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Everything posted by Apocal

  1. I don't believe I've ever seen one with a non-working command link, but I may just not have enough experience with them.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but most scout/snipers aren't even parachute-qualified, let alone HALO, and the Wing doesn't have PAVE LOWs? At any rate, there was some SOF doing that, at least in the Army's sector. The results were pretty mixed. In some cases they were crucial in gathering intelligence, in others they were outright counter-productive, giving intel that was demonstrated false as conventional units entered "friendly" towns and encountered prepared ambushes. Not much (unclassified) has been written about it though, compared to the much more successful northern operations. I generally wouldn't use a wrench to drive nails either.
  3. Designated marksmen are members of their spquad/platoon first and foremost. They still move and fight as riflemen. Scout/snipers might ocassionally Not much room for dismounted snooping and pooping when you're advancing as fast as we were in OIF 1.
  4. It's even worse when you consider the Army has nine man squads, 2 teams with 1 SAW ea.
  5. Try watching infantry squads struck by RPGs. One or two casualties, but occassionally one guy routs.
  6. Isn't that what the yellow exclaimation point and "routing" status is used to indicate?
  7. Not that I've noticed. At the scale of CM, it's not exactly something you'd notice, you know?
  8. It might be a result of them simulating hte TOW's minimum range of 200 meters. I was firing at targets about 190-240m out and the further targets were getting smacked pretty much dead on.
  9. I'll join as soon as I get home tomorrow. There is also two CMSF Hamachi groups, but that is kind of... limited because of the 50 player max group size.
  10. I'm just looking for the raison d'etre for the hatches, protection from airbursting artillery while offering a higher degree of situational awareness when the forecast doesn't include steel rain.
  11. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF- Thank you. I kept futzing around with split squads. Should have known that was bound for failure with three equal teams.
  12. How exactly did you do it? I tried breaking down a squad, couldn't figure out the puzzle.
  13. With the additional men in the command element, they are missing one or two seats. Six men, plus seven in the machine gun squad. The rest of the vics would be able to fit, but there are only two seats left over after the rifle squads.
  14. I'm pretty sure if you click on the squad embarked and click on OPEN UP, they get down. It's just by default their are up in the hatches, using the machineguns. I agree. EDIT: Just checked on the Stryker AGs, I was wrong. Although I could have sworn one TF Thunder mission, the one with Strykers and Abrams where a preplanned barrage is coming down on the easy path, I got them to get in their hatches and stay in until the Strykers had rolled past the steel rain.
  15. Not a huge deal, but occassionally I've found it desireable to have infantry up and scanning for targets, especially in non-urban terrain. I know you can do it, the AG hatches on the Stryker are implemented (complete with pintle mounted MGs) and a rather nice feature I honestly wasn't expecting.
  16. The most immediate thing that comes to mind is the list someone came up with of new features they'd like to see in CM:N, close to half of which are already in CM:SF! Seriously, even if warfare ended in 1945 for you, just download the demo and play for a bit.
  17. I think you mixed up my first paragraph, where I was describing tactics for a hypothetical WW3, with the second, when I was describing what actually happened in ODS/OIF I. Other than that, right on. Troops in contact CAS (type I and II) the controller specifies a run-in heading, generally perpendicular to the troops closest to the target.
  18. I can only speak for myself, but I was playing against my friend the next room over and he was using that to exploit the hell out of my pee breaks :mad:
  19. Decreased range dispersion and staying out of the envelope of gun-based antiaircraft defenses are two other great reasons. The shallow, three degree attack angle of the early Hog was the result of breaking down Soviet air defenses and seeing that missiles constituted a greater threat than guns. So they were flying low (100-500ft AGL), below the effective envelope of SAMs, and using correspondingly shallow attack angles. Since we've proven pretty good at taming the SAM threat, the A-10s should be able to use high-altitude, high(er) angle dive attacks as they did historically in ODS and OIF I. That's true, but you figure a one second burst gives you sixty chances to get lucky. And the top of the rear deck, holding fuel tanks, exhausts, engine, etc. isn't greatly protected by any stretch of the imagination.
  20. Does the Commonwealth or any major NATO nations differ in this respect?
  21. This does not sound like victory to me. Another one going in the L column.
  22. Same bug as this one? http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=85546
  23. i R apukal, i r smurt lik rok! Thanks. Can't believe I missed that.
  24. You guys have a Cav troop in there (considering it's labelled "Rare" I assumed it was the 3rd ACR) it just doesn't have tank platoons in it. Roger that, I wasn't trying to complain, just wondering about this. It seemed like a super easy TO/E addition...
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