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Everything posted by Fenris

  1. Been away for a bit, apologies if I'm getting ahead of myself... Has there been any comment on if/when the new features will be added to CMBN and CMFI? Thanks -F
  2. Excellent. I agree, many things we've been asking for and look at that equipment list. -F
  3. I'm more interested in stuff burning and the smoke it produces and how those things affect the battlefield than flame throwing weapons TBH. -F
  4. Fire and smoke for confusion, obstacle and assault weapon. -F
  5. Great to see EF, obviously really looking forward to it. For the obligatory 'more' question... Any word on fire/burning buildings? Am hoping fire can come soonish. Burning villages to deny cover is something I've read about often enough. I also reckon we need a lot more smoke on CM battlefields. Thanks -F
  6. If CMEF - Stalingrad doesn't come with flaming Soviet SMG squads the game will be fundamentally flawed. There's all the proof I need. -F
  7. I posted a pic of the Marder some months back in the CMBN tech support forum... I don't have 2.12 so dunno if it's been addressed - the thread didn't get any sort of acknowledgement that I recall. -F
  8. Lol at me, first thing I did was try to mouse wheel down to change the view... Watching now. -F
  9. https://archive.org/details/TheirsIsTheGlory1946Wwii Download link on left side of page. Think I've seen it on youtube as well. -F
  10. From the little I know Tito did manage to walk a line between the two blocks. The then Yugoslavian airforce also used a mix of western allied and soviet aircraft for a while post war. There's a P-47, P-80 and F-86 as well as a Yak-3 and an IL-2 at the aero museum in Belgrade all sporting their colours (not including the Bf109G2, the Spit5 and the Hurricane which got left there during the war IIRC). -F
  11. Don't sweat it, good to spread the word out as they're really good doco's IMO. I've never seen them on DVD, I might convert my VHS tapes to DVD one day. In the interim I've used the FlashGet plug-in for Firefox to download all the episodes and then Format Factory to convert them to 640x480 mp4 files. Quality isn't DVD but is free so what the hey, can watch them whenever I like now. -F
  12. Posted on it about a month or so ago after I too discovered they were all on YT these days. I've got most of them on VHS where it's called Die Deutschen Panzer. There's also Die Deutschen Luftwaffe done by the same production company. Good to spread the word. Some excellent footage. If you watch the self propelled gun one there's a snippet of a sturm tiger firing it's huge main gun for example. -F
  13. I'm on the fence and play both. On and off to be honest, CM is not my only vice. I did need to work a bit to get into CM2, but that's because I could play CM1 almost blindfolded. My advice is you need to take the time, work the learning curve etc. Worth it in the end. All the better if you can still enjoy CM1 for what it is and CM2 for what it is. Works for me, start with smaller scenarios, IMO CM2 lends itself better to smaller battles due to the workload (at least whilst getting the hang of it). Good luck. -F
  14. Yeah me too. Wonder though with the lethality of modern systems will the new title require bigger maps? -F
  15. I'm just resting. I'm feeling much be'a. -F
  16. I download a lot of mods for the games I play. I'll chime in to say that unfortunately I too find the repository quite clumsy. Some suggestions Let users upload under their forum handle. Change the theme so it fills your browser window, it's far too cluttered with a huge amount of wasted real estate on either side of the screen. Put the top lists on the right and the containers on the left. Move the files and the sorting options to the top - including the search button Have just a single line for each entry in the main view with rank, score, downloads, title, uploader and maybe a thumbnail pic. Have at least 20 items in the list visible per page. Link the mod comments to the forum thread so you can read and post in either place (have comments in reverse order on the mod page so latest post is first). Edit - have the uploader as a selectable item in all views so you can quickly see everything done by an author without doing a search (why the heck can't you click on the names in the top lists??) Edit - add most downloaded and top rated files to the top lists. -F
