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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. Thanks for the honesty. I was wondering beacuse my ideal campaign is one covering a set, specific unit from Normandy to the end of the war. I know this puts me in the minority you aren't catering to though.
  2. Is the Bulge game going to keep the previous units and TOEs from Normandy? I could see that being of interest if someone wants to do a "Overlord to the Rhine" type campaign. Which we can do now, thanks to the new campaign system.
  3. Does it begin with an ethnic group common to the area and end with "cruising"?
  4. It's pretty grotesque looking. Even then, it's mild. I personally don't have a problem with it.
  5. Mild NSFW. Hole through a guy's hand in there. That being said, I thought it presented task organization and his concept of operations in a very easy to understand (disregarding the accent) manner. Shame it didn't turn out so well.
  6. Easiest way to figure out how to make it is to just go into the scenario editor, export the blank briefing and work from there. In my opinion.
  7. I'm pretty sure they never promised or even implied a CMBB for CMx2.
  8. OP could've been taken either way. I hold out hope for more major enhancements to CMSF because (unlike 95% of the forum) I prefer the modern setting. So in that regard I'm biased. We try not to, but stuff happens. Picture taken during the second Thunder Run, 3-15 IN's mortar section.
  9. I didn't assume this thread was about CM:N.
  10. For the same reason it's better for you to have a dirty floor and be in the process of sweeping it when the sergeant/chief walks in then have a clean floor but be seen with your hands in your pockets. Also, personally I think movies and games have shown the American people an unrealistic level of SA. I pretty sure that volumes have been written on just how confusing and chaotic real combat is but people (even well-read ones) still just don't get it on a gut level.
  11. Never had a shamal (sp?) run into you?
  12. Don't knock increasing the size of your E-peen. Some people dedicate their lives to it. At any rate, this piece is like one of those shennigans where you get your buds to sit down and listen to your "funny" story, that meanders on and on without punchline for upwards of 10 minutes. I want those 10 minutes back.
  13. Just remember most people who play this game don't post here. I know at least four of my regular LAN opponents only through real life.
  14. Real time. Avoids a lot of issues, like pathfinding, that WeGo has or had.
  15. To support just how inaccurate RPGs even when wielded by experts. Slide taken from the AAR of the Force Recon Platoon of SPMAGTF Helmand. Over 100 RPGs fired, only two Humvees hit, only one of the two disabled. Zero casualties. And let me reiterate that these are people who have been fighting for around thirty years continuously. They have fired more RPGs at real targets than a career soldier in the Soviet/Russian Army has fired at practice targets. Yes, the enemy fires dozens of RPGs for every hit. And they generally need multiple hits, even on Humvees, to get a kill. It's been that way with the PG-7, PG-7VR and OG-7 hits we've recorded. None of them is reasonably effective at killing anything beyond a very unfortunate individual struck with them, the softest of soft vehicles (i.e. non-armored humvees) or their operator's when they expose themselves.
  16. For Mord, at least you tried, which is more than most people can say. For those who commented on their own experiences, you may be viewing things from rose-tinted glasses and seeing them as you wish, rather than has they were.
  17. I $trongly $u$pect certain rea$oning, but can't be $ure.
  18. All Spy units have FO capability when given BLUFOR mortars. Sweet. I must've missed them bringing out this feature.
  19. I realize I might sound like a moron asking this, but without a spotter, We'd need on-map mortars for that . At this point the only thing about asshats that surprises me is that I'm still surprised at what lengths they'll go to continue being asshats. I'm not at home right now, but I'll try to find it and figure out how it works.
  20. It was implemented before then, I remember playing 1.10 and having one of my Brads pump several TOWs into a building that just wouldn't stop sprouting uncons.
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