combat sim. Graphics were very immersive, I have not seen any comments from other sneak peeks that exaggerated the claims of CMBB. After seeing up close and personal, the features added to CMBB will take our play to a much higher level, with new complexities and subtleties to our tactics. This is not going to be reducable to a "numbers" game. Thanks again Actor, and it was nice to meet all of you in person! [ July 21, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]
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