  17. It concerns me too, but judging on fact that the number of staff has been rising over the years they must be doing alright. As to the other indicators mentioned by the OP. Forums shouldn't be split IMO, there's not enough traffic to warrant it (edit - I don't mean combining WW2 and Modern, would keep that separation). Most places I visit have a simple square bracket with game short name in the subject if a post is one title specific, "[CMBN] Bocage is annoying" for example. Seems a lot less forum traffic in general to the early years. Maybe coz the membership is generally older now? Might also be because I've found CM2 not quite as easy to get into. I'm the only person out of the half dozen I know who played CM1 who has purchased any CM2 titles. General comment after trying the demo was CM2 is too fiddly/complicated to play in comparison to CM1. Might also have been a good dose of CM fatigue in that crowd though. On scenarios, from my own experience, creating a scenario is quite involved now. -F
  18. Ahh, I think I know what's happening, lol. The screenie above is definitely at the larger resolution and is being displayed at the full size here in the forum instead of being down scaled to fit on our screens as happens in game. I have to scroll half way up and half way across the screen to see the above pic... at this full size the menu interface looks 'normal'. If I were compress the screen shot above down to fill just my screen so I didn't have to scroll around to look at it the interface would be reduced too. Maybe that's why the menu looks normal to us in the screens - that make sense? Not 100% sure about the first couple though, what was the rez you were using? Maybe imageshack was automatically down sizing them? They fit fairly neatly onto my 1920x1200 monitor. The size of the screen shots should match the resolution you've set to play the game at in the display.txt. Anyway, no biggie really - if it looks good to you go for it I'm just waiting for the day when I can get a huge monitor and have that sort of size as my native rez -F
  19. Am at work so can't investigate. One quick way to check could be when you take a screen shot what's the dimensions of the resulting picture file? Does it match what you've set display.txt to? If you're on Win7 click on the file in windows explorer and it'll tell you the dimensions at the bottom with all the file details or you can r-click and do properties and look on the details tab. -F
  20. Just tried 2560x1600 on my usual 1920x1200... Worked a treat, everything looked extremely crisp. Menus and the info bar at the bottom of the screen are a bit hard to read... Would need to drop it down a bit long term I reckon, can't say I'd use the scenario editor at this res, can barely read it. Otherwise very interesting, I'll definitely be trying this with some other titles. Thanks -F
  21. It's my opinion that tank crews shouldn't be armed at all if they've been forced to bail out. If they demount the tank deliberately fine, but not if they're fleeing the vehicle. -F
  22. Good stuff, have browsed ibiblio before for stuff about Normandy. In a similar vein, about 2000 manuals, newsreels, instructional films, campaign and unit histories here... https://archive.org/search.php?query=%28collection%3AwwIIarchive%20OR%20mediatype%3AwwIIarchive%29%20AND%20-mediatype%3Acollection&sort=-downloads&page=1 Everything from Walt Disney's The Making of the Nazi to the Weather Manual For Pilots including the full US Army handbooks to the German, Italian and Japanese armies. I've just finished spending a few days wading through it all and have pulled down a couple of gig of 'interesting' stuff. To save people so time here's what I grabbed to give you an idea of what's there (all free): After Five History of the 93rd Armored Field Artillery Battalion (1945).pdf Anzio Beachhead (22 January - 25 May 1944).pdf British Commandos (August 9, 1942).pdf Cassino to the Alps.pdf Dark December - Full Account of the Battle of the Bulge.pdf Fifth Army at the Winter Line (15 November 1943-15 January 1944).pdf From the Volturno to the Winter Line (6 October-15 November 1943).pdf German Antiguerrilla