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Everything posted by Foobar

  1. Hey, Navare I wanted to apologize to you, in all seriousness.. I felt like a total schmuck when I drove away and realised that I hadnt chipped in for the tab... But that gives us an excuse to meet up again.. "But Honey, I HAVE to go tonight.. I owe them beer!"
  2. Personally, I think Shakespeare's is a great idea at any time! It is 5 minutes from my house! I dont care how far you guys have to drive, we're thinking of ME here... ;D
  3. Alec, I was assuming that the white spots were due to the fact that I had not followed instructions. But it appears to be intentional that they are there. Either that, or everyone is having a nice little joke at my expense... Either way, you guys suck...
  4. is that what it is?!?! bah! I dont want flowers on the battlefield!! I guess I am goinginto ms paint to stomp on all of them right now!! roight!
  5. anybody else have this problem? I read somewhere that I needed a fresh bmp install from my cd to make it work, but I didnt want to lose some of my goodies... as anyone experienced this? I think I am missing a bmp or two, learving the white spots...
  6. heres a piece of advice. Go download a halflife mod called Day of Defeat. It doesn't matter if you even own halflife, because you are just getting it so you can pick and choose through the wav file directory.. fileplanet.com has the mod....
  7. Thanks to all who came out, that was really alot of fun! (I just wished I could have stayed out longer) We have to do this again very soon, for no better reason than I stiffed you guys on the bar tab! First round is on me, next time any of you want to meet up! Did anyone else show up after I left? Attendees, (iirc) -Feldgrau (as bald as MadMatt, but much more agreeable) -MarkIV (His usual MarkIV self. On leave from angry wife) -Thumpre (His wife made him come, he had nowhere else to go) -Navarre (Got stiffed for a Newcastle Ale. Lives way too close to me to risk an insult) -Gyrene (Brazilian with a New York accent) -Captain Foobar (got free drink)
  8. Stay Frosty Gyrene... The fewer people that show up, the shorter the line to get on the laptop. I will bring a disposable camera for the heck of it...
  9. Actor, lets leave that sort of talk for your solo visits.. there are children present!(blech!) This is going to be splendid, although I have no idea if Shakespeares is going to be able to handle, or want to deal with a LAN party on their presmises, but I guess we will find out Navare, do we need to book a private party thing? If you want me to show up the same time as you, to help hold additional tables, I don't mind. Anyone reading, be sure to BUMP this thread right before the shin-dig
  10. Manx, do you recognize the sky texture in the picture? Where can I find that bad boy?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I can only play in stealth mode, usually by giving her shopping money.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank God that you can MINIMIZE CM instantly. That right there is the # 1 top priority feature of the game. "No sorry honey, I cant do housework, I have to write up some excel files for work (tee hee hee)" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>She is not moving with me (at present). Home will be a CM shrine, CM fight club, all CM all the time, the CM Channel, the CM building, and my new neighbors had bloody well better like the sound of .50's in the morning<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My goodness, you could charge admission. Mark IV's San Diego CM Safehouse This could be the start of something beautiful, if you dont mind loser no-life grognard wannabe's coming in and out of your house at all hours... When my wife tells me to turn down the volume on my headphones because "she can still hear the artillery", I am thinking.. I CAN STILL HEAR OPRAH, why dont you turn down the TV!!.. hehe But I do love her...and she is changing. Not only did I get her to go see Enemy at the Gates with me, she even read the book!!! Top that one. nyah nyah nyah
  12. I have a request: If anyone has a digital camera, please bring it to the pub, so we can post pictures. Also, anyone with CM on a laptop, bring it with you. My wife gave me 'the look' when I told her where I was going. She already calls CM "the other woman". She thinks of this sort of thing as being on the same level as "trekkies". So does anyone else have trouble with a missus who doesnt understand why CM must be central part of your marriage?
  13. I also hope for this feature. If implemented, I will have entire tank divisions play dead, hoping to achieve a major encirclement when the enemy drives right past me, leaving my unharmed legion of tanks in their rear areas..
  14. Thumpre. Read navarre's post above.. 13th of October , at 7pm and beyond.. - I have an idea. Anyone who has any ww2 photos, europe ww2 sightseeing, old garand rifles, bring em with ya. It will give us something to talk about.
  15. Shakespeare's Pub Interstate 5 north or south, to Washington (old town area). 1 block east of the 5 freeway on washington, make a right turn on the first possible street. Your landmark is a big 2 story coffee house called "Gelato Vera". It is on the corner of that first right turn. Park anywhere you can manage once you have turned at Gelato Vera. Gelato Vera and Shakespeare's are on the same block. Gelato vera on the northern-most corner, and shakespeare's bar is on the south corner, about 50 yards down. It gets crowded and loud at times, so I hope we can get our hands on a patio table, so we can talk... It will be more romantic that way....
  16. Excellent! Thats 5 minutes from my house. I will see you gentleworms there....
  17. All Hail Navare!! A San Diego Beer Hall Putsch. On any evening beyond October 13th, I am there. I know the perfect place for our meeting. 94th Aero Squadron... I'm sure they have a bar there or something..
  18. Band of Brothers, combat mission player's group... The Winter War camapign I am currently involved is spectacular. Relatively fast paced, great GM, and good players. There is also an Italian campaign in the works. I know very little about it, but check it out for yourselves http://stryker1.home.att.net/index.htm Also, I am heading up the allies in the new SopCCM campaign, with only 6-8 players. Hasn't started yet, but I am sure it will be fun too... Track down ScoutPL and tell him, if you want to play. I am certain we will need some alternates (I got into Winter War as an alternate) I am also
  19. Next two weeks are full for me.. We need to elect a grand Pooba to set this up, and make it for a month out, so more people can make it . Lawyer lives too far away, and his bar tab is way too high right now. So who is going to buy all the drinks and organize this thing?
  20. San Diego here..... We really should do a CM get-together of sorts.... Also, there is a player named Actor who lives in Temecula. He likes to go to Indian Casinos and lose all his money
  21. Don't get too uppity Sir Roboslot, or I will engage yoo in another hellhole berning night-time city fight. Youre locky I took pity on yoo in month 9 and actyooally made aggressive actions. I could have left yoo to rot there in the corner of the map for 3 more months, but I took pity on yoo and gave yoo something to shoot at. And the way I am feeling, I coold do a year standing on my head. After leaving the domain of my sponsor,The Dark and Evil One, my spirits are high, my tonge is sharp, and my keyboard has the ALT AND the 'yoo' botton removed with a fork, showing my battlefield Moxie and Panache. Serrender is not an option for me withowt them, and my men are too stoopid to have a morale failere. (Its been a bitch learning to type with yoo's, but I think the payoff is werthwhile.) Abandon all hope, ye who enter. Yoo will see a new president in office before yoo see an end game with Foobar. To anyone else reading, may the flames of Allah consume your degenerate lifestyles. [ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: *Captain Foobar* ]
  22. (bows in reverence to the Dark One) Sir foobar, hmm has a nice ring to it.. Let's start this off roight. Lawyer. I hereby throw down. You will meet me on the field of battle, at our favorite playground.. Singling Shootout. You remember, dont you? Thats the one where I pasted 12 of your Shermans with 2 Panthers? This time, I will play as the Americans, and show how it is done. I would love to hurl a few insults now, but I will wait until you give me some more material, with your idiotic tactical concepts. Setup coming your way.
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