Operations in the Balkans (1941-1944).pdf German Methods of Warfare in the Libyan Desert.pdf German Northern Theater of Operations 1940-1945.pdf German Report Series - German Defense Tactics Against Russian Breakthroughs.pdf German Report Series - Military Improvisations During the Russian Campaign.pdf German Report Series - Operations of Encircled Forces German Experiences in Russia.pdf German Report Series - Rear Area Security in Russia The Soviet Second Front Behind the German Lines.pdf German Report Series - The German Campaign in Poland September 1 to October 5 1939.pdf German Report Series - The German Campaign in Russia - Planning and Operations (1940 - 1942).pdf German Report Series - The German Campaigns in the Balkans (Spring 1941).pdf German Report series - Warfare in the Far North.pdf Guadalcanal The First Offensive.pdf Guam Operations of the 77th Division 21 July - 10 August 1944.pdf Handbook of the Italian Military Forces (August 3, 1943).pdf Handbook on German Military Forces (1 Sep 1943).pdf Handbook on German Military Forces 1945.pdf Handbook On Japanese Military Forces (October 1, 1944).pdf Moscow to Stalingrad Decision in the East.epub Moscow to Stalingrad Decision in the East.pdf Northwest Africa Seizing the Initiative in the West.pdf Okinawa The Last Battle.pdf Omaha Beachhead (6 June - 13 June 1944).pdf One Damn Thing After Another - The Adventures Of An Innocent Man Trapped Between Public Relations And The Axis.pdf One Man Air Force (1944).epub One Man Air Force (1944).pdf Riviera to the Rhine.pdf Salerno American Operations From The Beaches To The Volturno (9 September-6 October 1943).pdf Salerno to Cassino.pdf Shots Fired In Anger.pdf Small Unit Action In Vietnam Summer 1966.pdf SMALL UNIT ACTIONS DURING THE GERMAN CAMPAIGN IN RUSSIA.pdf St-Lo (7 July - 19 July 1944).pdf Stalingrad to Berlin the German Defeat in the East.epub Stalingrad to Berlin the German Defeat in the East.pdf Tally-Ho - Yankee in a Spitfire.epub Tally-Ho - Yankee in a Spitfire.pdf The Admiralties Operations of the 1st Cavalry Division, 29 February - 18 May 1944.pdf The Ardennes Battle of the Bulge.pdf The Capture of Makin (20-24 November 1943).pdf The German Armored Division (June 15, 1942).pdf The German Motorized Infantry Regiment (October 17, 1942).pdf The German Squad In Combat (December 25, 1943).pdf The Korean War - Restoring The Balance, 25 January - 8 July 1951.pdf The Korean War - The Chinese Intervention, November 1950 - 24 January 1951.pdf The Korean War - The Outbreak, 27 June - 15 September 1950.pdf The Korean War - The UN Offensive, 16 September - 2 November 1950.pdf The Korean War - Years of Stalemate, July 1951 - July 1953.pdf The Siege of Bastogne Pt 1 of 4 (1945).pdf The Siege of Bastogne Pt 2 of 4 (1945).pdf The Siege of Bastogne Pt 3 of 4 (1945).pdf The Siege of Bastogne Pt 4 of 4 (1945).pdf The Siegfried Line Campaign.pdf The Soviet Partisan Movement 1941-1944.pdf The United States Marines On Iwo Jima The Battle and the Flag Raisings.pdf The War Against Japan Pictorial Record.pdf They Have Seen the Elephant - Veterans Rememberabces 40th Anniversary of VE day.pdf They Never Had It So Good - History of the 350th BS.pdf Three Battles Arnaville Altuzzo and Schmidt.pdf To Bizerte With the II Corps, (23 April-13 May 1943).pdf To Wake Island And Beyond Reminiscences.pdf Up from Marseille - 781st Tank Battalion.pdf US Small Unit Actions.pdf Utah Beach to Cherbourg (6-27 June 1944).pdf War Against Germany and Italy Mediterranean and Adjacent Areas Pictorial Record.pdf War Against Germany Europe and Adjacent Areas.pdf You should be able to search for the titles. Thanks for sharing. -F
  23. Yes quite a bit more, at least from what I gather reading on the topic. Most CM 'battles' are kind of forced/compressed affairs with a lot more happening in a short space of time than what normally took place. Is why the casualty figures are usually on the high side compared to the real thing. Edit - if you're referring specifically to how long it took for one tank to engage another... then no, I don't think CM models that particularly differently than what might occur in 'real life' - again at least from what I've read (having absolutely zero personal experience on the topic). -F
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